Banks Are Evil

Mots wrote:
Hi Urbanplanner Michael Greer has a great understanding of a path forward, based on a contrived "religion" wherein each person focuses on this natural law, from which things like truth, beauty, fairness arise. His Druid religion has a goofy name and strange history but in practice, a practitioner must study the biology/chemistry/physics (ie. natural law) of his/her immediate environment and apply that knowledge with philosophy to prosper (via a local resilient community). This in fact was the formula for success in the last dark ages. Need to withdraw from the rot, and build locally. In my opinion, it does no good to give or receive speeches in the UN or on Capital Hill or expect the racketeers to "give" us truth, justice etc. Sure, there used to be a law about this and many things, but in my opinon the solution to the problem is to move on and not look back so much......... When the Titantic was sinking it made no sense for an individual to float in the water and try to hold the boat up up with his hands. The best strategy was to move away as fast and as far away as possible (if any lifeboats seats leftover after rich pick the best) to avoid getting pulled under and sinking with the ship. Mots
Mots, thanks for giving me an excuse to talk about John Michael Greer. I'm currently two-thirds through his book 'The Long Descent" and very much on board with the "walk away from corruption" attitude. The time for reform has been and gone, now we are left with the pieces of a crumbling civilisation and elected oligarchies (John Michael's term for our democratic institutions) hissing at one another to control what remains of the empty shell. Good for them, they win the rotting corpse of western virtue. One of the reasons I believe his work is so vital, as with Chris's and Adam's, is that it reduces the 'shock factor' for me - I'm no longer surprised by world events and thus I don't suffer the emotional distress when things go against me (contrast that with those Bremain/Hillary voters who just can't let go of the system no matter the cost). As a result it's helping me develop a picture of what it'll take to adapt to our declining civilisation - i.e. focus on developing a required skill set. As such, my list of primitive rules grows; 1) Get real 2) Get tough 3) Add value All the best, Luke

Got this email from the SF Federal Reserve Bank suggesting I learn what they’re supporting:
Join the Strong, Prosperous, and Resilient Communities Challenge (SPARCC) on March 30th at 9:30 a.m. EST for a live conversation on how collaborative, community-driven approaches to addressing poverty, racial equity, health, and climate impacts can positively shape our cities and regions.
I missed the live bit, maybe it will be on YouTube. Nice to know the Fed is looking out for our best interests!
Aloha, Steve.

The bank agreed to grant the discount they promised but then took the independent, 3rd party appraisal and ‘desk reviewed’ it from $335K to $250K (30% less in value and taking the equity from 40% down to 5%) without any explanation whatsoever, thereby giving them a reason to jack up the rate and fees. Criminal bastards. I told them where they could stick it.
(Did I mention I’m a trained real estate appraiser? $320, maybe. $250, not one chance in hell it’s that low.)

Doesn’t just about every large special interest fund the political system though whether it is the pharmaceutical companies or big corn or big oil? I mean, sure, the banks rig the system but I doubt they are alone in this.

Hello everyone. I have not been online much as I came down with the nasty Influenza A virus that is going around in my part of dreary cold Massachusetts. I am delighted to see that there is interest in reading and maybe discussing Illich and I apologize for not answering sooner.
I believe that Energy and Equity is in the public domain as it was published as an article in Le Monde.
Here is a link to the text of Energy and Equity. Let me know if it works for you.…

Hi Mots. Not sure you will see my most recent comment so here is the link that I used.…

Hey, Urbanplanner; I live in an overvalued market and resource prices have taken it on the chin. Job prospects are dismal and credit is maxed out, not leaving much room for the growth mentality that permeates our western society. Valuations are beginning to soften, if not darn right flaccid. As banks tighten the rules and interest rate start to creep up you can guarantee the banks will maintain their margins any way they can. The boomers are going to feel it in a big way as CM has alluded to many times on this site. I’m investing in seeds - return on investment is pretty good there. Maybe this is just the start of what’s to come.

One week left to file…don’t forget to get your tax returns in.
Gotta fund the machine.

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