Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt


Hello Dr. Chris,

I have watched a couple of your videos and decided to send this info to you. Perhaps you already know about it but in case you don’t here is what I heard the day after the attempt.

One of the sharp shooters on Sniper Team #2 posted something on social media (4Chan) saying that he wanted to take out the shooter who he could clearly see but he was told no - he showed the photo taken of himself and his partner who was in the lying down position.

I heard that he had been fired. I apologize that I don’t remember where I heard that…I have been listening and watching so much information since this happened.

But the really interesting thing is that several news outlets have debunked this story. I typed in Jonathan Willis in and these headlines came up: › fact-check › jonathan-willis-is-not-secret-service-employee-says-spokesperson-2024-07-18
Fact Check: ‘Jonathan Willis’ is not a Secret Service employee, says …Jul 18, 2024An anonymous online post by an author who describes himself as Jonathan Willis and says he is the U.S. Secret Service sniper who killed the suspect in the assassination attempt of Donald Trump has …

Dr. Chris, I want to thank you for using your experience and expertise to find out the truth. I hope this info I provided helps in some way.

God bless you!

Richest blessings!

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The five shell casing was captured in this footage discussion:

I’m not totally sure about this, but these may be the five spent casings. These are in the 1 and 2 channels immediately to the right of the C channel. When I say “18:57:32”, I mean that’s what time is on the bodycam annotation.

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IMPORTANT!!! URGENT INFO!! New York Times *** This may be the video you’re looking for…See acknowledgements at the end
I hope this helps you find the urgent info you require. In video says who did the gun sound

New video here from

He says he was arrested and had his phone seized. He might’ve been one of the people the officer said were detained in the bodycam footage. Video eye witness to position of third sniper team… likely a sub sonic bullet at 350yards which explains the lack of blood splatter etc

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If clip video you are showing is real then we have completelly new teory, great capture moment:

My Comments on your video - They had a perfect view

Originally Crooks was placed on the other end of the bldg. SS team 2 took 3 shots at 3 different angles. There was a video clearly showing the 3 different rifle angles - low, higher, pulled back lower. It was reported that night that the Youtuber who threatened to ‘take out DT’ was in the high in centre grandstand behind DT to his right (lawn view) and was shot. Media had to be given the info on the Youtuber as there was no actual facial picture of him (David)…we just saw the dark hair, beard & moustache of him & told he was shot & see the police around him & taking him away. Crooks was a just distraction - you could tell by all the BS.

There were about 5 gunfire shots 10-20 minutes afterwards as crowd leaving & we heard them during a live interview with woman reporter who turned her body towards the sounds & mentioned on air about ‘more gunfire’ Where the man is walking onto the crime scene roof…Is he walking on top of the jut out that connects the bldgs? If he is…grassy side view of Crooks shimmying up the bldg is closer to door 12 NOT the door with the overhang by the parking lot.

I recall seeing that post by the supposed sniper and it said that this sniper observed Crooks adjusting his scope. Crooks did not have a scope on his rifle. The optic he had is a red dot and a sniper would know the difference.
So I would put this in Chris’ ‘red bucket’ as fake.

The position of those empty casings looks a bit suspicious to me. The brass ejects from the shooter’s right side. Counting from the top of the photo, casings 1 and 3 are close to the rib of the steel roofing material and this ‘leeward side’ seems like an unlikely position. The other casings look more normal but maybe these were planted and Crooks did not fire at all?

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Eye witness account of possible 3rd counter sniper position, might be more raw video from this yt channel

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Light or flash in window?

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Could be light reflecting off the objective lense of a rifle scope.
If one looks at the video this screeshot was taken from, despite the fact it’s a bit jumpy, The other windows on that face of the building show light reflection from the glass window. This window, the third from the parking lot is dark suggesting there is no glass.
I saw a comment to the effect that these are casement windows and if opened the glass should be on the outside of the building.
A planned operation of this magnitude would have the resources to remove that glass from its frame.

Exit or Entrance wound

1f45f4acb024ca3586e9564416c9ca89d95316fa (1)

Looks to me like we should reverse the labels.
Entry point is rear right of the skull and exit point is upper left.
I think the blood trail on the right cheek supports this idea.
Also, we see the metal sheeting just adjacent to his head does not have blood on it. This suggests that he was face down when he bled out and someone rolled him on his side to take this photo.
If this is true, then the killshot to the head came from the two story building and could have been a smaller calibre like a handgun or carbine short barrel rifle like a 9mm. If full metal jacket round was used, it should have impact evidence on the metal roofing. I’m sure the FBI is on it!
As some videos have shown, a large caliber like a 300 win mag or .308 would have destroyed the head.


Great vid. ( The audio is really clear. There’s something odd in the audio though. First three shots have a clear echo. For the first three shots there is a 0.242 second delay between first sound and echo. With a speed of sound at 353 m/s that day, that means the echo traveled about 85 m further. The third shot has an echo of 116 m away.

The next 5 shots have no echo. Shot 9 has an echo that traveled about 81 m. Shot 10 has an echo that traveled about 58 m.

I place the camera about 18m south of the AGR building 6. I can’t find anything at 40m to reflect the sound. The southern face of building 6 is too close. Is anyone else analyzing the audio from this? Thoughts?

This could be another piece of evidence that the first three shots were fired from a different position. Shots 1, 2, 3, 9 and 10 have echos in the same ballpark. (Probably within error range.)

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I have feeling this video explain one major cover up. Did you notice that all green suit law enforcement officers run straight into direction of this 2 trees where we saw later the long ladder? It only confirm that ladder were from the beggining, even before shots were fired

Excellent video from the closest point of the shooter:


This video would confirm the statement the blonde girl (who say she had previously been involved in a shooting incident and knows what gunshots sound like in a video interview with a girl with long hair who the said was (town of Jersey mentioned?) 5 hrs away who had what I recall as a hairband with pink ears on it-attached to this post somewhere) made (in the video with the guy beside her & in the backyard with the pool with their Mom & Aunt) saying see saw a guy on a motorcycle & black pants with a (yellow flag around him?) enter one of the AG bldgs (the door was left ajar) saying all those doors should have been locked