Austerity or Money Printing?

How money is created and extinguished doesn't really matter.
My gosh, if that doesn't matter then what does!?

The thing you have to realize is that even if some sensible guy (like Chris :slight_smile: comes into a position of power, we’re still screwed. “Minimize the damage” would look something like the Great Depression. What we have to do is figure out how to get through it…


What we have to do is figure out how to get through it...
And I agree and the only way we are going to get through this is to switch our monetary system from an evidence of indebtiness to an evidence of wealth.  It goes right back to understanding the very basic concepts of how money is created and put into circulation, and the consequences there of.

Thanks for the article strabes.  It was well written and it seems that these points (ideas) keep becoming more and more main stream see today’s MSN lead story:
The money printing is of course a huge factor in what is going on, but what matters to me is what can we do about it.  How can someone protect the small gains that they’ve made?  How can we help others get educated and start wading through the tidal wave of crap that appears to be coming (here)?

Fear is a funny emotion.  It makes it so easy to lose sight of objective reality (as close as I get any way).

Can anyone recommend a thread or website with concrete suggestions?