Bad Faith Fauci, Part 1

I am a retired Physicist, Attorney, and Airline Captain (in that order), which “past lives” I mention only to explain where I am coming from, and the methods and mindset of my industries and colleagues. We tend to stereotype certain occupations, like “Used Car Salesmen”, and of course"Doctors," based on ethics differences and trust we have in them.
But I see basically three personality types in this dog fight. One is the TRUE scientist who honestly strives to be faithful to the facts. As a physicist, it was never to my benefit, or my company’s benefit to not respect the facts. It would have not only been dangerous (we worked with dangerous radiation), but it would have cost my employer money not only from the danger, but from inefficient conclusions, because science is OBJECTIVE, and facts rule. As an attorney, it was facts and the law above all (in theory), but then many of my colleagues played fast and loose with both, because the law (in practice) is SUBJECTIVE, and one can profit through skulduggery. As an airline pilot, I had the pleasure to work only with people who put safety above ALL, and who scrupulously respected facts and the science of aeronautics, which do not bend well without severe consequences to those sitting in the pointy end of the aircraft, and importantly who always arrive at an accident scene first. I saw a LOT of integrity in my aviation colleagues, and I might add “self interest,” meaning failure, had personal consequences. Call it a variation of you “Eat what you cook.” The “company” often tried to push us to cut corners, but very seldom succeeded (remember our self interest), but they hesitated to push TOO hard because accidents hurt the Company badly in the purse.
Unfortunately, while medicine and pharmacology USED to be governed by Morality and Self Interest (financial liability for mistakes), both of those self regulation elements have been watered down by greed and reduced liability, and with the “Vaccines,” NO LIABILITY. As with aviation, pharma companies try to “push” their limits of honesty in the interest of profits, but unlike aviation where practitioners had “self-interest” to strengthen their morality (i.e., pilots seldom survive their mistakes or malfeasance), the frontline workers (researchers) DO NOT suffer the results of corporate malfeasance (limited personal consequences). And with Zero Corporate Liability, companies have a reduced incentive to stay “honest,” and we end up with the highly compromised situation we have today. Add to that the fact that the regulators (Agencies, Organisations) can hold interest in patents and profits, there is the additional incentive to further dilute morality, and drift toward SUBJECTIVITY, and “situational morality,” rather than honoring Honest and Objective behavior.
That’s where we seem to find ourselves today, with Big Pharma prioritizing profits above all , with regulatory agencies tempted to look (Remdesiver, Covid Vaccines) and even point (HCQ, IVM, Vit D) the other way than “science” would indicate. We have turned our researchers and regulators into foxes, and our fellow citizens into hens, most of whom still believe they can trust, based on decades of trustfulness, their drug makers, their regulators, and their doctors, who sadly also now have seemingly joined their patients as consumers of the questionable information fed to them (by Pharma, Agencies, Regulators, and Media) as it is fed to us.
I TRUST my doctors, but I don’t trust the information they are receiving, which means I cannot trust their advice, which more and more is based on what they are told, or what they cannot admit without bringing their clinic “bosses,” or their “professional organisations” down on their heads. I never used to consider my doctor would tell/advise me ONE thing “officially,” and another thing “off the record.” But NOW I have to consider that. We must consider that our healthcare is now being led by Used Car Salesmen (apologies to used car salesmen).
The “SYSTEM” is failing us!

This behavior from the medical establishment is not new. Read “Bad Pharma” by Ben Goldacre (published in 2014!). He uses published research papers to demonstrate how Big Pharma has lied to make money, usually at the cost of the lives and health of patients. Stopping trials partway through, finding signals in tiny sub-cohorts that bear no relationship to reality (this drug helps left-handed divorced men with toe injuries - so let’s give it to everyone!), altering trial endpoints - these are all old, old tricks used by BP to lie, kill, and cash in big time. It’s just that this time it’s in the open. Another good one we’ve seen pulled out of the back pocket is the fake trial - the hit piece - designed to discredit a save, but unpatented and therefore forbidden, treatment. I’m surprised we don’t have a RCT where ventilated, dying patients were given 100 IU of Vitamin D to “finally prove” that “Vitamin D doesn’t work”. They do these kinds of trials all the time.
I’ve been interested in “alternate” health, and therefore following these things loosely, for about 20 years. I cannot recall a single instance where the FDA, CDC, WHO, or any other of these murderers recommended a “natural” treatment over a (patented) pharmaceutical treatment.
I am hoping (against hope) that people will view what’s happening as an indictment against centralized power, money, and authority. If there was no FDA or CDC or WHO, and instead we just listened to actual scientist, treating doctors, and people like Chris, dark stuff like this would be far less likely. As soon as you have a huge “authority”, if they make a mistake people die by the millions. If they act in bad faith, even worse outcomes appear. Decentralization would help to mitigate this.

I lost faith in ‘doctors’ more than 30 years ago. Today I consider them in the captured group alongside politicians, chemists, other government agencies and of course MAINSTREAM MEDIA.
The sinister capture of the planet by the Black Sun and the dragon families (don’t laugh) has led to wars, famines and other so-called natural disasters. It is not difficult to stretch the imagination to understand that all the epidemics were also their product to subjugate the people of this planet.
This DIVOC ( Divoc means “Possession of an evil spirit” and is of Hebrew origin) is the last in a long list of so-called viral infections released in the world. The first major one of note was the Spanish Flu. This was released in 1918 just when the war (started by the Black Sun) was winding down. This latest scam was to capture America without a kinetic war. But understand that it is a WAR. People are dying and will continue to die. Fortunately, such people as Fraudci and his minions who have been captured will be dealt with great prejudice.
Switch off your tv. Do not subscribe to the msm. BUT follow Bitchute, Telegram, United Network and the many de jure Assemblies. We have all been dumbed down over our lives and it will take time to recover our sovereignty and integrity. Some will never recover sadly. The truth for them will be too painful to accept.
Just to add, I believe there were some 100 homeopathic universities in America around 1900. Today there is NIL. That is thanks to Rockefeller who wanted to push his DRUGS into a new treatment program. That was make people sick and then offer them our treatment. But never to be actually cured. It was all to capture WEALTH and POWER for themselves.

The one pandemic (or2) I never heard about is low vitamin K. I found out that most of US have low K. K1, vegetables. K4 and K7
Last two found in old cheese and bacterial products. It’s the builder of bones that are in their turn builder and maintenance of blood.

The choices are Vitamins K1 (phyloquinone from leafy plants) and K2 (menaquinone). The “4” and “7” refer to versions of K2. There is no “K4” or “K7”. Unless you’re eating slimy Natto you need to supplement K2.
Vitamin D supplementation MUST MUST MUST include K2 and also A. Otherwise you risk calcium deposition in soft tissues. It’s not true you can’t easily take too much Vitamin D because it is what happens when it is unbalanced with other nutrients (like K2 and A). Chris Masterjohn is an excellent source of information about K2.
The Ultimate Vitamin K2 Resource | (
I wish our Chris would stop recommending just Vitamin D. He isn’t a nutritionist. The recommendation of Vitamin D is not complete.

People make jokes about this, but the similarities are stunning. I was raised Catholic. In the Catholic faith, God comes down THROUGH the pope and church TOO the people. You cannot directly circumvent the pope and have a direct relationship with God in the traditional Catholic doctrine.
This consolidation of power saw the Catholic church embroiled in world governments, a global power that could make or break kings.
I see alot of similarities in the new church of science that has swept the western world. It has it’s zealots, and fanatics, and its incredibly wide spread. I’d say about 80% of the developed world worships at the alter.
They say history is just human nature playing itself out over and over. If so, we had a protestant reformation, where people insisted on reading the bible themselves and having a direct relationship with God, right? Well I think we are already seeing the beginnings of that with people on alternative platforms rejecting the decrees of pope Fauci and insisting on a direct relationship with the science.
Interesting times.

Greek Greetings to Chris et al.
Its quite Interesting that Fauci and his gang have been totally exposed. Dont know if we gonna reach a Watergate moment or even better Nureburg Trials II. Truth isnt enough. There is a need of organised opposing forces. Trump and MAGAers have failed into bringing any actual change.
So we are left(maybe for the Best) with communities. Doctor communities like FLCCC or Mcculllough group and people’s communities like the one of peak prosperity. (its my first time i go behind a paywall. Great achievement Chris!)
Vaxxing healthy youngsters is a crime. We know from end of May(from Israel) that myocarditis with mrna vax for Men <30 is around 1/3000-6000. And the cdc gang just call it mild. Who wants a mild heart infection for a 1 million $ folks?
Short note for Greece.
In March 2020 we were Lucky that the virus was in low numbers and the lockdown worked(of course bfr closing down the whole country we must have closed the borders…). We had only 200 deaths till September. We have even adopted HCQ in our guidelines till then.
But from july 2020 and on we

  1. Opened to turism. Great decision during a pandemic! Cases started to rise.
  2. Then of course we entered an enternal pseudolockdown(closed Schools, restaurant, bars but no change for other works, overfilled public transport) from november till middle of May. By then we have been totally in line with euro lockdown line:
    A) to get out from our house we had to send an SMS to a governmental agency. Curfew from 21.00-05.00 (weekends from 18.00)
    B) no HCQ. Stay at home with paracetamol and then if things go South Remdesivir… Of course neither monoclonal antibodies. Im guessing that these are kept for the VIPatients. Back in March 2020 some old vips went South, but not any more.
  3. So now We have reached 12.000 deaths. We have quite a lot of deaths <70 compared to the rest of Western europe where the life expectancy is similar (around 82y.o. In eastern europe life expectancy is 10 years lower)
    The medical “experts” that handled this tremendous success: 200->12.000 covid deaths 6000% increase with 8/14months in lockdown have now also legal immunity!
  4. Now we live the last(?) act of the covid theater: Vaccines to all. One size fits all of course. At least Germany said that they wont vax people <18. Hope same for our children. Hope healthy people <30(or <40 also) will be spared too but:
    Many “experts” and even our PM are constantly bombarding us with forthcoming mandatory vaccination from September. At least for health personel. As a young doctor im quite stressed by this… Examining alternatives to avoid them. Dont want neither the risk of myocarditis nor that of deadly thrombi while my covid risk is around 0. And for god’s shake they want us vaxed(without! sterilising immunity) with the spike toxic protein of covid 2019 while we approach 2022.
    The relation between greeks and the law isnt usually so straight forward so i hope they will be left some small windows open… We will see.
    There are a lot of people that are Against mandatory vaxx but nothing largely organised unfortunately.
    The vax/lockdown sceptics are called “psekasmeni” / “pseka” meaning sprayed with chemtrails (aka conspiracy theorists). Even our Lovely PM called them(us?) like that in public. “Pseka” seem to be the Jews of our years. Dont know how worse will the things get from September. The “pseka” is strong in us :p, but greeks generally try to save their personal and family ass and dont care so much about the general good( in fact the General good idea is a quite abstract idea. Its more realistic and humane to care about your community instead of the utopin dream of saving your whole country or world!
    So pseka greetings to all the community!

Thank you, Kat43. I have been trying off and on for over a year to get Chris to understand that vitamins are not magic bullets. They all work together like a chain. Vitamin D will not work without all the other vitamins and minerals, but I was unaware that taking it alone would be that harmful. That makes sense. That he ignores this has me cautious about his solutions to anything. He’s been dangerous about this to all of us. It helps to always be skeptical.

Do you have some study that this masterjohn fellow provides, where he shows that people have become injured if they take 5000 IU (let’s say) of vitamin D, without taking K2?
I have a study that suggests otherwise, on 4700 patients, from 2019: During this time, we have admitted over 4700 patients, the vast majority of whom agreed to supplementation with either 5000 or 10,000 IUs/day. Due to disease concerns, a few agreed to larger amounts, ranging from 20,000 to 50,000 IUs/day. There have been no cases of vitamin D3 induced hypercalcemia or any adverse events attributable to vitamin D3 supplementation in any patient.
4700 people seems like a pretty big number. One would expect if "Vita D alone is dangerous", this would have showed up in at least a few of these 4700 patients. What am I missing? Perhaps Masterjohn can point us to a study which shows a different outcome? I like the studies themselves, rather than some "master resource", so I can go directly to the data and read things for myself rather than through some intermediary.

My doc cautioned me not to take too much. She sent me this:
So, I am still taking more than she wants me to. My D runs around 35-45. Cannot seem to get it above 50 .

You just missed your chance to elevate your serum D3.
Naked Gardening Day was in May.

Dave, the issue isn’t hypercalcemia (in the serum), it’s calcium deposition in soft tissue instead of hard tissue. Part of the issue is too much Vitamin D induces a Vitamin A deficiency, and vice versa. It’s a mistake to consider Vitamin D on its own. It’s too integral to hormonal coordination in our body.
Masterjohn is the best source I know on nutritional supplements, based on the research he has done of the literature. I appreciate your request for a particular study. I would recommend learning Vitamin D’s role in calcium metabolism to understand it better.
Here is an early analysis he did on zinc and C19 that goes far beyond discussions I have seen by others: What Is the Best Dose of Zinc for COVID-19 Prevention? | (

I’m not a doctor, but I did read a book a while back regarding Calcium and K1, K2. Too much Calcium and too little K2 can cause problems as K2 is suppose to transport Calcium to where it is needed. If Vitamin D causes us to absorb more Calcium, it makes sense there could be a problem if you are K2 deficient. I’m going to guess there are not a lot of studies, other than observational, given the cost of the Vitamin. Maybe we should think about finding a way to fundraise for Independent Research in the future.

Unfortunately I think the disappearing journalists are not a cause but an effect of something much more sinister. While greed and corruption play their part, the tales of Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and others tell us that our Fourth and First Amendment rights are disappearing at an accelerating rate. While not arrested thank God, Dr. Martenson has been silenced more than I can remember and I’m sure that decision came from someone and somewhere beyond YouTube.

It’s really very hard to over do it on Vitamin D. Possible, sure, but very difficult.
Here’s the sceince:

Confusion, apathy, recurrent vomiting, abdominal pain, polyuria, polydipsia, and dehydration are the most often noted clinical symptoms of vitamin D toxicity (VDT; also called vitamin D intoxication or hypervitaminosis D). VDT and its clinical manifestation, severe hypercalcemia, are related to excessive long-term intake of vitamin D, malfunctions of the vitamin D metabolic pathway, or the existence of coincident disease that produces the active vitamin D metabolite locally.
So a good portion of the observed VitD toxicity is due to an underlying metabolic or disease process. Which means it's always good to have your levels checked. If your levels are too high, that could mean you have an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Continuing on:
Although VDT is rare, the health effects can be serious if it is not promptly identified. Many forms of exogenous (iatrogenic) and endogenous VDT exist. Exogenous VDT is usually caused by the inadvertent or improper intake of extremely high doses of pharmacological preparations of vitamin D and is associated with hypercalcemia. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations higher than 150 ng/ml (375 nmol/l) are the hallmark of VDT due to vitamin D overdosing.
First, it's rare. Second, toxicity develops with concentrations over 150 ng/ml(!). That's really, really difficult to achieve unless you are taking a daily amount in the several tens of thousands of units for months on end. At least that's what I've been able to glean from the papers so far. Deeper in this paper they drop this nugget:
In the 1940s, massive doses of vitamin D (200,000–300,000 IU/day) were considered an effective treatment strategy for chronic illnesses as diverse as tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Because hypercalcemia was observed in some patients thus treated, individual doctors discontinued the massive doses and the symptoms of VDT disappeared after a few months.
Okay, yeah, 200,000 to 300,000 units per day sounds a bit high. LOL. And at those doses it caused hypercalcemia (the main unwanted side effects of VitD toxicity) in just some of the patients. All of which is to say that I am perfectly comfortable with my own chosen 5k units/day which, given my somewhat lazy approach to taking daily supplements, averages out to about 20k units/week. Comfortingly, natural sunlight exposure doesn't seem to be an issue as the body has a way to self-regulate the precursors when there's an abundance of active VitD metabolites:
In healthy individuals, exogenous VDT is usually caused by prolonged use (months) of vitamin D mega doses, but not by the abnormally high exposure of skin to the sun or by eating a diversified diet. The human body can regulate the quantity of previtamin D (tachysterol and lumisterol) produced in the skin by ultraviolet-B radiation.
Source for all that great info: In closing, I am disturbed to easily find hundreds of articles explaining that too much Vitamin D is a risk, and they all talk about getting too much, but none of them ever seem to go back to the source data which basically concludes "Man, it's really hard to OD on VitD and you have to take such ridiculously high overdoses that nobody is ever in danger of doing that as they'd have to take at least 40 capsules of 5,000 unit VitD every single day for months." So call me suspicious of an entire industry that clearly has a bias to steer people away from VitD for the obvious reason of preferring people to remain sicker so they can sell them more treatments and palliatives. "You can overdose on Vitamin has's bad if you get too much." That's what they say more often than not. The logical follow-up question is why? Why spend more time hand waving at the dangers of it all than you'd have to spend finding the source data and giving people actual data ranges of how much would be too much? Well, because the intent of those articles isn't to inform, it's to nudge you away from taking Vitamin D. It's intentional; that's the explanation that fits best. Shame on the doctors that go along with this too and promote it. Really ought to have their medical licenses stripped away if only for being too lazy to actually read up on this for themselves like I just did.

You forgot laziness as a contribution to the medical follow on…and aversion to the effort of searching out sources.

I happened upon this Reporter Who Broke Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Story And Received ‘Significant’ Death Threats Found Dead | ZeroHedge

When I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2006, my holistic oncologist got my D levels up immediately. I take the Hydroxy25 blood test every 3 months and my target level has been and still is 90 ng/ml. I keep very close to that level….but what works for me to maintain that level is surely different for other individuals. When I read on PP that adequate D levels were beneficial against Covid, I was happy to already be there.

Those “suicides” used to be referred to as “Arkanside”.

Appears not, Canuckian: