Bankers Own the World
Many of you may know the words, they are prophetic…even if you don't care for my posts/views, this is a good one.  In fact, I'd love to hear what you think  -  give it a listen, all the way through.  Trust me, once.

Oh, and turn it up.

Thank you for a great article. It describes perfectly an incredible form of economy that I call Inverted Communism globally and fascism per nation state.
You can thank those who smashed FDR, Keynes, and Veblen as well as Adam Smith. This was achieved by those who wanted to syphon the fortune of the great middle class produced after WWII who worked hard and lived the American dream. —ah note to the folks in television land, it's over!

The Austrian school of business, Milton Friedman of the Chicago School of Business and the think tanks who have adopted this vision of American power have managed to create the hegemony in finance and military that now dominate. The use of the military to advance the will of the Ceo's and bankers have concentrated money and power in a top eschelon who go from country to country creating borrowing and debt and then destroying the public sector for profit.

Catherine Austin Fitts has described this as an ongoing dynamic which creates little depressions around the world. I think they can continue this for quite some time, while we the people will suffer more.

There is a civil war in this country where the spokespeople for the elite, are trying everyday to evercerate the public sector while turning this undemocratic system into privatized toll-booth form of services. Even with a democrat in office, elected twice, they are plowing ahead with their agenda while not serving the people in any way.

Obama who is also a dedicated global neoliberal is hardly using his position to fight this in any palpable way and has most likely been told that if he wants to dance at his daughter's wedding he might want to get out of the way. We may very soon see Larry Somers runing the FED, isn't that special.

The only choices for candidates the people have now is a democrat and a republican that is dedicated to continue the downward spiral of 300 million people, while concentrating wealth for a tiny few internationally. Notice how the media doesn't talk about any candidate who is not a bankster toady.

The next phase is the destruction of cities. Slowly decaying and left to die, who will get control? Could it be bankers who sell leases to foreign entities to run the cities as fiefdoms?

Stay tuned for the next installment of the destruction of the nation-state. Oh and don't forget to eat a GMO snack!


I've just described in my post today the global system. I believe the answer to the bankruptsies is the banks selling sovereign wealth funds to foreign investers for an 80 year period to run these for profit. It's already happened in the midwest in highway and parking meter interests by Morgan Chase, of course, who else?

I remember when I was young and never understood the beauty and genius of this and other similarly great music…thanks for the post. Totally, absolutely, seperately…when you look at the cover you posted, aren't the 'elf' shoes they are wearing hilarious…and the fact they're back…in vogue, today - at least thats what I'm seeing the hip crowd wearing.  I've never been accused of being cool, ever. 
Those dudes had some serious harmonies, no doubt - I think I'll check 'em out again, thanks for the reminder.  Have a good weekend - go grill something.   (In most municipalities its a violation to not have an open beer within 10 feet of a lit grill…)

this was a PM.  how did it get here?  Anyway, while I'm here - same deal, go grill something.  If it walked, swam, crawled, moo'ed, baa'ed, or ever said 'cock-a-doodle-doo'…grill it.

Never fear, Bankers wont own anything after the Islamists behead them…

Hello everyone here I am imaan Rahman from UAE but base in the united state of America /california I promised to share this great testimony about how Dr Harry helped me cure my diseases, I have been having several problems that includes small penis ,diabetes type 2, heart failure my dad have taken me to different countries like Australia, Canada,UK, Singapore and vaccines,drugs,many doctors but none of the doctors could render me the help I wanted they said my sickness is genetic and there is no cure for it, I felt like killing myself hearing all those words, I wept everyday but my dad encourage me to have hope so one faithful day when I was checking the internet on facebook I saw one Mr sakhin mehmod from Saudi Arabia testified of his great powers, I was shocked and didn’t believe but I had no choice than to contact him through his website link or email , he replied me and gave me somecomfortable words and steps to follow after that I purchased his herbal medicines and he sent it to me through UPS… And it was just 14days of using his herbal medicines my small pens increased to 10.5inches ,while my diabetes type 2 was tested negative completely and his medicine helped me breath healthily everyday… Am short of words I don’t know what to say anymore but Thank you so much Dr Harry for helping me, cure all my problems …so if you are out there and you need his help email him or visit his website you can call or whatsapphim on +2348143240563.Note he also have cures to diseases likeDIABETES 1/2