Beyond Binary: When choosing sides isn't an option

Yes and No:
The pro-Zionist newspaper NYPost is not reporting on this incident.
Bottom line?
Two Wrongs don’t make it right?
Is my enemy’s enemy my friend?
Alternate caption:
"Do you condemn male genital mutilation?

Notice I’m not talking about Truth or Justice or Deity, I’m talking about words on paper, Biblical Inerrancy, and I’m hypothesiziing an axis of control put in place by Oligarchy to establish control over the little people for 1600 years, hijacking the teachings of the Savior to serve their own ends. (Gosh, they wouldn’t do that. Would they?)
I really do believe we all (all of us here) believe in the same thing, at the core. God is Love. The rest? Well its up to you to figure out if all those words on paper represent Truth - or not. It took me decades to sort this out.
Safe & Effective. Settled Science. Biblical Inerrancy. Its all the same thing to me. If it doesn’t resonate with “God is Love”, then it’s not the Truth.
Of course, that’s just my opinion. And what do I really know? I’m just one guy in a room. Our opinions all have equal value. Now we know why we don’t talk about religion here at PP. But at least I do it politely. Yes? :slight_smile:
I respect where all of you are right now. And who knows - where will I be five years from now?


At least the OT has the Ten Commandments, which rather goes against the status quo if you interpret it correctly.
I can only respond as a Catholic at this point. You are meshing good with evil. To balance this view, please consider all the good the Church does (and has done through the lives of many saints) in the world, with its various missions, parish outreach and strict moral teaching (some like myself, actually live according to this very strict, counter-cultural code, which is why the FBI is now after trad Catholics). All of this is based upon the Judeo-Christian paradigm of a loving Creator and ultimate salvation, which comprises both Testaments.
For instance, I am now looking at my recent church bulletin. Here are the community services we are doing: youth and adult choirs, children’s Christmas show, free pipe organ concert, honorary memorials, shelter and meals for the homeless, honorary flags for veterans, youth group, children’s holiday parties, winter charity collection with the Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts recruiting, cancer support group, food/essentials pantry, Thanksgiving food drive, ads for local businesses, AA meetings, singles group, charity knitting group, pro-life ministries, bereavement support. They also run an elementary school where you won’t get woke stuff. And all of the above is typical for every parish in my NY area. Also, many of my church friends were against all the Covid mandates.
“By their fruits you shall know them.”

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OOps didn’t see this, please see my reply above. Yes, you are polite! I think it is inevitable that we get into religion here, but it is dicey.


Not Complicated

I really respect Chris but this discussion had very vague statements that made it very hard for me to grasp what I actually took away which is unlike the usual productions from Chris.
Anyways, it’s not complicated! We are seeing textbook case of genocide and immense suffering and nightmare inflicted on 2 million innocent people in Gaza - HALF of them CHILDERN! Let’s abandon tribalism and adopt empathy for these helpless people.
I have attached a must read resignation letter from Craig Mokhiber, a senior human rights lawyer at UN.


Thank you, Mark, for this. I find it most helpful when pondering the concept of a soul. I leave religions and their gods out of it.

I’m going to suggest that your group is operating under the teachings of the Savior. As a result, you guys are doing the Right Thing, in my opinion.
Have you guys stoned an adulterer lately, as you are commanded to do by the OT? I’m guessing not. And I claim - that’s a good thing.
But stoning is what the Oligarchy would have you do. Because - Bibilcal Inerrancy. In your hearts, you know that’s wrong. You much prefer the prescriptions of Jesus, who told the sinner, “Go, and sin no more.”
And that’s my entire point. You already know the right answer in your hearts. And you are living it. And that’s - victory. At least for me.
I know I’m just one guy in a room. I’m not the Pope, in Rome, who is Infallible. This is just my opinion. But it feels right to me.

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Well, here are differences in views of the sovereignty of God and how much interference can humans incur over what God has reserved unto His own?
I totally agree that the oligarchy political corruption is profound and wide spread. And yeah, there are changes that have been made to Scriptural texts that people who’ve studied this stuff are aware of. But also things happen over the course of history that God’s sovereign hand moves in. For example; the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The paleo-Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls does have some difference in it as opposed to the Masoretic text; which is what all our current Bible translations are taken from. (Including the Latin Vulgate.)
Back in 400 AD when Jerome translated the Greek and Hebrew into Latin; He’d been given texts from Masoretic rabbis. The Eastern Orthodox church told Jerome; don’t use those; use the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Old Testament; which predates the Masoretic text.) because the Septuagint is actually closer to the original Hebrew than the Masoretic rabbis translation. Jerome had access to both (Septuagint and Masoretic text) but he didn’t have access to the Hebrew the Septuagint was translated from. He had access to all sorts of New Testament texts from both the western and eastern church.These included translations from Egyptian coptic languages, Arabic, Aramaic, Koinonia Greek, Classical Greek, Latin, Persian and Ethiopian too I believe?
Now fast forward to 1948(?) and the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. And “lookie” lo and behold; the Eastern Orthodox church was right. The Hebrew in the Dead Sea Scrolls tracks to the Septuagint and we can see where the Masoretic text was changed from the paleo Hebrew.
Now the Dead Sea Scrolls are the oldest copies of Scriptural texts we have and they are 1st century and before. Although there are no Christian texts in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Which makes sense because the New Testament texts were still in circulation by the apostles when the Dead Sea Scrolls were buried. Who buried the Dead Sea Scrolls; we aren’t sure. They were placed in the caves over the course of probably 50 to 100 years and undoubtedly some of the material put in the caves likely came out of the temple before it was destroyed in 70 AD.
Now how much difference is there between the Masoretic text and the Dead Sea Scrolls? Frankly, not much. There are some words that had been changed, (Places were “son” was replaced with “Israel”.) “…made him a little lower than the angels.” Text in Psalm 8:5 was changed to “made him a little lower than God…” in the Masoretic text. There were name spellings of places that were changed.
But I suspect the book that was changed the most was the Book of Daniel. Which much of what’s in the Book of Daniel relates to the incarnation of Christ and how Jesus was the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecy. Now the Masonites were a Rabbinic Jewish sect that emerged post 1st century; post destruction of the temple. They had a vested interest in trying to blur the identity of the Messiah.
We see in the Old Testament where it was actually prophesied that this was going to happen. The verse “…his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men…”
Now a lot of people think that verse is talking about Jesus’s physical appearance. But that’s not actually what that verse is talking about. That verse is referring to his recognition as the promised King who was foretold would come. The efforts of men to attempt to “blur” his identity by tampering with the written word so those who did this could (think to themselves) they’d adequately “disguised” that Jesus was the Christ.
Although obviously in God’s sovereignty that didn’t work. People could still identify that Jesus of Nazareth was still the promised Jewish Messiah; even out of the altered text!
So yes, you are correct that “the oligarchy” (What Revelation 13 calls “the beast” that “Babylon the mother of harlots” ride on. The initial physical representation of that beast is Jerusalem. So the dispensationalists are wrong. The “beast” is not the Roman Catholic Church; but the political apparatus of the RCC has been “sucked up” by the political apparatus of this beast system. But the same thing has happened with the political apparatus of the Eastern Church, the Protestant church as well as all the governmental apparatuses of the nations of the world. The “oligarchy” and the “beast system” are the same entity. It’s a geo-political, economic, and monetary great big… cluster F***. THAT’S the “beast system”.
Now, next comment; I’ll talk about “Old Testament Law” and Jesus. They are connected. The “LORD” of the Old Testament is Jesus Christ.
Now I may not get to that today; but I do intend to “assemble those pieces of the puzzle”. Which is needed because this is a subject that confuses a lot of people.

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I have beliefs; not sure if I have religion. I was born a Jew and still am. No bankers in my family, but plenty of STEMs. It was Ted Kennedy’s eulogy to brother Bobby who said, “saw suffering and wanted to heal it, saw war and wanted to stop it.” Seems pretty good to me.

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Thank You Chris And Brett

Always a pleasure listening to you both together. I especially loved the discussion about scarring over. These days all I see is apathy and open wounds and it’s not that I am unsympathetic, I am but it seems to me that people are so unwilling to grow from pain and this unwillingness is being embedded into a form of ‘victimhood’ that is becoming ingrained in our society


In a way, if you start with the viewpoint that Brett is espousing, “don’t do group-based lineage selection because it’s ugly” then you’re correct. My personal opinion is that Moloch (I’ve been naming all these primal forces as deities based on cultural references) has been banned from the world for so long that he will make a comeback, and all your nice morality will be overrun.
You can hold to your, admittedly very pretty, luxury beliefs for different spans depending on your overall strategy. You can:
A) Hold it with honor, and go down fighting
B) Hold it until it becomes clear you can’t and switch to winning
C) Switch as soon as it’s obviously inevitable
I’m currently with B, but I must admit to being tempted by C. My substack is devoted to this, although it should probably be read in order:
Either way, you’ve missed the point of this discussion, which is: Can you ally with people on the ugly side of this issue because bigger things are at stake? If not, are we doomed to lose to the divide and conquer being levelled at us?

Jews Accumulate Resources

According to Brett, “Because they [not we] are good at living as a diaspora, they [Jews] tend to accumulate resources”. It’s missing the most important part. They tend to accumulate resources and power. Which puts them directly in the way of trying to change the direction of society before it goes off a cliff. Only when we accurately identify the root of the problem will our attempts to address it be sensible.


That is so well said: “Unwilling to grow from pain”

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“it’s Like Bowling. I’m Trying To Stay Out Of 2 Gutters”

That is a perfect rebuttal to so much of the bs nowadays.

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There is quite a big difference in audio levels between Chris and Brett, which is fairly unpleasant when you listen with headphones or earbuds.
If I hear correctly in all Chris’s recordings, no EQ is being applied to the SM7b. That could be a choice, it’s a matter of taste, but in a case like this, where the conversation partner uses a condenser mic, you’ll get a pretty big difference in perceived audio quality between the two, which doesn’t sound very professional and might draw attention to itself.

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Thank You For The Interesting Insights

It’s always a pleasure to hear Brett and Chris reason together. Still, words fail.
What I see is some of the richest people on earth slaughtering some of the poorest people on earth, having already taken everything from them. I knew they would activate the Final Solution someday. What better time but when Bibi was between a rock and a hard place, his long career in politics almost certainly over.
As Gerald Celente puts it so well, “When all else fails they take you to war.”


<Gaius Julius used it in France, way back when, and it worked like a charm.>
“He made a desert and called it peace” - Cicero

You exposed the fallacy in the discussion - the explanation Bret gave was a theory that disregards the history and origins of debt slavery and the world banking system in its current permutation (17t-18th century Europe - present). You have to ask the question what is the historical root of the sentiment, even if it is verboten - if you want to get to the truth. Doing that doesn’t justify antisemitism any more than Bret’s discussion of rape justified rape.

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And the root again is a classic divide and conquer game - gentile monarchies and “Jewish” bankers in collaboration to enslave the plebes economically, scapegoating the Jewish plebes in the view of the gentile plebes and driving chaos, endless tragedy, suffering and division that keeps anyone from identify the real slave drivers/owners. This emphasizes the fundamental message in this podcast - that until humanity of every race and religion can step back into their universal spiritual truth/intelligence and not fall into the divide and conquer trap, they are stuck in this cycle of abuse.

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Sorry, Lamarth. You’ve kind of lost me there with a lot of what you’re saying.
I wasn’t really talking about the main point of the discussion. I just felt frustrated that two very open-minded and analytical people whom I respect a great deal seemed to be characterising this whole thing in a way that to me felt too close to the way mainstream media wants us to see it (a characterisation that’s extremely unfair to the long-suffering Palestinian victims of it all). So I couldn’t leave it without challenging it.