Alert! Inflation & Shortages at Critical Levels

Bought a pair of Birkenstock tennis shoes this week. Store had a sign by their Birkenstocks apologizing for the tight supply. For the shoes I wanted, if i wanted a different color or size outside of what they currently had in stock, I would have to wait until mid 2022. Wow. Store clerk said they could not even order at this time. Looking online, it also appears the supply is tight as well.

I am looking to buy a harvest right freeze drier with an oil free pump over the weekend from the farm and fleet. Anyone here have any opinions on them?

Arthur, thanks for that video link. It explains why the former head of Australia Post was hounded out of office over a trivial matter, trivial but politically highly expedient. Like so many others I had read the reports but not enough of the background.
Good luck to the Citizens’ Party. I’ve never heard of them, but they’re small and based in Melbourne, so it’s no surprise. We have an increasingly dictatorial federal government which is taking this country in a most alarming direction. It’s just signed up to a “free” trade deal with the UK, in which AFAIK it’s possible for corporations to sue governments. Sigh, this old agenda. Remember the MAI?
As to jars and lids for preserving, Australia once had a thriving glassware manufacturing industry. Now we get all our glass jars from China. A deep pantry would necessarily require large stocks of glass jars just in case China finally gets tired of Australia and our precarious supply chains are cut off.

I believe that this situation is as Chris says a predicament, not a problem. The Fed may be thinking that they can up with a “solution”, unlikely as getting a parachute AFTER jumping out of the plane is not an option.

I’ve wanted one for years! Wished I bought it then when they were $500 cheaper! My farmer friend has one and she highly recommends it. She even freeze dried goats milk. I’ve also eaten some of what she’s dried- she dries everything! It’s amazing!

I bought this a few weeks ago… at the Amish store I mentioned above. I would have preferred the upgraded oil using pump (change oil less often) but that’s what they had in stock. Changing the oil is easy, and their filter is a simple, ingenous design that uses coffee filters. The system is easy to operate and I’ve had good results so far (7 batches) unless food was pre-frozen too thick. Pulls an impressive vacuum! I used vacuum pumps a lot during my research career. I wish there was a water trap between the unit and pump, and might rig up one for myself. The downside to that is that it would be an added complication and one more opportunity for vacuum leak. It’s loud enough that I’m glad it’s in a distant spare bedroom, not next to the living room. That room gets hot if the weather is hot (we don’t run AC much). I’ve learned a lot from a FB group “A Better Freeze Drying Group for the Harvest Right”…

Another shout-out to recommend the Excalibur dehydrator. It makes wonderful yogurt, as well as dried veggies, leathers and jerky. Seasoned Lacinato kale chips will rock your world. But the dehydrator is only the first component to preserving the harvest this way; you also need a vacuum sealer and reliable quality plastic and Mylar bags, plus those little oxygen absorbers if you’re aiming for a 20-to-30-year shelf life. So definitely a few start-up costs. I recently opened some veggies I dehydrated in 2009, and they were still serviceable in a rich curry.
I also have the Country Living grain mill, a true workhorse that will probably outlive my grandchildren. Freshly-milled and baked bread will be at the forefront of my bartering scheme if life tanks around me. Also soap.
I’d love to know what other folks hope to trade locally if community resources grow scarce. Best wishes

I live on Maui, about 2000 ft elevation (on the slope of 13,000’ high Mt. Haleakala). I plan on dehydrating fruits (lychee, mango, papaya, breadfruit, rambutan, lemons, limes, pomelo, etc.). Can trade uphill for various meat taken by hunters (pig, cow, axis deer) and fruits and veggies that won’t grow where we are (greens, avocados, etc.), and we can trade downhill for things that grow better in warmer/wetter areas (kalo, cassava, bananas) and for fish that people are either catching on rods or spearfishing. In addition I’ll be making ionic silver and getting a friend to go professional with his still making moonshine (for the obvious purpose, plus for making medicinal tinctures from healing plants).
Gonna be busy!
VIVA – Sager

Hi Chris,
I was interested to hear that you think it’s now more likely we skip the ‘Ka’ (deflationary bust) and go straight to the ‘Poom’ (inflationary melt up).
Stan Druckenmiller said that the surest way to create a deflationary bust is to blow asset bubbles and have them pop. Given that we’re now in the unprecedented Everything Bubble, don’t you think that is too big for the Fed (et al) to prevent bursting, much as they might try?
Thanks, E

I got a Gourmia dehydrator a year or two ago. About half the price of Excalibur as I recall. Does fine. Not much to them really, just a metal box with a slide off door and slots for trays (mine fits 9- glad I didn’t go smaller), a fan mounted in back surrounded by an a heat element, and vent slots for air escape and inflow.
If I don’t want any heat, just air circulation via fan only, I remove the back cover and temporarily disconnect the lead wire to the heat element. Easy peezy
Sun dried tomatoes, dried morel mushrooms? Hot sun and outdoor natural airflow does the job just fine, too.

I’d also be interested to hear your take on Lacy Hunt’s view that structural deflationary forces remain in place (including poor demographics, high debt levels and slower growth) and so he expects this inflation to be transitory.
(He also makes a point about the Federal Reserve QE not being inflationary in it’s current format, but I don’t entirely understand this point. Perhaps you could shed some light. Thanks!)

Hopefully they still have the unit I want at the farm and fleet this weekend! Fingers crossed!

Another report of another network/computer/website glitch:
It appears Cyber-polygon has been deployed:
I’ve noticed something about all these war-gaming/simulations stunts. Sometimes the simulation is done before the actual event (think Dark Winter and anthrax/Covid19), sometimes the simulation occurs during the actual event (think 911/777 london bombing), and now we have the ‘events’ occurring before the simulation (think cyber-polygon).
As for Covid and the vaccine roll out, get a load of this shit:
Unbelievably, these bastards simulated how they’re going to react to the public’s, particularly parents’, perceptions that the vaccines caused harm - from an experimental vaccination program in reaction to the “SPARS” pandemic. (Drop the “PR” and whaddayagot?)
Should they glorify the public’s sacrifice or commiserate with the public’s grief?
Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Hhmmmm, ever wonder what traps heat?
Well this film will educate you on what traps heat:
The Dimming is produced by Dane Wigington, from:
The film is an updated and excellent documentation of our governments ongoing weather manipulation experiments beginning in the 40’s, all under the guise of national security and of course partnered up with private industry.
It really makes ya wonder if aliens are in charge after all.

Where did you find your NAC? I am having a very hard time finding it.

Hladini, thanks for raising this video! I knew things were up and of course I heard about chemtrails. But this knowledge really scares me.
I can think of only 3 possible options and they are all equally terrifying:

  1. They do this with the best of intentions, but are too stupid to understand the consequences.
  2. They are pure evil and only care about power, war and destruction.
  3. They know of even bigger threats coming our way and have made the decision to choose the least harmful option. In doing so, a conscious decision is made to sacrifice many lives in order to save more lives.
    Any of these options are scary. It also shows the enormous power we are dealing with. It’s very intimidating.

I found some on Ebay.

Seems to be a good supply at allstarhealth dot com

David - still has some. I bought 4 bottles when I first heard the news.

Thanks for the suggestion. I just ordered from them.