Are You Infuriated Yet?

The treatment white people are getting now has been going on for ages in the black community. Systemic corruption is very hard to control once it is firmly embedded, particularly if there is a profit motive. The idiot msm plays a role here too.
I read an interesting story about the numbers around police apprehension of drug offenders in B.C a couple of years ago. (Vancouver is now one of the politically dirtiest cities in N.America, due to Asian criminals laundering money through casinos and then through real estate)

The story, appearing in the Vancouver Sun, was about how the volume of drugs seized by police had surged and was at historical highs. The reporter followed this up with words to the effect, “what nobody can figure out is how drug seizures have doubled while the amount of cash seized during these arrests is half what it used to be.”
Anybody who knows anything about cities that are propped up by drug revenues, understands every level of govt and law enforcement are involved to some degree. When police seize drugs, they seize cash too, and keep it themselves. How hard is it to put 2 and 2 together?
Recently, it was discovered that B.C’s fentanyl can be traced directly to China. Moreover, the money made from the drugs has been laundered through casinos and then ends up purchasing homes. This along with the Air B and B disaster places Vancouverites on the street, living in their cars and pushed out to the boonies where they live in tinder dry areas and cook food over campfires – hugely risky
The media have finally started to report these disasters and not because they are having a twinge of conscience, but because print media is dying and nobody reads them anymore UNLESS they are relevant. While these problems were building, they ignored them, preferring their fish wrap to make money from their corporate real estate developer advertisers.
The U.S is a vast criminal enterprise and Canada is right behind you.
Enraged? I was for a time. Now I am trying to put as much distance as I can between myself and evil and stupidity. That takes a certain measure of calm.

There is nothing wrong with your intellect and reasoning skill. The problem is govt interference in the markets, which is clearly a form of soft Fascism, or a corporatocracy. It is pretty hard to predict what is going to happen when you have this form of partnership. What can’t be gleaned from the surface is stealth movement beneath the surface

agitating prop wrote:
Enraged? I was for a time. Now I am trying to put as much distance as I can between myself and evil and stupidity. That takes a certain measure of calm.
This. Rage takes too much energy and paralyzes the higher thinking centers. Rage is useful, or can be. But not a sustainable or intelligent long-term strategy, IMO. A metaphor: if, say, one was chained to a wall in a dungeon, rage-given strength might help one pull those chains free from the wall. But to actually escape the dungeon (avoiding guards, picking locks or figuring out how to climb out a window), a calm and quiet mind is a must.

One of the problems I am currently studying and developing a work around for is one that will affect me directly. I live in a place that is SO pro-environment, it is strangling the community. There is nowhere for anybody in the service community to live and affordable housing initiatives just can’t get any traction.
The underlying but unstated goal is to turn the place back to a pristine Eden. In other words, the nimbys in control go beyond wanting the population to stabilize. They want the population to shrink.
How does one square an environmental conscience that is at odds with humanitarian values that include providing basic shelter for working class people?
Some people here would embrace a tree and spit in the eye of someone forced to sleep in the street.
i understand it and I value the environment too, but what is making me angry these days, is I feel I am being forced to choose between people and nature. And I think many people are feeling the same way, so the never ending barrage of info about our degrading environment places them in an awkward position with regards their human values. So they, unfortunately, give up

Don’t worry, the collapsing ecosphere will eventually decide for you. The rapidly collapsing economy will be the good old days in comparison.
Edward Abbey said it perfectly: “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.”
What blows my mind is how this society of ours has defined reality (food, water, air, all species) an abstraction (externalities, etc) and abstractions (money, economy, etc) a reality.

…that a really thorough, foundation-rattling economic collapse will at least stop us in our tracks enough (resource depletion, etc) to give Nature a chance to recover for a few decades while we lick our wounds.

“When we raise our true flag”

"There will come a day (and it won’t be long now) when the mandible-mouthed liars cease their death song, and ivy grows over the bunkers of the Bank Boys, and the cannons all sprout mushrooms, and fireflies fill the air once more.

When that day comes, we will lower the flag of the marching machine (once used as wrapping paper for dead teenagers with rifles, once hung over buildings full of men with red eyes, once emblazoned upon flying robots that rained fire), and we will raise our true flag at long last.

It will be woven from the prayers of our grandmothers who will never see it raised but knew one day it would be. It will be dyed in the blood of the media martyrs who stared the Bastards in the eye and sang life songs. It will have a traditional image of Michael the Archangel, except instead of him stepping on the Devil they are laughing together over a drink at the pub while a man with a pipe looks on and smiles. It will be based on a drawing made in crayon long ago by a chain-smoking dryad who lurks in your brain pan.

We will all salute it in our own unique way: with fart jokes and whale songs, with unearthly ululations, with runed glossolalia, with lightning from our fingertips, with air guitar karate, with lava dance lovemaking, with a single tear from someone who still misses you, with an uplifting of the heart toward the sky.

And then we’ll all curl up together and we’ll sleep unafraid for the very first time, and we will dream of the ones who helped walk us home."

- Caitlin Johnstone

I’d curse the day the alpha male approached their fire pits
I wonder what they tell the other animals
We just hang out
we’re not their accomplice

1’000 point gains are accelerating hard.
Only last week the DOW breaks 23’000 and in just a few trading days since, it’s now at 23’440…
Jeez… It’s kinda shocking to witness, but also no great surprise. What a disconnect from reality…

I would trot down this road sniffing on one side and then the other peeing a little here and there wherever I felt the urge having a good time what the hell saving some because it's a long road but since I'm not a dog I walk straight down the road trying to get home before dark if I were a dog and I had a master who beat me I would run away and go hungry and sniff around until I found a master who loved me I could tell by his smell and I would lick his face so he knew or maybe it would be a woman I would protect her we could go everywhere together even down this dark road and I wouldn't run from side to side sniffing I would always be protecting her and I would stop to pee only once in awhile sometimes in the afternoon we could go to the park and she would throw a stick I would bring it back to her each time I put the stick at her feet I would say this is my heart and she would say I will make it fly but you must bring it back to me I would always bring it back to her and to no other if I were a dog If I Were a Dog - Richard Shelton (
I would be this dog.

to order custom printed Dow 25,000 caps?…
Must be made in the USA right? It’s got a flag on it.

…jumped just a weeeeee bit too early:

Trying to outrun the converging predicaments we face?

I’d have these problems licked

charleshughsmith wrote:
At some point the whole perverse charade becomes a tragi-comedy. So now China's government (via local governments tapping the infinite-credit machine of the central govt) is buying 24% of all those overpriced empty flats that constitute "the China miracle":
China's Government Is Expected To Buy 24% Of All Residential Real Estate For Sale In 2017
C H Smith? THE C H Smith? Hey, Brother!
Surely you know better than to cite zerohedge for anything about China. They've been (like so many others) predicting China's inevitable (?) hard landing for many years now, and of course they are always wrong. They've got a bug up their asses about China, and simply refuse to admit that the Chinese have found a better way to do things -- as they obviously have.
If you want some good briefings about China and its economy, check out Godfree Roberts: Is China's Debt Exaggerated? May 29, 2017 China's Financial Debt: Everything You Know Is Wrong Godfree Roberts July 5, 2017

A shiv. Likely of the corporate variety.

I just picked up the book today from WSU-Spokane. The depressing reality is that the book has only been checked out twice. Both in the date of publication: 2011. As someone who has been infuriated for 20 plus years I look forward to reading the book. So far (p. 44) it has not disappointed.

“The next twenty years are going to be completely unlike the last twenty years”
Chris Martenson
So why be infuriated when the paradigm predicted is playing out as predicted?

Since May Godfree may have missed the warning from Chinas own chief central banker,the IMF,The Bank for International Settlements,(the bankers bank)the Feds warning on the The Industrial Commercial Bank of China,S&P,Moody’s and Fitch…

Yes, their credit rating was in free-fall there, alllllllll the way down from very very very very VERY good to very very very VERY good. Quite a collapse! Same as their slowing GDP growth rate, from nose-bleed double-digit levels in 2004-2008 alllllllll the way down to a very robust (and much faster than OECD countries and world average) ~7% today.
This is the kind of “news” that died-in-the-wool doomers sometimes take as signifier of imminent collapse. I am not saying you are one, Edward. But I am familiar with the general nature of argument. Anything even SLIGHTLY bad (or slightly not-so-good) that happens is taken to indicate imminent doom. After a few decades (my own period of observation), this style gets old.
Oh btw, Moody’s recently downgraded a bunch of countries, including UK, South Africa and others. Credit ratings changes happen frequently. Especially small, trivial ones like the recent ones re China.
Oh btw II, Minsky Moments are not the end of the world. China might have an asset value collapse at some point. So what? There have been hundreds of such events in history. They look terrible while in progress, but they are not the end of the world. Often, things are better after the resolve (cold shower effect) – which is what we can expect from China, because of the high quality of their national management.