As We Enter 2017, Keep The Big Picture In Mind


My next step is to get my yacht to the refuge.
First attempt I got blown back to Adelaide by a ferocious storm.
The Ocean keeps blowing me kisses. Am I scared?
Actually the experience gave me a lot of confidence in my nuggety little street fighter. (Ladies,forget the darling taffrail in the gally. Ask yourself “Is she a street brawler?”)
First wife thinks I am “living the dream”. Ha!

Chris that is certainly an aggressive agenda you have outlined for this year. The summarization of what was accomplished last year with so few resources was inspirational to say the least. I agree with Andee that your content is already top notch and its more important in 2017 to expand the audience which gets to hear this message. I am still amazed at this late stage that there are not more public figures espousing the 3 E story…what do they need for a wake up call? I will try to do my part to help steer more people of influence toward your site as a New Years Resolution. Also I like Herewego’s suggestion of more podcasts (or maybe a thread on PP site) devoted to developing the new story…that is not an easy task and would be helpful to have input from many different people.

That almost syncopates with a story about bears that I know. Which reminds me that one of those three E’s is a real bear! The bear surnamed Energy. No public personalities want to go near that bear. Last one who thought he could, a certain Jimmy Carter, got his head lopped off not long after. All the other personalities watched and learned. For awhile some started rumors that the bear wasn’t real, just an exaggeration of fearful types. Now and then someone will just mention the full name of the bear, ‘Peak Energy’. But if any serious thought is given to what might happen if IT came around the mood deterioates so fast that the subject is quickly dropped. And since public personalities do not ever consider it seriously, then hardly anybody else does either. Why cause worry? Talking about the other E’s is easier, especially when we ignore the daddy bear. But really, if you don’t consider the big bear, talk about the other E’s is just talk.
Another day maybe we can hear the story about a big bad wolf.

Energy, Economy, Environment needs to be paired with Education of the masses. I think this new initiative is great! I am onboard.

Chris, In the late '60s I worked in long range planning for the UK government. As a serious young engineer the situation seemed hopeless and it took me a few years of deep reflection to realise why it looked that way, but finally it dawned on me. It is simply that it is hopeless!
This is only the sort of work young people can do. People run a mile at the mention of the “h” word and after a certain age most folk have developed an enormous emotional attachment to how they perceive the world to be.(a world-view supported be everyone they know) To pass through hopelessness for me was to pass through a portal into a reality beyond the cultural fairytales that support most peoples lives.
Oh and yes, you are right, it is all about the power of the exponential function

Paul Downey wrote:
Chris, In the late '60s I worked in long range planning for the UK government. As a serious young engineer the situation seemed hopeless and it took me a few years of deep reflection to realise why it looked that way, but finally it dawned on me. It is simply that it is hopeless! This is only the sort of work young people can do. People run a mile at the mention of the "h" word and after a certain age most folk have developed an enormous emotional attachment to how they perceive the world to be.(a world-view supported be everyone they know) To pass through hopelessness for me was to pass through a portal into a reality beyond the cultural fairytales that support most peoples lives. Oh and yes, you are right, it is all about the power of the exponential function
Paul, great post. I'd like to hear more, so please stick around and share your wisdom and experience as one who has passed through the portal. It's time to get busy!