Are You Infuriated Yet?

I agree with your assessment of false flag operations to allow enemies to destroy each other. It helps if groups B and C have mutual animosity as well. It is easy to fan embers and create a roaring fire.
I have Muslim friends who fit your description of western professionals. They want to live their lives in peace and work toward a brighter future. I can respect that. (I don’t care to which god people pray as long as it doesn’t affect me.) What bothers me most is when a “Muslim extremist” kills others in the name of Islam and nobody from the Islamic community publicly decries that action. Imagine if someone drove a truck into a crowd of people in the name of Catholicism. Wouldn’t people up and down the Catholic hierarchy publicly say that this is not what we’re about? Yet, I don’t hear a peep from anyone in the Islamic community - and they’ve had plenty of opportunities to peep.
When I ask my friends the reason for being silent, I never get a satisfactory answer. The best (not good enough) answer is “that things happen only with Allah’s consent. If it happened, Allah wanted it to happen. Questioning his wisdom is sacrilege.” The majority are complicitly silent while a few who take fate in their own hands ruin it for all. Meanwhile, those with hidden agendas fan the flames of hate to get groups B and C to duke it out. The ploy should be obvious, but we fall for it every time.

It is so hard to know how much emphasis to put on this stuff!
Daisy Luther, a blogger very much aware of the dark side of things (conspiracy theories) gives a primer to stay out of the way of civil unrest should the Antifa protests scheduled for Nov 4th get out of hand.
Protest locations are here.
This may be another big nothing-burger. Just don’t know.
Do any of you know about the DOD National Blackout Drill (and here)? I can’t find much on it and similarly, don’t know if I should get my juices flowing over this…

One measley arrest when protestor and counter-protestor got into it. I think we have passed “peak Antifa.”

We all are. I think it would be good for all of us to step back and count our blessings. My turn.
My wife is at the top of the list. When I met her thirty-five-plus years ago my friends said ‘she is too you for you’. They were right. My gain. Our gain.
Two great kids. Really great kids.
Good health. I’ll take that over PM’s or farmland any day. Period.
Lifestyle. Tonight, as most nights the past 2 months, our meal was home grown. As in 100%. My wife has adjusted to the ebbs and flows of our garden and we have become very efficient at aligning ourselves with nature’s bounty. I love it.
This nation, with all its warts, is still the best horse in the glue factory. Where would you prefer to live?
I love this web site. Bright people, on top of issues, pointing me to the truth. Shut off the political non-sense that floods us and focus on what we can change. Then make the needed changes.
Post less and prep more. Walk the talk. Show the path forward for others.