Ben Hunt: Inflation Ahead!

The Government controls the narrative? I don’t think so. Governments take their cues off the citizens and reflect back...
Most phenomena (physical or social) follow the 80/20 rule, where 80% of the effect is caused by only 20% of the inputs. In this unique time of ZIRP, debt, and asset inflation "everything bubble", I don't think Fibonacci concept or charts have had much success at forecasting how it's flowed to date. It's basically just a bull market/everything bubble all the time, no cycle at all to speak of. This is why so many people here point and shriek "Fed!" as what they think is the obvious dominate input. I agree with you that the Fed and/or governments are unlikely to be competent/unified/powerful enough to be orchestrating it all, and there is likely another major cause. My opinion is the Fed is as mystified as everyone else as to what's happening and is merely holding a tiger by the tail. The most likely explanation I've seen for our everything bubble? The slow creep of index funds driving cash mindlessly into stocks, with index funds going from 1% of investments in 2000 to nearly 50% today. This trend started the tech bubble in the late 1990s (remember Greenspan sputtering about irrational exuberance?) and it's really never stopped pushing stocks higher and higher, with people dutifully putting paychecks into their nearly 100% stock-based 401k index funds (no active managers) which just creates momentum buying and corresponding irrational asset inflation. If this is indeed the dominate cause, we are probably just now starting a massive and irrational bull market in stocks, one that cannot end without a complete breakdown of the financial system. So I see no other choice, like Ben, except to play the game.

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I think investors can play it safe and avoid those rocky years by hedging inflation with BTC. It’s the safer bet at this point imo. My boss is buying BTC on a weekly basis, he’s a savvy investor, so I definitely want to follow his lead. The company I work for uses Ultipro login for all their HRM needs and their currently looking for a way to integrate bitcoin payments into the software, although it seems impossible right now at least they’re already thinking about it. Maybe they’ll have to look for another solution because I don’t Ultipro will integrate BTC payments anytime soon. Thanks for the article, great read!