America is Being Looted

Sam, for what its worth, I though C1oudfire was only being witty, not provocative.

You’re right, Dogs. But it’s not just you and Strabes who lose out. It’s all of us. And I have no doubt that you ARE in fact being sincere. I’m sure if you just wanted to chase Strabes off you would have said "good riddance." I realize you speak only for yourself, but it’s easy to see how Strabes could feel that he’s not welcome here anymore. So not only do we stand to lose the valuable dialog between the two of you, we could lose Strabes, altogether.

I suppose it’s easier for me to be generous, because I generally agree with Strabes, where as he and you tend to clash vigorously on the issue that is the biggest sore spot for you. But I really think you’re misreading him.  Strabes has only one speed - flat out. He’s like Pete Rose, sprinting to 1st base after drawing a walk. He’s completely unfiltered and direct, - that’s just his style. But I really think that’s all it is. I don’t get a sense of ego or malice, ever.

Perhaps in his frustration at what he perceives as recalcitrance on the part of others he has been a bit overly exuberant lately, but as much as it must tax your patience, I’d wish you’d consider bending even a little more. I, for one will not be holding you to your pronouncement. And if Strabes does (which I doubt) I’ll be the first to cry foul.





Nicely stated, Greg, every bit of it. It is regularly surprising to me, given the obvious intelligence of most of the regular respondents on these forums, how frequently we fail the simple test of "getting along". Hell, if I held a grudge against everyone who has disagreed with me or slighted me, I’d be very, very alone.

You are all smarter than this! Find a way to disagree without laying the gauntlet down every few days!

Greg, Doc,
Nice having you guys on board. Doc, I’ve seen you handle some harsh comments in stride and diffuse a fight or 2 that most of us, myself included would have engaged in. Genetic flaw that I have that I assume skipped by your parents.

Greg, I’m on to Joe too. Took me longer than you, but I’m catching up.

I don’t have the posting background that allows me to achieve the higher ground like you on stopping the nonsense, so I’m glad you guys went there for us. Collectively, we seem to have spoiled a strong post by Dr. Martenson in a futile effort to move the immovable object.



Sam, you’re right about resignation.  I forgot about that simple option (I’m not positive if it’s available to officers in the middle of a deployment though).  I can’t figure out why more people haven’t done it.  Or maybe they have without making any public commotion about it, and we just keep filling the empty posts with new hungry guys coming up the chain.  Don’t know.  
But I wonder if good people resigning can solve the larger problem or if it just makes it worse because the people who would resist some unconstitutional operations are then gone.  It’s sort of like if all the good people just leave the US.  Is that a solution?  I’m starting to think perhaps it’s the only one that works on an individual basis.  We can’t escape economic turmoil, but we can escape a coming police state…I’m still waiting for more positive evidence whether it’s coming to the degree that some are saying or not.  All I’m pointing out in the above post is that the infrastructure is in place to pull it off it they decide to.  I don’t know whether they’ll decide to or not. Given that criminals (again, criminals "loot" as CM titled this post) are running the show, I’m suspicious.


(I'm not positive if it's available to officers in the middle of a deployment though)
I doubt it - the military is funny about officers just walking off the battlefield when they don't want to "play" any more. 

I can understand the dilemma you raise. To stay in puts you in the position of doing things you are against. To get out removes you from the position of being able to influence things from within.

Personally, I think personal honor should drive one to resign if one sees the corruption within. However, while I agree that this leaves the criminals in charge, I think TPTB would purge the ranks anyway, before taking the big leap, to ensure the military doesn’t turn against them.

It’s at that point that we see the rubber hit the road. Will the generals and admirals adhere to their oath and refuse to turn against the civilian population? One can only hope.

I think we both agree on one thing out of all this discussion. We are on the same side when it comes to our concerns about what is going on in Washington. Like you, I fear for my country.

[eta] I would discourage you and everyone else thinking of leaving this country from doing so. If you truly love this country, stay and fight for it. If a second revolution becomes necessary, we will need all the experience we can get.

I think it’s time we started a Tribunal Thread where we can try feisty posters for Crimes Against the Site.  For those who can’t see me smiling, this is a joke . . .  this is only a joke . . .

well cloudfire you had ME laughing, and I don’t do that often these days…  How about crimes against humility…?

Hehe … . .Glad to oblige, and  that’s a good one, too, though, as at the international level, we might be hard-pressed to find someone to "throw the first stone", as we’re a strong-willed lot, and most of us would end up in the penality box now and then.  Still, it certainly has a ring to it . . .


No, I suffer from the same flaw, whether genetic or otherwise. I used to be the first to enter the fray, and the last to give up the fight, even if it meant that I ended up falling on my own sword. It has only been a fairly recent development that I have learned to overcome my natural tendency. Its not easy, sometimes, but I find I sleep better when I let things slide, and don’t spend precious time and energy ruminating on issues that I am unable to change. Rather like the serenity prayer, I suppose.


The trouble is, you’re about the only one doing that. The rest of us seem to have taken that old tongue-in-cheek marriage advice, seriously.

"Never go to bed angry. … Stay up all night and fight!"

Oh well …



I just read an article by Deepcaster on Financial Sense that pays Chris and the article he posted here a nice compliment.  Deepcaster’s article  is entitled  "Prevailing Despite the Outrages - A Strategy", and is at  Way to go, Chris!!  Here’s an excerpt (I added the bolding to the type):

"...Frank Rich in the New York Times writes:

“Lawrence Summers, the president’s chief economic adviser, made $5.2 million in 2008 from a hedge fund, D. E. Shaw, for a one-day-a-week job. He also earned $2.7 million in speaking fees from the likes of Citigroup and Goldman Sachs.

Those institutions are not merely the beneficiaries of taxpayers’ bailouts since the crash. They also benefited during the boom from government favors: the Wall Street deregulation that both Summers and Robert Rubin, his mentor and predecessor as Treasury secretary, championed in the Clinton administration.” [http://www.nytimes.com2009412opinion12rich.html?_r=2&th&emc=th]

And as Chris Martenson in his superb article “America is Being Looted” quotes and notes: 

“Rahm Emanuel, the current White House Chief of Staff, comes similarly burdened:

…the banking industry recently paid Rahm Emanuel $16 million for about two years of work. That investment was recently paid back when, as President Obama's chief of staff, Emanuel led the January campaign to release another $350 billion in bank bailout funds.” [http://http:/]

But it goes deeper than that. Rahm Emanuel also took what I consider to be a lot of money serving on the board of Freddie Mac, a company that is certain to cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars.

Before its portfolio of bad loans helped trigger the current housing crisis, mortgage giant Freddie Mac was the focus of a major accounting scandal that led to a management shake-up, huge fines and scalding condemnation of passive directors by a top federal regulator.

One of those allegedly asleep-at-the-switch board members was Chicago's Rahm Emanuel—now chief of staff to President Barack Obama—who made at least $320,000 for a 14-month stint at Freddie Mac that required little effort.” [,0,5682373.story]

[] Chris Martenson, April 14, 2009"



Indeed . . . Way to go!  I find my self thinking that Chris has "found his voice",  This article has resonated with people more than any other single essay that I can recall.  I feel a groundswell building. . . . . .

judge: how do you plead you no good reprobate constitutional extremist, arrogant abrasive poster.,
joe: well your honor thanks for all the compliments. i guess i have to plead guilty on all counts.

judge: well i will have to sentence you to be stoned by the other posters on thsi site.

joe: i accept my sentence your honor but i am already stoned

Yes, Joe, but who’s going to throw the first stone?  We’ll have trouble finding anyone who hasn’t been guilty of Crimes Against the Site, or at least Crimes Against Humility (H/T Damn the Matrix).

"Greg, I’m on to Joe too. Took me longer than you, but I’m catching up."
lol ready you need to change your name…you are in no way on to me …you might as well try to catch the wind.

[Ed. note: Removed silly nonsense]

sam and dogs etal
my hats off to you (thanks for the remider sam) we are on the same side. some are more passionate than others but we will need each other in the foxholes pretty soon.

damn i hate this blue color it is turning me into an old softie…bring back the red (the color of insanity)

ok sam that’s it i am now going back into abrasive mode.

actually i am going out to dig my 14" trench for my asparagus. i just picked up a load of black gold compost this morning and the shovel is playing my song

as mister zimmerman once said " everybody must get stoned"

But it might be better to stay away from the keyboard when you are, Joe. 

 lol ready you need to change your name…you are in no way on to me …you might as well try to catch the wind.

 if you know what 2222 means you will win the grand prize 



Don’t fall for the old disinformation trick. The answer is right in front of you. 

Joe is just too too too too much!


PS: I think he’s feeling the heat

now you might be on to me greg so what is the answer. hint it is not too too, too, too but like with most things they are right in front of you
damn right i am feeling the heat i just dug a 100’ trench for my asparagus and came in  for lunch and to see who i could disinform