A Perfectly Sustainable World Is Within Our Grasp

And maybe the makers of this virus have lots of hydroxychloroquine etc. on hand…
I’ve heard it said that the elites plan to ride out the storm in New Zealand when everything goes to sh!t. It is interesting that New Zealand has also eradicated the virus… up until the other day when someone brought it in from the UK. Maybe their extra vigilant efforts there are not by accident.

I studied native American culture a bit in university and it seems that they were all killing each other just like the white man did. They at times took slaves from other groups too. The white man just had better weapons and methods than they did so the white man won. The Incas were pretty brutal. I don’t disagree with the beneficial connections that aboriginal cultures have with the world at large but if anything, their behavior in spite of this teaches us that xenophobia is hard wired into our social behavior and we are going to be fighting other groups forever.

Ision – it appears that at this point in time we do not share the same underlying assumptions. But that’s perfectly fine and not everyone believes the same things, or at the same time. If there were some more concrete, verifiable pieces of information to go with your statements (eg. Names, dates, places) then perhaps I would spend more time on this line of thinking. I would also observe that the efforts of those involved in these pathogen releases don’t seem to have been highly successful in meeting any concrete goal, whether population control or any other goal for their country/countries. But if there was concrete evidence of this I would probably also be interested in seeing a ‘Nürnberg Trial’ type of investigation as well.
In any case you’ve given me some things to think about – thanks for your comments!

Many sustainability groups pretend that it’s all a matter of fair distribution. We know exponential growth of consumption or wealth inequity is catastrophic. Unfortunately, the underlying driver of overpopulation is a taboo subject.
It’s definitely time to start the discussion and not to step back when we’re accused of being affluent white elites asking the poor to cut birth rates.
Keep up the good fight.

Adam, I have been following Chris Martenson since before Peak Prosperity was a thing, and greatly admire both of your work. I have pushed everyone I could to watch the Crash Course, and bought his book when it first came out. But I have never been able to bring myself to become a subscribing member of this forum. I suppose I should, just out of thanks for the work y’all do. I support a few online groups when there is absolutely no obligation to do so. When I think about it, there are two main reasons I haven’t done so.
The first is that I’m just not interested in the kind of material that seems to be available behind the paywall. I am not interested in investments, I am already as educated on farming/homesteading/alt energy/permaculture as I need be: my lack is in time, energy and motivation. I had my fill of consciousness work way back in the 70s and early 80s. When I look over at the summary of the Part II of this post, for instance, as is usual I do not see anything that seems to add to what we have, but what looks way too much like New Age/Human Potential Movement mish-mash I was so deeply immersed in during back in the day, and which came to have little value to me. I’m not blaming; I honestly don’t know what else you could follow this post with. There isn’t much I disagree with, but what in the world are we left with? No deliberate, organized, cooperative act of humans is going to bring the population down to where you and I think it should be. Back to that old predicament thing. Find peace for myself? Sure, but I’ve been working on that for a while.
The other thing about this forum that is a turn-off to me is the lack of oversight exercised over the discussions. I know, it’s a conundrum. Exercise too much control, and it kills the free flow of ideas, as well as making many think you are treating them unfairly. But it is a feature of this medium that when you begin discussing the sort of topics you discuss, that it brings out the crackpots. And that can shut down honest inquiry just as effectively.
Oh, who am I to judge that? Well, no one, but I know a crackpot when I see one, and you do, too. I received a decent primary and secondary education in a cultural backwater during the 1960s that, despite some really horrible social inequities, gave me the tools to read with discernment, and to judge sources. Is there a “mainstream” narrative that excludes some very important and necessary perspectives, and that tends to protect entrenched interests? Yes, anyone who studies history, current events, and has a background in any rigorous field will know this. But it does not follow from that observation that evil “deep state” one-worlders are using deliberately manufactured, intentionally released, diseases, lying about resources, or cooking up environmental data as a cover for taking our wealth, enslaving us, or killing us all. Just to name a few. Of course, I dare not call them “CT” because that would just make me a tool of the evil overlords.
Yeah, I see people with various political agendas making terrible blunders with public policy. Hate Trump? Then you MUST hate the drug he recommended, even though whether he says anything or not is almost random. Hate Democrats? Then masks are a plot to enslave us all.
Would that some of those things were the case, then we would have something besides our own human nature to work against, a much less difficult prospect.
Well there’s more to say, but I really don’t want to rant on. I do thank you for the content you provide, and I am trying to convince myself to be more than a freeloader. Can you give me a reason I should?

Mohammed M (and others) perhaps you would be interested in this view of how we have come to think in the West, the mechanistic subordinating the holistic. Left hemisphere of the brain insists on what it already knows, right hemisphere intuits reality more broadly, including what could be but is not yet. McGilchrist thinks our culture is too left-brained.
This one is quite a bit more heady - but it ends with the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam - repair of the world.

As I suspected this thing was going nowhere. We have so many real issues to resolve in the next couple of years, hell, immediately that this subject could have waited to be discussed. Honestly, very depressing. To achieve 750 million people from 7.5 billion will take a nuclear holocausts and then what does it matter. It’s a subject that won’t even be considered because like Truman, there is only one real solution or have Fauci create something from his prison cell that will do the trick including cleaning up the waste. Fauci won’t do one minute of time put away. Peace

Food is what limits any population, plant, insect or animal. We grow until we can’t. Our food comes from our habitat. How’s that doing? Imagine getting all your food without the use of any fuel, like all the other species do right now.

Yes. Good finds.
As the Hopi say Koyaanisqatsi.

You can read about the segment of highly educated women having large families here. This is concening the USA, but Jews are even more extreme, with PhD women cranking out double-digits.
This is, of course, predictable via basic Darwinian logic. The vast, vast majority of individuals (of every species) will watch their genetics go extinct. IOW, everyone alive today is the merely progeny of the lucky lotto winners. 99.9% of genetics slowly go extinct.
So: large swaths of women may restrict their birth rates, and for whatever reason, but this won’t do anything to our overall population, as some segments are still going to have large families to fill the gaps left behind by those not breeding. Note the growth of militant Muslims in just the last 50 years, it’s crazy. A primary skill they have? Traditional family roles for women. Note it wasn’t that they did anything different; they just filled the gap left behind by Occidental women who were not breeding by choice.
Basically, the only ones who matter in this game are those who have >2.1 children over 3 generations. Everyone else (for example, all those highly educated women who don’t breed for whatever reason) are merely not “fit” to pass on their genetics over the centuries and thus their genetics vanish. They won’t be missed. But what will happen over time is Darwinian theory shows SOME educated women will figure out how to breed, and that will spread, while those who don’t will vanish. It’s really not that hard.



Once the masses accept that we have limited resources and it becomes generally understood that we can’t actually grow our population indefinitely (if that realisation ever happens), then it wouldn’t be too hard for TPTB to do some social engineering (like they already do with shaping what opinions we should have), and make it socially shameful to have more than 2 children. I don’t see changing this public attitude as un-feasible to achieve at all, with some expected resistance from religious groups which in the grand scheme of things should be fairly minor.
Once it becomes acceptable to socially shame people with more than 2 children, it then becomes socially acceptable to cut off the extra government support for such people. In a wealth taxation system rather than an income tax system, welfare support would be greatly diminished because it wouldn’t be needed so much. Instead, people would need to go get a job to get by, and there would be lots of jobs. Being cut off from extra welfare would be increasingly financially uncomfortable for parents, with each additional child increasing the discomfort. On the other hand, if you are an evolutionarily “fit” person you will likely be able to make more money and accumulate more wealth to better support extra children, so you would be contributing to improving the gene pool.
The freeloading people would then probably start taking family planning more seriously and selection pressures would revert back towards what they are in wild populations where the fittest survive the best. This would have the unfortunate side effect of punishing the children of these freeloading people, which doesn’t seem fair. But I see no way of preventing the freeloaders from pushing out everyone else’s genes from the pool.
Socially, I don’t see any reason why that wouldn’t work. It simply means trimming back the Nanny State and switching to a wealth tax system. It all comes down to what our “leaders” prioritise – if they actually want to reduce population in a humane way.

There are so many secrets we need to uncover first, before these ideas of population reduction or ‘peak’ anything (even general/worldwide prosperity).
If anything, we need MORE free, intelligent, starseeds that cannot be mind-controlled, not less. That’s already the main reason for or cause of the exponential population growth (souls checking out the big 5D shift this planet is undergoing), and the reason why the global elitists, currently mainly via the big pharma cartel, want to depopulate using various techniques/tools including vaccination programs (injecting BBB-free children with toxins so that they won’t reproduce).
Resources are only limited on a finite planet until you realize you can tap into the Source of infinite abundance within you, so that you, and each human soul, will synchronously pair with whatever resources it needs at any given time.
Besides, white reproduction rates have already been tanking for a while; good luck convincing the Muslims to intelligently curb their population growth!
SSP whistleblowers say we, or a subset of humans, already covertly colonized Mars and have been mining the inner Solar System at least up to the asteroid belt (formerly Maldek) and Ceres. Not for any resources shared with us of course, and that’s why some are hoping the new Space Force will allow the beginning of disclosure of these covert programs and secretly developed technologies going way beyond primitive fossil-based propulsion tech.

This racist, elitist article just killed my Peak Prosperity subscription.
This sort of nonsense is promoting worse than bare chattel slavery in placing an arbitrary “lesser” value on other humans’ experience of life and at the same time suggesting that the undesireables/chattels ought to have no autonomous right to self-determination toward the next generation. Based on what? Based on your dogmatic belief that the planet can sustain some limited number of people? And you know this because history has proven it? Or because some god has revealed it? Or because some computer model has suggested it?
What arrogance.

even though the “elites” did and still do their best to ignore it. Read a few of the books on this list and you might change your mind. While you don’t need to agree with the ideas in all of them – or any of them for that matter – the contents might provide a perspective that is enlightening. They certainly aided me over the past 2-3 decades in making sense of the finite world. Based on your comment you might want to focus on books that address systems.
