Bad Faith Fauci, Part 1

Like anything I am sure there is a lot of variability.
There was a point in my life I was so anemic that I had an extra pair of new leather sneakers in my closet, “mint, in the box,” that I would regularly sniff. Lots of ice chewing too. Two weeks on iron supplements and the desire to sniff sneakers or chew ice was gone. Looking back I can give you crazy examples of my drive to chew ice.
After that experience my first line of defense when something seems a bit strange is what nutrient might I be missing? Then I do the study by taking a supplement or two. If it works to alleviate the issue, I keep taking it for awhile.
I don’t really care what the big science says, the only science that matters is my own personal science fair project.
P.S. I’ve had really good luck with the eye vitamins.

Great protocol QB (thunbs up)!
But one thing I recommend to tune a little…
Eat only noon-8 PM.
This is not optimal - better is 6AM to 3 PM. Intermediate fasting is great but the timing is important! Dr Brad Stanfield has an interesting summary on this.
In another video from an interesting Doctor I learned about the eating - circadian cycle relationship. Eating until 8PM will keep your insulin level too high too long into the evening suppressing melaotonin level, proper onset of sleep and will reduce the HGH spike around midnight - something you definitely do not want.
If you are interested I an dig out the two videos for you.

Not everyone can garden and grow their own food, especially year round. Not everyone has the ability to process, can, dry or freeze significant quantities of fresh produce for later consumption. Not all soil is providing the necessary nutrients to the plants or fruit/nut trees growing in that soil - in fact many soils are full of harmful pesticides and herbicides.
I take supplements for this reason - to further add to the nutritional value of the foods I eat. My deep pantry includes not just food but also supplements and medicines. What if there are food shortages (widely predicted and occurring in many places now) that impact my ability to buy all those healthy veggies and fruits? What if food inflation, already rampant, causes me to have to cut back on what I can buy? What if there is a cyber attack or power outage - how long could I last? Well, with a water supply and filter, and a lot of supplements in addition to my stores, I will do better than most people.
There is no magic bullet. We have to consume and plan according to our own personal risk profiles & preferences, and what we have researched and believe to be true. We have to be system non-conformists.

Jim_H: You can give your kids Ivermectin if you want.. But if you have to ask somebody else to make the decision for you, I suggest you don't have the backbone for this.. Grow some balls and fight for your kids. They. Don't. Need. This. Vaccine.
This is just pure bullying and you owe Travis an apology. Just the fact that you are so certain that you are correct should make any thinking person doubt your argument, Jimmy. And talking about testicular hypertrophy...there is a supplement for that. But I'm sure you have several bottles already. What. A. Butthole.

I noticed that has 500g bags of NAC back in stock. Get them now before the FDA takes them away.

It is wrong to give kids this vaccine. Plain and simple. I will not apologize for trying to help a brother save his kids from this untested medical treatment. Travis needs to get his Alpha on in this case. Alpha is not just about muscle, it’s about intellect too. These in combination.

Just the fact that you are so certain that you are correct should make any thinking person doubt your argument
If you are not convinced of the certainty that the risk vs reward is horribly skewed for kids toward the risk side, then you live in a world where nothing is knowable JAG. I feel sorry for you.  

I don’t remember the thread, but here’s a summary:
Infection fatality rate for 15 year old girl: 1/50K according to CDC. Adjust to 1/100K for my healthy daughter with good vitamin D level.
Death rate per year assuming 1/6 chance of infection (including all of those undetected asymptomatic infections - this is based on seroprevalence studes): 1/600K
Add ivermectin treatment if she gets sick: divide by 5: 1 in 3 million.
Assume serious complications rate is 10x death rate: 1 in 300K.
Now the vaccine: Documented death rate is about 6000/180 million = 1/30K, but is probably significantly higher. It is probably be lower (than the true valu3 that is probably much higher than 1/30K) for teens, perhaps significantly, but the vaccine will likely only protect for a year and it’s certainly higher than 1 in 3 million.
Documented serious adverse events: Hard to measure, but we have myocarditis at perhaps 1/6000 for girls. Even mild cases increase risk of heart issues including congestive heart failure in middle age. Pfizer trial had 1 of the 1100 12-15 year olds with a serious neurological adverse event that is ongoing. I bet the prevalence of serious adverse events will ultimately be one in a few hundred when all possible adverse events are added together.
This is a no-brainer. The vaccine is a poor bet for 12-15 year olds and almost certainly up to age 30 and likely well beyond, perhaps to 65 or 70 for healthy people.

If you are not convinced of the certainty that the risk vs reward is horribly skewed for kids toward the risk side, then you live in a world where nothing is knowable JAG. I feel sorry for you.
That is the whole point regarding the vaccines....nothing is knowable. It's all a big unknown, if you are being intellectually honest with yourself. I happen to agree that vaccinating kids is probably not wise at this point, with the lack of information that we have. But I would never be so cocky as to tell someone what they should do or not do, and I am a medical professional (are you?). And to bully someone who is trying to make their own decision by asking a legitimate question, is just pure self-serving delusion of superiority. You don't care about your fellow "tribe member" when you bully them to see things your way. I feel sorry for you, waving your sign in your front yard and yelling at your neighbors. Show some respect for other people and let them make their own decisions.
brushhog- Sure. I cherry picked the good stuff. Antibiotics, casts for my broken arm, and ivermectin. These are some pretty slick interventions. I could add niacin to that also. Maybe you don't need it, but I sure did. Why on earth would I pick the lame interventions? Wouldn't that be silly
I love what you wrote. Makes sense. We are on our own unfortunately. Time to dig deep.

It’s not all unknown. We know that cases of mycarditis are popping up all over the country in mostly young men. We know that in animal models the LNP bioaccumulates in the ovaries far more than any organ other than the spleen, into which the lymph nodes drain (i.e. this would be expected). We know that the signal from VAERS is that these vaccines are more damaging by far than the previous baseline made up of flu and other vaccines. Saying that “it’s all a big unknown” is simply untrue. Your argument is not holding up JAG.
We also know the risk side of the equation. Kids have very low risk of being damaged by Covid-19 due to the strength of their innate immune systems.
Yes, there are still unknowns, the biggest of which remain on the (vaccine) risk side of the equation, because we are exposing our kids to unknown long term consequences.
You don’t like my style. I get it. I am Okay with you not liking me… I will still upvote your stuff if it adds to my understanding of how the world works.

I think a re-reading of Travis’ post #94 is in order. He didn’t ask Chris if he should jab HIS kids, but rather “our kids”, which I assume to mean as a society. A question I’ve already answered for myself, but aren’t all questions valid? Not deserving of a personal attack. Notice how tensions seem to be rising here in the heat of battle? Take a deep breath…Aloha, Steve

From the growing comment thread on Medscape;

Sonya T 5 days ago I am an RN and hospital administrator. I experienced neurological symptoms that lasted 12h post dose 1 and several months post dose 2. Involuntary movements of my thumb in the vaccinated arm as well as hand. Muscle twitching in parts of my face, headaches, generalized fatigue x 4 months with napping and going to bed by 8pm. I was a healthy 38 year old nurse and mom of 2 but the zip of energy I’ve always had feels gone. I get muscle pain after limited activity in various parts of my body which I keep hoping will just continue to subside with time. My menstrual cycle has always been a solid 28 days but now it is random.. 25 days, now shortened to 21 days..painful the first and second day which I have never had before, with numerous tiny clots like the piles on a sweater. I have never seen such a thing and it worries me. My clotting factors, neurological system and perhaps hormone balance all seem off. I was the first group to receive Moderna in Canada-December 2020. Would I take the vaccine again? Yes, but I am finished reproducing. Would I let either of my children take it? No way.

It’s not just soil depletion, it’s crop breeding for shelf life, appearance, sweetness and “taste”, ease of chewing (think lettuce) that often results in varieties that are lower in minerals and vitamins even in good soil.
So wild plants and minimally bred crops are a good place to start. This time of year, greens of dandelion, garlic mustard, violet, chickweed, dock, various chenopodiums (be careful, some are not so edible) and much more are available. Research shows they are higher in vitamins and minerals than any traditional garden green.
Wild fruit (strawberries, raspberries, etc.) and minimally bred shrub fruits that tend to be in permaculture plantings (mulberry, honey berry which is a type of honeysuckle, goumi - a member of the genus eleagnus) and much more are rich in vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.
Finally, get to know the permaculture workhorses known as dynamic accumulators. Comfrey is one of the best. There are varieties that make good chicken feed and others that are sterile so they don’t spread (it will spread slowly, but aggressively). It sends it’s roots down 6 feet or more to scavenge minerals that would otherwise leach out of reach of even the deepest rooted plants. It then accumulates these minerals in it’s copious and heavy leaves and stems. I cut it multiple times per year for use as garden mulch and chicken feed. Since I’ve started this, I can see the increase in garden productivity. Even the lowly dandelion is a decent dynamic accumulator. I always leave it in my garden bed and harvest the leaves for greens.

Although the mineral content of the soils are different and vary greatly it’s the microbial world in the soil that makes these minerals accessible and available for the plants. In many cases the poor mineral/nutrient content of the food is a result of dead soil… or better said planted in sand. That’s also the reason hydro culture cannot replace a proper natural setup - in my opinion.
I don’t know in which climate zone you are living but have you tried the Hügelkultur method of Sepp Holzer? Actually it is not invented by him… it is actually a hundreds of years old way of German and eastern Europe horticulture.
In this method the buried wood becomes the breeding ground for many microbes and a constant resupply for the topsoil.

NAC is available. Just look at

There might be an underlying concept at most of the current state of affairs.

Our time seems to be engrained with the complete lack of consequences. And it’s this “reality” that allows for a lot of bad behaviour.

When you were tempted to take a cookie from the jar without permission, as a child you got reprimanded and might get the proverbial slap of the wrist. 
Today’s advesaries have more on their track record than just that stolen cookie but still face less consequences, they even get media sponsorship. And of course we might be all wrong about this, but at least Fauci needs to be investigated diligently for the stuff that appears to have happened.

But it’s not just Fauci, there are hordes of like minded, if you happen to take a journey on twitter and glance in the sheer amount of dirt that is being excreted… by users that have no other demonstrable capability than the fact they were able to sign up. Shocking!

I listened to a podcast between Sam Harris and Lex Fridman recently (if you are into intellectual conversations this might be the epitome, but be warned), it was a little offtopic but both are into some form of martial arts and what stills sticks with me is the fact that some martial arts are quite unforgiving, there is a real consequence (suffering!) when you are not good at it and try to engage a trained opponent. Having the skills drives respect for each other, something I strongly adhere to, pretending skills is a no-go if the rammification is a direct knock-out. Also there is no walking away victoriously when you have lost the game, no pretending here either. 
The lack of consequences seems to have permeated through most of our society and became obvious to those in power, I wish we could alter this as I believe that society would be much better off if there were real consequences (in this life, with respect to whatever you might believe) to real wrong doing.


One project my son worked on in the Peace Corps when he was in Nepal was growing and marketing moringa.  The leaves were looked upon as an excellent source of plant protein and other nutrients and farming it was looked upon as a means for Nepalese farmers to gain an increased measure of economic success and independence through marketing and selling this valuable plant food, not only locally for food security, but equally importantly, to more affluent countries for the revenue that would bring in.

As a consequence, I ate moringa from a number of different sources including Nepal, India, and Africa.  I would never say it tasted great but I do recall one batch of African moringa that I ate that tasted downright terrible (and this is from someone who has routinely eaten a variety of healthy foods that many people eschew due to them “tasting bad”).  I cannot be sure but my guess, from the taste and the smell, is that some of those bad tasting batches of moringa may have been contaminated, probably by molds or fungi.  Being processed in hot, humid Third World countries, I could very easily envision how this problem would occur.

You may want to try a different brand of moringa from a different geographical source and see how it tastes.  It is indeed a superfood loaded with an abundance of nutrients but I’ve noticed how the price has gotten way out of line and I personally didn’t experience enough of a benefit to make the cost worthwhile. 

I eat the green leaves from edible local plants instead.  They’re completely free, fresh, and loaded with nutrition as well (although they do not have the protein content of the moringa leaves).  We freeze some to carry us through the cold weather months.

Hope this helps.       


There are extremely severe consequences if you are part of the 99%, ask anyone in prison for a non violent ‘crime’.

It may be even worse with Fauci. This is an interview at the Children’s Health Defense with RFK, Jr and David Martin, a patent specialist (among other things). They are claiming that Fauci is involved in the entire process of illegally funneling federally funded patents to, in this case, Moderna, promoting the vaccine and personally profiting from it. RFK, Jr is a little painful to listen to but there is a transcript below the video.