Analyzing the Obama Plan

He lives!

Hi Mike,

This is something I’ve looked into for a very long time (over 20 years). The answer depends on what it is you want to do (other than simply getting out of the US) as well as what your situation is financially. Also, is it residency you want or actual citizenship? The latter will generally require 5 years of residency. I have expat American friends in each of the countries I will mention here.

Costa Rica has some attractrive options. Panama offers residency with a $20k investment in real estate. Malaysia has an excellent residency program with a relatively low savings and income requirement. Thailand is OK too, but has been tightening in recent years. I presently live in Japan and will apply for citizenship in another year (I am married to a Japanese citizen which is why I can stay here unrelated to any job). Fiji now offers a residency program, but it requires bank deposits of Fijian $200k which is about US$116k.

I have land in Fiji and one option that I know others are following is to have a 2nd home (or family or friends to stay with) in another country such as Tonga or New Zealand, Then travelling between homes every several months. But one can stay in Fiji for up to 6 months on a tourist visa, then go to nearby Tonga for a few months and come back to Fiji or move on to a 3rd home. New Zealand’s tourist visa rules are more complicated, but not impossible. Could get tiring though and there are many details to work out - not the least of which is who takes care of the farm when you’re away. I had all that worked out at one point, but due to various things that happened, decided to stay in Japan for the time being. My income is well below the $80k exemption limit, so I don’t pay US taxes anymore.

Even if you don’t act on it right away, exploring the possibilities is a good idea IMO. Charles Lindbergh used to advise that in planning, we should always have a "back door" - ie a plan B. I’ve excercised mine and am very glad that I did. I have a plan C and D as well.

Best of luck.


I agree with you that taking care of yourself and your family should probably come first. If you and your family are not feeling secure, then there is no way that any good can come out of this.

But without sounding like much of an elitist myself, I am grateful that the past few years I’ve had a great number of opportunities to study these interlinked crises and learn about potential for mitigation. Chris’s website is one of the best resources I have found to network and exchange information about these related topics. I feel interested, but also obligated in sharing what I know with other people, regardless of the opportunities for direct personal gain.

I believe that the Establishment has clouded related and even denied it and I think most of the public is warming up to this. But most people don’t have an understanding to fill the vacuum and that’s where all of us can come in. No one is being forced to try to change the political system, it is all voluntary. I think just about everyone on here realizes that the political system is the 600 lb. gorilla. Even if we don’t change it, when it all comes crashing down eventually, I hope that some common sense and truth will enter the system. Historically, I admit this is unlikely, but I also acknowledge that history will tell us the stakes are HUGE.



I’ve been involved in libertarian causes since Ayn Rand in the 60s. I know the nature of politics from every conceivable angle. What disturbs me on this site is that so many causes depend on political influence. That requires money taken from taxpayers and all kinds of coercion. That’s only feeding the beast. You, meaning Chris’s followers, don’t want to go in that direction.

This website is at its best when it teaches the evils of big government and ways to live independent from it. Politically speaking, I see a runaway freight train. You don’t want to get in the way.


I’m 100% with you on that. I’m a strong libertarian and I think I’m mostly in line with Chris when I say that the goal here is just to reach a critical mass and inform as many as possible. If that succeeds, then I think it will naturally flow into politics.

Our political system is so blatantly corrupt now that I have no delusions of taking it on directly. The only way this movement will succeed is if it truly erupts at the grass roots level.

I think we can agree in saying that the solutions to these problems are require Big Brother to get out of the way. Re-localizing and becoming more efficient in our lives flies in the face of a nearly omnipotent central power. Ultimately, this is a power struggle. I see it this way: if we can get the message out fast enough to enough people while we still have the means to disseminate information and at least a credible threat to repel government oppression, we have a shot. But if we let the government plunder everyone’s wealth and property first, then we will have reached the end of the road to serfdom.

Re-localization is eventually inevitable no matter what. I would much prefer to retain my liberties and relocalize on my terms because of the limitations of the earth rather than be forced to relocalize on the terms of the government and in effect become enslaved.

The sense of euphoria that Obama has created already seems to be slightly tempered. I hope that people will start to think once again and realize we have systemic failures. Ultimately, however, the American people have been poor keepers of their own Liberty. This must change. I believe education is the linchpin and I want as many Americans educated on this as soon as possible.

You speak of "getting out of the way" of the freight train. There certainly is a runaway train here, but I see a continual disappearance of places to hide. This website can help in that, but ultimately, if we just continue to get out of the way, we will have given up all of our rights, no?

Thanks for your comments.


How does Chris get his views to Obama’s desk, as well as to as many Americans as possible?

Isn’t there a route of citizen information into the White House?

How many subscribers and guest are available to send a format e-mail to Congressional members promoting


I recommend you check out the Promoting the Crash Course area in the Forums. Lots of good discussions going on there. Also probably would be a good start if when informing people we get the website address right … it’s, not chrismartensen.


Thank you Ron.

I found a response I liked under "Promotion" from Scott in Madison WI. As I’m in India 10 mos. a year in retirement service, I’ll follow his suggestions on my return. I did send a letter to an Obama address. And e-mailed the reports to a list until enough people said it was too much information. Now I read "martenson" daily, adjusting my living in response and adding to the growing energy of Chris’s and other contributors’ views.


You can run, but you can’t hide:

(AP) A strong earthquake shook Costa Rica
on Thursday, shattering windows, cracking walls and sending frightened
residents running into the streets of the capital.
There were no immediate reports of injuries or major damage.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the 6.1 magnitude temblor was
centered 22 miles northwest of the capital of San Jose in the early
afternoon, near the Poas Volcano national park.
The quake’s depth was measured at 28 miles.
Local TV station Teletica showed broken windows, fallen ceiling
panels and cracked walls in the city of Alajuela, north of the capital.
Teletica said the quake was felt strongly throughout the small Central
American country.
Security Minister Jeanina del Vecchio urged people to remain calm
while authorities surveyed areas to see if there was major damage.
Thousands of people ran from homes and shopping centers, frightened
by the quake. The quake triggered small landslides outside the capital,
and cell phone service was interrupted briefly.
There were at least four aftershocks.


Your thoughts on the plan echo some of the points on your crash course, tax cuts with 2 ongoing wars that seeming are far from over, flooding the playing field with more currency, and little or no attention to peak oil/enviromental collision. It is too early to tell where this administration will head but I am hearing the footsteps of the past and trying to hold onto the status quo.
