A Case Study in Creating Community

Thanks for sharing your story of success in helping build your community awareness. Folks like you are making the difference! 

I like your fireside chats idea. Seems like a very simple and fun way to forge relationships. I would love to stop by one day and if I do a roady I’ll give you a jingle.


Well done, Sager!  I admire the courage and decisiveness you’ve shown in acting on your beliefs about our current unsustainable situation.  And I admire your steadfastness in creating the changes you wanted to make in your lifestyle.  It ain’t easy!!  So it is heartening to read your story, and to see that your hard efforts are paying off.  Nicely done!

How inspiring was THAT!?
Good on you Sager…


Top job, Sager…this was a rich.  Thanks for sharing and bearing your soul.
It’s really appreciated.  saludos, Joanne.

You are a truly unique fella. What can I say that hasn’t been said already?

Oh, I know, I NEED MORE COWBELL! (But more posts from you will be just as welcomed)


Unless you want delta V calculations or an RC plane designed from the ground up, I think you’re better off with a mechanic, electrician, or carpenter than my overspecialized a$$  

(Sorry, as a “rocket scientist” I couldn’t resist taking the bait!) 

Anyway keep up the great work.  Your community building skills at this stage in the game I think are more valuable than my “big ol’ engineering brain”

  • Nickbert


Excellent post! Lots of great ideas. I love that you have pointed out that friends do not necessarily equal community. It is easy to get lulled into complacence thinking that because one has several friends nearby one is all set community wise. Not so! First, one’s friends may not have all the skills a community needs. Second, unless one has seen them react in a crisis situation it is difficult to know how that will work out. A broader community base means that there are more likely to be people available to deal with different situations as they arise.
Thanks again.


 What a great article you wrote. Your writing style is captivating. I am moved by the amount of community joining of minds and hands and hearts that you have done. I always enjoy your  Daily Digest comments. This article was a great real life story. Keep it up. Much appreciated. Thanks !!

  • Tommy

Great post, Sager!  All it needed was more cowbell!  (Oh, right, it even had that…)
Thanks for sharing your very inspiring personal story.

Need a surgeon up there, Sager? You made it sound so good up there, I actually checked on hospitals in the area, but none are near enough for a comfortable commute, especially after peak oil. Guess I’ll hang in Iowa for now…

Excellent piece Sager!
You’re an inspiration.

Thank you.

Great Post. I too have suffered the “Doom Embargo” but my wife is slowly coming around. We’re on our way …

Nickbert:  baloney!  Any future community I’m a part of would be happy to have you, man!
Dr. Peters:  There’s a hospital right in Kingston (actually two), NY, and a bunch in Poughkeepsie (Vassar, etc.).  Either one is a 20-minute drive from where I live.  (A guy can dream, can’t he?)

Thanks again for the well-wishes, gang!  

And now to head over and check out Farmer Brown’s post about Aquaponics, etc…  And then to prepare for this month’s First Friday gathering (we put it off a week as we were up in the Adirondacks last weekend…).

VIVA – Sager

Thank you for writing this.  I am new to CM and this is my first response to something I have ready here.

This was a great read and has made me feel more confident in my belief that a major change is coming.  It is nice to know that I am not alone in this thinking and that there is a place and communtiy that feels and thinks the same way.

Keep up the great work


Hello Frnk
Welcome to the forums.  There is a lot of good information and interesting people here that you will enjoy.  Don’t be shy about sharing your thoughts.


Many thanks frnk!  Jump right in to the conversations we’re having around here.  There’s a wealth of information and a lot of very smart and helpful folks here!


SagerXX, I have got to say that your personal story of disconnecting from the matrix and replugging yourself into reality is a story many of us share around here, but more importantly it will serve to inspire those that are nervous about making those steps.

The only shortcoming and this is not a shortcoming at all because I know you might;ve included this piece if you had more space was the husband/wife dynamic. So many people struggle with dealing with their partners 'realizations' aand this prohibits them from moving beyond the 'talking about doing something' phase.


Thanks for this suggestion, man.  When I get a little time I'll start a thread on this.  Maybe "The Definitive 'My Spouse Thought I Was Crazy But Now She Can't Stop Talking About Raising Chickens' Thread"...


I like your fireside chats idea. Seems like a very simple and fun way to forge relationships. I would love to stop by one day and if I do a roady I'll give you a jingle.


Yeah -- if you're going to be in the area send me a PM!

I'd also loooove to hear stories of (a) other folks' community-building status [are you working on it, if so how's it going?], and (b) what things [like our First Fridays] have been helpful in that effort?  We all could use inspiration and ideas on this front...

Viva -- Sager


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There are several places that mention of this essay could go, but I felt since it mentioned community-building, it would be a good idea to put it here as well. (Cross-posted.)
The Strategic Advantages Of Community Building
Only nine years ago, a very modern and technologically savvy nation of people, nearly cannibalized itself. Those who survived and thrived did so through family aid and substantial existing wealth, or, the tactical building of communities for the purpose of mutual defense and alternative trade. Farmers armed themselves and formed regional groups along with security measures. City dwellers formed neighborhood watches and barter networks when the mainstream economy disappeared. The bottom line; lone wolves and isolated country families were nothing more than tempting targets at the onset of the breakdown in Argentina.



Nice dig, Poet. I read this over at ZH. Lots of good ideas in there.

Very much worth listening to.
The Key To Disaster Survival? Friends And Neighbors
"Because of his own experience in Katrina, Aldrich started thinking about how neighbors help one another during disasters. He decided to visit disaster sites around the world, looking for data.
"Aldrich’s findings show that ambulances and firetrucks and government aid are not the principal ways most people survive during - and recover after - a disaster. His data suggest that while official help is useful - in clearing the water and getting the power back on in a place such as New Orleans after Katrina, for example - government interventions cannot bring neighborhoods back, and most emergency responders take far too long to get to the scene of a disaster to save many lives. Rather, it is the personal ties among members of a community that determine survival during a disaster, and recovery in its aftermath.

"When Aldrich visited villages in India hit by the giant 2004 tsunami, he found that villagers who fared best after the disaster weren’t those with the most money, or the most power. They were people who knew lots of other people - the most socially connected individuals. In other words, if you want to predict who will do well after a disaster, you look for faces that keep showing up at all the weddings and funerals.
"‘Those individuals who had been more involved in local festivals, funerals and weddings, those were individuals who were tied into the community, they knew who to go to, they knew how to find someone who could help them get aid,’ Aldrich says."
