2022 Year in Review: All Roads Lead to Ukraine

5th Gen Warfare–an Organizing Meta-concept

Every so often a concept is put forward which is simple yet explains much larger phenomena. Natural selection. E=mc2. The emergent properties of groups. Supply and demand. Chaos theory. I believe this concept of 5th Gen Warfare is such a concept with the potential to reorganize our thinking.
Long have we at PP debated the difference between the red-pilled and the blue-pilled. (And I hear Dr Collum starting this piece with that same discussion.)

Fifth-generation warfare technologies have advanced to the point that when applied correctly, their very use has been concealed. 
The blue-pilled have not caught on yet that they are at war. The masking of the war is its great power. We talk about "conspiracy theorists," and that conspiracies are real. This whole concern is laid to rest with the understanding a 5th Gen War. They are waging war on us and hiding their actions well. We talk endlessly about "ignorance versus malice." And this is a basic tool of the 5th Gen War, hiding a calculated move behind the screen of ignorance. "Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. But three times is enemy action." Well, They are waging war on us. And the "spidey senses" of the red-pilled have come to KNOW that something is very very wrong. 5GW simplifies the understanding of what is happening. The policy does not make sense in the light of the scientific studies. Well, we are being lied to by trusted authorities who allied with an enemy. (And we cannot tell WHO that enemy is!). "The Attribution Problem." 5GW is an organizing principle for our internet connected world. When shit just doesn't make any sense at all, an enemy has made a move on the unsuspecting.