An Exclusive Interview with Pop Culture Phenom Zuby

Only the “West” is dying.
Because the “Cabal” of eternal Globalist parasites are sucking it dry!
They are dispossessing and replacing the founding nations peoples with hostile and resentful and alien people’s that are antithetical to their own values and own cultures.
“They” have infiltrated all of the institutions of power and control all political parties and “leaders” with their fiat currency all “printed out of thin air” with their fractional reserve system and mass media and five eyes surveillance operations worldwide.
There is no voting our way out of their planned planetary prison and enslavement of all of the people’s of the earth.
It will take something far more drastic and it will require courage and commitment.
Freedom or Tyranny?
Only you can decide what you will choose for yourself or your descendants, if any.


Bitcoin fixes this.


Quotes to make you hmmmmm…:
In a democracy, people write the contract together. That happens in a political process,’ he says in conversation with Follow the Money. ‘But because blockchain is built in formal logic, there is no way to modify it. It is a house of cards, with no real possibility to intervene. So we’re going to trap ourselves in an immutable social contract.’
So although the technology works in a decentralized way, ironically the power is completely centralized: 'The central power of blockchain is exactly that contract, or whoever ever drew up that contract
Blockchain is the Trojan horse. It pretends to be a convenient tool for our often fear- and distrust-based needs, but from within it eats the life out of a democracy and rule of law. Those are big words, and a single blockchain implementation surely won’t have such devastating effects. But the architecture of blockchain brings with it these effects, especially when deployed on a large scale in the conduct of public affairs.


after all gets said and done, more gets said than done


Maybe interview Denzel Washington soon?


This is a fascinating blog thread, as there are entries from many countries around the world:
Eugyppius containment-across-the-world-reader


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Talk about cultural — and generational — divides! As a philosopher he is impressive. As a musician I have no idea. I suspect his kind of music would not appeal.

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At the cinema last night was an ad saying if you don’t get vaxed then no more cinema, no visiting pubs, clubs or restaurants, sports arena etc No mention of getting vaxed to protect against disease, which is the usual reason for vaccinations. So what is the real agenda! Zuby, I agree people suffered vastly more in WW2 but if we lose the battle then the outcome could be more sinister with eg Klaus Schwabe’s Global Reset. As Dostoeivsky said, without God then one is in danger of drifting towards satanism, as there is no retribution, starting off with idolatry of self or others


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Thank you for the insight Arthur - are you able to explain more?

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That’s really a true meeting of the minds! Thanks for the insights.
poppy playtime