A Primer For Those Considering Expatriation

Now that we have had a “Primer for Expatriation” a post for the wealthy, well connected and the minority, how about a post for the rest(majority) of society?
In the recent past a family could survive on one income. Then, family life required two incomes to be on par with families of the past. NOW many families have become three and four income families… just to survive!
Sooooo, I am looking forward to something for the rest of us:)
Cranky Granny

Over the last few months anonymous donors have stepped forward to pay outstanding balances for kids who are on reduced school lunch plans.In some towns,as many as 80%qualify.Both parents work.I looked further and found 70%of kids in Rhode Island qualify.If you live in coastal military towns,the same applies.Things are not as they seem.Talk about VERY SAD!

My objective is to remind the very well-to-do who read this site that their reality is very, very different from the rest of us. Society couldn’t miss the long bread lines in the Great Depression but today’s pain is hidden. As you so aptly point out.
Perhaps EBT cards and legalized pot help hide the pain?

My objective is to remind the very well-to-do who read this site that their reality is very, very different from the rest of us. Society couldn’t miss the long bread lines in the Great Depression but today’s pain is hidden. As you so aptly point out.
Yes the stats bear out everything you say. Stagnant wages for 20 years: jobs sent off to China, wages debased by waves of migrants coming in with no education but a great will to work, shockingly expensive healthcare, a poisoned food supply, usury-level payday loans, predatory bank fees that only get charged to poor people, the system as it exists now really does stack the deck. So now that (I, for one) agree with you about the situation, and I also agree that this is not my reality (software work still pays well, at least for now), what's the next step? Is there a next step? Is "reminding the very-well-to-do people" all you are really looking for?