2017 Year In Review (Part 2)

"I experience these thoughts as uncharacteristic vitriol for a group that generally has used its differences to good effect. I don’t appreciate it in the slightest. Wish I could unread it."
This article is a broad based review (and critique) of the last year from an educated and grounded perspective. It is filled with facts, an incredible number of references, and clearly recognizable (and entertaining) opinions. If anything you should be grateful for the exposure, regardless of the prism or perspective you have on the subjects presented. It is difficult to believe that you found no educational value, insights, or reason to question your world view. Here's to the possibility that 2018 will be your year of enlightenment and a step towards open mindedness and spirited debate.

… and the document itself isn’t all that you imply. It rather compiles the list of options for our government to exert influence (that is, bully) towards US interests.
Nor is it accurate to say there is no reasoning given as to why – that is given in the first chapter or three. However, the reasoning is very light on logic, perhaps, allowing machiavellian principles to be defining ethical norms.
The opening few lines of the introduction are very insightful: (as close as I can remember) “… unlike other regimes which may fear or loathe the US, Iran has consistantly acted on its sentiment…”, which should cause a headsmack to anyone reading it.
Now, that said, it seems that your complaint would be better stated, “it appears that the regime change that is happening there is straight out of this book, which implies the strong possibility and circumstantial evidence that we are beginning horrors for eighty million people for no better reason than our own greed and persuit of power for power’s sake”.
Is that an accurate representation of your issue?

Michael wrote (in part):

it appears that the regime change that is happening [in Iran] there is straight out of this book, which implies the strong possibility and circumstantial evidence that we are beginning horrors for eighty million people....
That sounds right. I would add that it helps to look at the bio of the 6 primary authors. Who are they? And what faction is this that is so committed to destroying Iran? Why? (When the stated reasons sound virtuous and a bit weak on logic, suspect that the REAL reason is wearing a mask.) And how does this faction make "America" fight for its goals? How does this faction recruit non-member allies?

What a great job. As we all watch the year unfold the best we can do is to let go of our predisposed biases. Admitting it’s there is of course the first step yet it seems to elude the most educated. I applaud the honesty in all of your work. Up north, Jordan Peterson has paid a price for his truth. He speaks constantly of the alluring fact that all we all have to do is tell the truth. Your truth. We all digest and quantify the ‘facts’ as best we can. I found the vegas perspective very parallel with mine own. This type of stuf is just too much for most people, it seems, to actually start to swallow, much less digest. Thank you for this public breath of fresh air and sanity. There are many of us out here that are struggling with the actual facts and not even really watching tv anymore. The YouTube section was great too. I’ve watched that erode in particular this year as I use it for most late night information. Peer review is all I can swallow.

Thank you for your efforts, the help some of us know we are sane. -- Roan

What a great job. As we all watch the year unfold the best we can do is to let go of our predisposed biases. Admitting it’s there is of course the first step yet it seems to elude the most educated. I applaud the honesty in all of your work. Up north, Jordan Peterson has paid a price for his truth. He speaks constantly of the alluring fact that all we all have to do is tell the truth. Your truth. We all digest and quantify the ‘facts’ as best we can. I found the vegas perspective very parallel with mine own. This type of stuf is just too much for most people, it seems, to actually start to swallow, much less digest. Thank you for this public breath of fresh air and sanity. There are many of us out here that are struggling with the actual facts and not even really watching tv anymore. The YouTube section was great too. I’ve watched that erode in particular this year as I use it for most late night information. Peer review is all I can swallow.

Thank you for your efforts, the help some of us know we are sane. -- Roan

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