2022 Year in Review: All Roads Lead to Ukraine

Photo Reference Is Apparently Over My Head

I kept up with most of the article here, but the side by side photos taken at a wooden cabin (somewhere) featuring our good pal Epstein in one (?) and Queen Elizabeth (?) in the other have me stumped. Is there any background information? Are we to infer that they were taken at the same location but not at the same point in time (?).

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The Border Patrol Agent that responded and eventually took out the shooter, was assigned to BORTAC. BORTAC is the swat team for Border Patrol. At the time of the shooting, he was off-duty, at home. He lived 40 min away from the school. Ponder away…
BTW, thanks Chris and Dave. I love reading the YIR’s. Are you guys going to have another podcast this year? Last years was fantastic.


Oh, and it was my understanding that the Uvalde Police Dept., had Active Shooter Response training just a couple of weeks prior.

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Review Of The Year

Whether you agree with Dave or not he certainly makes you think - this and ‘In Gold We Trust’ are the best reports I’ve read in 2022.

Love Me Some Dave’s Year In Review

But I really loved Chris’ most recent comments on the FBI’s incestuous relationship with Twitter. Had me laughing out loud, things are so bad even Chris is given over to cussing fits! I’ve been posting this all over the place, so thought I should share with the family:
We’re in an information war and are being bombarded 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, everyfucking nanosecond with words, images and messages. It’s time to return fire. Here are 2 letters I’ve written my ‘representatives’ in the last couple of days:
To Who Ever is Running This Administration:
What is going to be done about the out of control FBI? Enough is enough. The American people are disgusted. The political corruption is really stinking up the place.
And this:
Mr. Scott: I’m writing to express my complete and utter outrage at what is happening in this country. Where to begin? I’ll start with the media because without a complicit press none of this would have happened.
But it all begins in the governing halls of the People’s Legislative Branch. Could the legislative branch have failed the American People more spectacularly? I think not. You and your ilk have handed the country over to the national-bio-techno-psycho-security state - a loooooong time ago - and yet this body of legislative wonders continues to offer up the few remaining morsels and crumbs of constitutional protections picked up off the putrid floors of the House and Senate.
Thanks for fucking nothing.
We need that Reagan repealed Fair Doctrine back like yesterday. We need to unwind what the FCC did during the Clinton Administration. We need to reinstate the Glass-Steigel Act. We need to power down the military and other arms of the national-bio-tech-psych-security sectors, as in stop funding the bastards, for Divine Christ’s Sake.
And what ever repealed bill that came out of that Church Investigation needs to be re-in-fucking-stated.
In case you haven’t got the memo, Americans are being killed and disabled at younger and younger ages and in alarming numbers - ALL ON YOUR WATCH. You should take note and then do something constructive to stop it or step the fuck down. Better late than never.
The one thing I learned in PR undergrad, when there’s bad news, tell it all and tell it fast. It’s way past time to come clean on the clot shots.
Merry fuckin’ Christmas America.
One pissed off American,
When it comes to the fire power of words, images and messaging, WE HAVE THE SUPERIOR FIRING POWER … IF WE USE IT!!!
TPTB need to hear from us loudly and frequently.


PS: the first letter is to the white house.

So how do you watch it? Forgive my ignorance…