At The End Of The Day, It's All About Confidence

Umm the logic goes like this:
Boeing is in such trouble from the 737Max malperformance, that they’ll have to be prepared for all kinds of problems, or American dominance in air military will be at risk.
But Russia was absolutely right about Nato spending going through the roof, except that the Nato spending is how the QE is being hidden. So Nato will exert its influence not only for bailout of boeing, but also for regulation that will in fact make Boeing the only horse in the US aircraft race, through regulatory capture.
So we should see Boeing stock climb to all-time highs right now.
Disclaimer: my money really isn’t on Boeing.

I hate to say it, but my eleven-year old daughter pointed out that my taxes are on Boeing.
Oooooh noooooo.

Here’s how dumb this all is right now.
The White House is busy cranking out Tweets and rumors several times per day, clearly focused on gearing the stock ““markets”” higher.
Here’s this morning’s valiant effort…they slipped up an used an old Tweet. But, no matter, the algos dutifully bought it.

When this all breaks, and the algos stampede out every available opening - back doors, front doors, 2nd floor windows - there will be nothing the banksters can do.
It’s going to be one for the ages.
Remember to take screen shots to show your grand-kids. They won’t believe you - pics or it didn’t happen.

This is unbelievable. How long can this go on? I’m going to freak-out. It’s all fake and “trumped-up.” Increasingly been that way for generations, now, and lately at a supersonic pace. Literally nowhere to turn. Your cash is destroyed. Your precious metals are hammered down. The stock market continues to soar and I continue to appear the dunce to all those prospering around me. The “cut” is getting uncomfortably deep. In my mid 60’s now and have begun selling my manhours for wages more similar to selling my blood. Wisdom and expertise are no longer valued by the masses. Glad I have medicare … and … social security to look forward to at 70. Keep your back to the door and hang-on, just as Hodor did in Game of Thrones!

Hold the door. Hold the door. Hold the door. HODOR!