A Perfectly Sustainable World Is Within Our Grasp

What I can’t quite figure out is if they used Covid as a way to reduce population, then why are they on the other hand fervently promoting immigration to increase population to offset the otherwise naturally declining population of the west? They need growth to fill the new condo developments. It seems all they want is growth growth growth.

Nothing short of violent force will restore the kind of order and balance necessary for a sustainable reset. I’m not a advocate of using force against others, but I’m a huge fan of allowing people to suffer the consequences of their actions; which, in and of itself would lead to violence.

That has more to do with the erasing of western culture than it does population control. Classical liberalism and individualism and the private ownership of property must be curtailed or eradicated before they can begin a real culling.

The article is fine so far as it goes, but it leaves the most important question - the question of “HOW” - completely unaddressed. HOW do you get the world population to shrink fast enough, far enough, and yet peacefully enough?
Eugenics was a nice idea, as a basic idea; but an authoritarian, top-down implementation has been tried repeatedly and always ends in soul-crushing totalitarianism.
Also, while I don’t dispute that the system rigged to encourage concentrating wealth, evenly distributing wealth means - ipso facto - shooting productivity in the head.
Look, we need to talk about IQ; culture; and a lot of other things which circle around the question of “best practices”. Humanity needs a cultural and value change - an “upgrade” dare I say? - more than it needs a centrally planned solution which always comes down to psychopathic kings and politicians.
And at the heart of this it needs to get clear about what sustainable economic wealth actually is: production exceeding consumption in a sustainable fashion. It also needs to recognize that some people, and some cultures, encourage wealth creation and some just squander resources and “poke holes in the bottom of the boat”: feeling entitled to receive more than they produce through the whole of their lives.
If a system has limited resources shouldn’t those resources best concentrate under the control of those persons who make the most productive (sustainable, net wealth creating) use of them?
In the natural world, those animals who can’t sustain themselves on their own activity get their genetics extinguished. So this leads back to eugenics. How does humanity upgrade its IQ, its wisdom, its culture, and its sustainable (ecological) productivity? How do you draw those lines? How do you enforce them - especially in a culture which keeps confusing values, and productivity for racism? Discrimination is a really, really, really important and valuable human attribute – when it is properly applied.

Excellent first post. welcome.

I have posted this before but it seems appropriate to do so again. It is a quote I read many years ago and have never forgotten.
“Whether men soar to outer space
or dive to the bottom of the deepest ocean,
they will find themselves as they are,
unchanged, because they will not have forgotten themselves,
nor remembered to exercise the charity of forgiveness”

“Men are anxious to change their circumstances but are unwilling to change themselves. They, therefore, remain bound.” -James Allen

If China could not get it’s one child policy to work, good luck getting it to work on a global scale. The Easter Islanders saw first hand how close they were to the end, but they continued their destructive ways anyway. On a global scale everything that’s not in our face is an abstraction that can be easily ignored, until it can’t. Ecological collapse is the only way I see a population reduction happening.
Good luck getting it done at the local level and hoping it propagates globally. If Dunbar’s Number (150) is the optimum community size, there will be 2 million such communities here in the US that will be fighting for the remaining resources, especially water. If you live in a region with plentiful water, better get ready to cuddle up. If you can figure out how to survive in a Death Valley environment, move there and enjoy the relatively peaceful times.

Obviously, you use targeted diseases, which afflict the desired segments of the population, as you misdirect and confuse the population, and act to remove availability to any cures and effective therapy…by outlawing them…or making them as expensive as possible.
As you release your pathogens, manipulate your policies to enhance control over these populations and their political benefactors. With any luck, most of the targeted population will attribute their affliction upon God’s Will, those who do not can simply be ignored, until they become a problem…then simply smeared, charged, and disappeared.
Remember, there is no need to adapt the culling to preserve IQ, as it is well known those managing the Cull have sufficient IQ, either in themselves and families, or on retainer…and privy to any actual nucleotide serums required for their continued health.
Should the Culling speed need to be increased, one simply arranges to release more pathogens, or arranges for very targeted wars, which both advances the rate of death, but removes all hindrances to the desired control.
A few EMP satellites can be employed to great effect and easily blamed upon what Nation one dislikes the most, which is why it is so unimportant to one’s future vision.
The surviving powers continue to exist via mutual black-mailings and forced agreements, until some party displays some future weakness.
I think they are seeking a total population of about 500 million for the planet.
Evolution in Action

One’s attitude toward population control is of no concern, as the most effective population control method does not need the cooperation of the population being reduced, nor of that of their government.

There is one time proven way to decrease birth rates: educate women. The success of this method implies that the more women are educated, the more equal is their participation in culture and economy.

Thank you for the light bulb moment! Considering going to live in space as akin to going to live in Death Valley without supplemental water, produced a revelation for me.
After the die-off the spacemen and spacewomen may return. Those who qualify to go to space are healthy; high IQ; very productive; and very well-balanced in terms of EQ as gauged by the OCEAN model of personality traits. They are also, increasingly racially and culturally diverse. And they have been battle-tested.
So space becomes not so much a way to postpone the collapse of the human Ponzi but a way to make it acceptable. Then, if we could only figure out a way to take the collapse without warring, it becomes almost like a best practice…
This might explain why Elon Musk has suddenly decided to sell all his worldly possessions.

We evolved over millions of years on a 24 hour day. Our entire physiology is based on that. It may make living elsewhere impossible.

… parasitic human greed and ignorance are the enemies.
As for travelling to space -: I can think of few worse things than the selfishness & arrogance of inflicting the human mindset on other planets and/or life forms, before we’ve learned to stop shitting on our own doorstep. It’s a daft idea.
The reason that ants, bees and reptiles have been around for so much longer than humans is that they’re far, far better than us at living - cooperatively - within their means. That’s a damning indictment on us as the supposedly superior species on this planet.
The spread of humans

Having followed Guy for 10 years, I have never heard a good argument presented against his case, only name calling. I would love to hear what you folks have to say about the “predicament”. I don’t want to believe what he says, but still do.
Hi David, I have watched a few of Guys videos over the years and have a couple of problems with his message.

  1. He cherry picks data and draws conclusions based on extremes. An example is the melting of Arctic sea ice. He has been expecting it to disappear for the last several years (based on data from early in the 2010’s). However other analysts see our first ice free summer more likely in the 2025 to 2032 range - and another 10 years till Arctic ice free winters occur.
  2. He is a chronic catastrophist. Last I heard he was predicting human extinction by about 2026.
    Having said that I think he is more right than wrong. To use the ‘over the cliff’ metaphor I suspect the wheels of the bus called Human Civilization have well and truly left the ground. The consequences may unfold a little more slowly than Macpherson expects but the end result will be the same - and not just for climate reasons but all the other domains of mankinds stupidity discussed here at PP.
    The jury is still out as to whether humans will completely die off or whether a reduced number may squeeze through the 21st century keyhole that lies just ahead. Need to finish now and get to work

After I wrote the above post I read back through the thread and found that Mohammed Mast had made the same point. No one responded to him just as no one has responded to the several times I have made the point over the years on this site.
The question is why people seem to not want to discuss educating women. The success of that approach is demonstrable. Most of the best educated women on earth are in Europe and North America, both of which would have negative growth rates in the absence of immigration. What’s not to like? Do good by doing the right thing. Comments?

Doug (and MM) -
Just for the record, I think educating/empowering women worldwide is a critical and necessary step towards combating overpopulation. It’s also the right thing to do on moral/human rights/and quality of life dimensions, too, IMO.
Will it be sufficient on its own to bring the human population into balance with the planet? I strongly doubt it. As I wrote in my original post, there are just too many of us at this point.
But even though by itself it may be insufficient, it is still necessary. Chris and I talk a lot about the solutions we should start adopting if we want a better future. Individually, pretty much all of them fall into the “insufficient but necessary” bucket.
But combined together? That’s our best chance of getting to “sufficient”.
So I’m all in on educating and empowering women, on reproduction and all other matters.
girl's education on global population

I agree with Adam’s comment, but you know it’s all been said…many times over since I was a college Freshman in 1971. And there are a host of past and present programs aimed at it. Last I looked, progress was being made; I assume it’s continuing. Seems to me what you’re decrying is the lack of virtue signalling on PP comment streams - which is all such comments amount to.
The biggest obstacle I see blocking the road to women’s education/empowerment on a worldwide level it is now politically incorrect to mention. Inequality is not a major First World problem, but a “mop up operation” here. Yes, we need to keep moving forward, but a major impediment (perhaps the major impediment) - especially if we’re talking about the worldwide need to reduce population through women’s empowerment - is a particular religious perspective that as a matter of stringent faith discredits the full humanity/equality/rights of women.
IMO, the Western/Northern/First World feminist movement - including in the halls of power and among major media - has done the women of the countries where that religious attitude dominates a great disservice by taking a post-modern, multicultural, hands-off attitude. The movement attacks comparatively minor residual discrimination here as if it were a major obstacle while ignoring major roadblocks and cultural/attitudinal impediments where the few, brave women stepping forward at great personal risk are in desperate need of voices of support, and actions to back them up.

I figured out overpopulation about the time Chris Martenson was born. Never had kids, but found plenty of kids to love.

Who’s reproducing at prodigious rates while Westerners aren’t? (It’s not Clevon.) So who’s going to tell them to stop?