38,000 Deaths! Big Pharma 'Mistakes' with Dr. Pierre Kory

There are a couple issues here. One is the argument from authority which is a logical fallacy. Anyone who says he’s right BECAUSE he’s an authority is committing a logical fallacy.
The other is what I call the problem of experts: how does an independent layperson process information from an expert?
In a medical context I have some knowledge about some things but am not an expert. When I need to, I consult a doctor and get his opinion. (That’s the same thing btw when I take the car to the mechanic.)
I don’t have enough knowledge to know confidently whether he’s right. I can ask questions and try to understand as best I can. I can get a second or third opinion. I can read up on the topic.
Realistically I can’t replicate a background in biology, pharmacy, and medicine with my own studies. But with focus on a specific issue I can learn quite a lot.
And yet there are debates among the experts and we amateurs have to choose without full understanding.
Take diet. There are very educated people with a wide range of opinion on what the proper diet is. How does one decide what to eat? If we blindly follow one doctor who do we pick? How does one rationally process the information without first becoming an expert?
We roll the dice. We’ve eaten what our parents told us to eat and survived. Our bodies can heal damage from poor diet, to a point.
An independent layperson could do some reading to see what diets are out there. Then look at results of studies. Then experiment on one’s own diet, trying things and tracking results.
I don’t have a full answer yet to the problem of experts but it is interesting to understand the issue.
There is a role for experts.
Clearly blind obedience to authority is not the right answer.

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you are quite mistaken. the norwalk juicer was developed by dr. norman walker and one of his patients thus it is called norwalk. you are also quite mistaken about norwalk juicers being manufactured by pure juicers. they are 2 completely separate companies. the norwalk is the original 2 stage juicer. the pure was developed by a person who copied the norwalk but made some improvements. please be more circumspect in the future about what you post. i own 2 norwalk juicers. i have had one for almost 40 years and it works just fine. the problem is if i need parts i have to get them machined specially. i have a newer model as well. the norwalk is recommended by the gerson institute for cancer treatment. both juicers are excellent machines which produce the finest juice possible. i also have a champion which i lend to people who need to juice for health reasons. it is a single stage. i can take the pulp from single stage juicers and get up to 30% more juice. the norwalk and pure also function as food processors that can gind flour and make nut butters. i also use it to make pesto.

the champion is a "masticating " single stage juicer. the norwalk is a 2 stage. it first triturates the produce then the produce is placed in a bag or pressing cloth. the bags/cloths are then put in a hydraulic press to extract the juice. the pulp is essentially devoid of nutrients, so much so that none of my local critters (rabbits, squirrels etc.) will touch it in my compost pile. the juice from the pure and the norwalk will keep for 4 days in tightly sealed jars w/o losing more than 1-2% of the nutrients. you cannot do that with a champion.
thus you can do a lot of juicing at one time and have good quality juice for 4-5 days. i recommend dr. norman walkers books on juicing. he has specific formulas for different ailments.

I suspect very few are in the know and are truly evil lets guess maybe a tenth of one percent. A few more that work for them suspect something but are under duress blackmail or threats the next level down is simply bought off and not aware of the real consequences… vaccine may not be really good but not bad either and hell it’s alot of money to keep your mouth shut. Next would be the stupid ignorant and egotistical or just plain complacent. Finally the die hard mass psychosis and the biggest group is just hoping their gut feel is wrong and don’t want here anything different plus they are trying to keep their career and paycheck and the final few like dr Kory has principles

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Okay - now it’s down again.

fred hampton was neutralized while in bed at home.

uh not in california where natuaral gas is being phased out in 50 cities and counties. https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-05-27/get-ready-for-electric-stoves-los-angeles-bans-natual-gas-in-most-new-homes

many of the so called journalists are members of the cfr. there cleared it up for you.

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the organizational chart was set with the roundtable group in london in 1909. it was founded by cecil rhodes of rhodes scholar fame. he was funded by the rothschilds and he cornered the diamond market. they way it is set up is in concentric circles. theinnermost circle determines policy. each successive outer circle knows less of the details. good analysis.

I think because biology isn’t a field of study that is mechanistic and fully understood, there are a wide rainge of approaches and philosophies to medicine. For example, the reductionist philosophy of modern western medicine contrasts with more traditional eastern approaches to health; and with native shamanistic rituals and beliefs from the Americas that worship plants. And each has merits. I think biology, especially medicine, is somewhat unique in that regard.
On the other hand, the science behind designing a pumping system for a mine doesn’t have much ambiguity or opportunity for incorporating different philosophies. It is what it is; much simpler with pretty much zero opportunity for debate. It’s fully deterministic and mechanical whereas biology isn’t.
But at the same time you don’t need to have any understanding of biology whatsoever to notice higher level observations that all-cause mortality, while understandably up in 2020 due to Covid, shot up even more in 2021 and 2022 after the vaccines were let loose to supposedly save the world; and that birth rates plunged, not 9 months after Covid ravaged the world, but a year later, 9 months after the vaccines were let loose; and that the Pfizer trials showed higher mortality in the vaccine group than placebo; and that these observations do not align with the messaging we are being hammered with that the vaccines are safe and effective.
These are higher level observations that don’t need to, and shouldn’t, defer to expert authority. In fact the opposite is true; the medical profession should be in deference to the average Joe Public who is making these straightorward observations of public health assertions in comparison with official public data. It would be akin to a layperson noticing that a parking garage designed by a structural engineer collapsed (this happenede years ago in BC). You don’t need any knowledge of engineering to observe that a parking garage collapsed; but you are still able to raise the question of how it was that the parking garage collapsed when it is supposed to be designed by a competent engineer; and why it is that the engineering profession is steadfastly insisting that the parking garage did not in fact collapse. Anyone can raise this question and should not receive dismissive responses from the medical profession.


Call For Testimonies

A woman created a website for France and Belgium about menstrual cycle problems due to the vax: http://www.ouestmoncycle.com/be/231657-2/#pll_switcher

What If This Is What They Are After.

Part of depop. plan. People hoping they will be spared from the New O. If we follow the W E… F It will line up with the agenda. I don’t believe Dr. F or any of the others took the Vax. There is a website that can be considered far out there. Behind every conspiracy theory is a grain of truth. Interview with Gideon - Part 2 - Oculum Labs This is very plausible. It makes sense why Gate is leaving $10,000,000 to each of his children. What scrupulous thing is he leaving the rest of his billion to?

Get The Word Out!

I just received my T- Shirt that reads “Medical Censorship Kills” on the front and FLCC on the back. I hope someone is curious!

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So you figure they got away with poisoning children with vaccines in 1991, autism takes off and no one “notices”, they saw they could literally get away with whatever the hell they wanted to. I am certain there are several side effects from the vaccines that go far beyond just autism.