A Real Problem: The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine

Thanks Mike!

How is it that the CDC can pretend that vaccines can’t cause autism? CDC has conducted exactly one study, of the MMR vaccine. Turned out it was significant for young black boys. So CDC found a way to eliminate enough of those participants so that the effect was no longer significant. (CDC only kept in the program African American boys for whom there was a birth certificate. There was actually no question about those who didn’t have a certificate but it was an excuse to rule them out.) Then CDC required all the in-house researchers to shred the raw data. One senior scientist refused in secret and is the whistleblower featured in the movie VAXXED.
Through a federal litigation proceeding, Del Bigtree forced HHS to provide a list of the studies which were the basis for FDA’s final approval of each of the childhood vaccines. After a year carefully reviewing each of those published studies, Del’s group confirmed that zero had true placebo controls. The controls were always a stated assumption that the control was inert even though it was known to be toxic (like the aluminum adjuvants minus the antigen) or had never been proven to be safe (like an older vaccine). It was all assumptions built on assumptions.

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Mask Studies?

Wasn’t there a comment regarding mask studies which included one from the CATO Institute? Looking for a comprehensive summary on Masks? I thought it was here. Thanks

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