Bunkers 'R' Not Us: Correcting Boston Magazine’s Take on This Movement

Jeremy Grantham recommended Chris Martenson in his GMO Grantham July 09 LINK
I sincerely think this article was a drive by in the sense that she never watched the Crash Course. People of Grantham’s caliber recommend it. That tells anyone with an IQ this isn’t bunker crap.

Reading and Listening List

Hardin, Garrett. Living within Limits: Ecology, Economics, and Population Taboos, Oxford University Press, 1993. Bartlett, Albert A. The Most Important Video You’ll Ever See,

Arithmetic, Population, and Energy

. 2009 <http://www.youtube.com>.Martenson, Chris.

The Crash Course

. 2009 <https://peakprosperity.com>.


It’s advocacy journalism: they teach young journalists that they can make a better world by twisting stories to push for changes in society. Perhaps the young lady who interviewed you had lovely motives and thought you and your “followers” were deluded. No matter, since old-style journalism seems to be dying from a lack of actual reporting leading ot a lack of actual readers.
The cream always rises to the top, Chris. That’s why you’re there.

That’s the funniest thing yet!!  Thank you for the kind-hearted and best laugh I had today…all in good fun of course!

that Jeremy Grantham investment article and his mention of the Crash Course in his footnote was how i found this website and the eye opening and perspective changing facts and information contained. Glad you mention that. Grantham is enormously intelligent and insightful in my mind and it is a big vote of confidence. Too bad he never really followed up on the issues in his subsequent writings, but perhaps next letter he will.

Although everyone may be annoyed by the distortions and the goofy paranoid tilt she put on this article, i honestly believe many will read this, and come to the site, and watch the Crash Course as a result of it. The Crash Course is strong enough that it stands on it’s own and the creditibility and factual nature of the Crash Course will help many like me who stumbled on the site for a random reason. I’d say by lesson 4 or 5 much of the bias implanted by the article will be gone as information takes over - at least for those who’s mind are open to information.

Though annoying for not capturing the message very well, i think the article will in the end bring many to the site, and allow the Crash Course to help them change their lives, understand world events better, and prepare for the future in a more effective way.

Just trying to emphasize the time Chris spent with them was not wasted - it will in the end help some folks.


Hum, it appears that the church choir has their feathers ruffled.
If I understand Chris’ desire and mission it is to educate anybody that wants to hear. This article will do just that. The agenda on this forum seems to implicitly suggest that the message needs to “get out there” in a specific manner, in this case it did not meet your criteria but it is getting out there. Frankly, (as if I wasn’t already) the number of people who will hear will be about the same regardless of the intent of this piece. Only those with the personal integrity to think independently will “hear” and they already think for themselves and will consequently either dismiss or check the data.

Nothing has been lost here. In fact controversy is often good. Look at Palin, she has nothing and NO reason to be in the media but she masterfully exploits every bit of controversy she can. I’m not suggesting that you (Chris) emulate Palin, that hurts my head even thinking about it. But that this presents an excellent opportunity to be the anti-Chris if people ask or when you are speaking. Disappointingly, most people like the drama and controversy so by embracing it and even referring to it more people will look and have to decide for themselves.

Sorry if I offended anybody, but the story is history - now run with it.



It seems to me that the bunker mentality stereotype is the reaction from almost everyone when I talk about self reliance and concern about the future.  It doesnt surprise me that the article would swing towards that point of view as that is what I most often get from friends, family and co-workers that I speak with about the 3Es.  I am creating hope for a new way of life, but they see a person who is trying to live in a way that they dont understand or necessarily respect.

The information in the crash course appears so logical if a persons belief system is open to receiving it.  If not, then all the evidence in the world will only make it appear to be some kind of a cult or misguided belief system (with Chris at its helm). That idea seems to be implied in the Boton Mag article.

Hundreds of years of prosperity is a hard track record to begin to have doubts about.   This is the reason why we still do things the way that we do … this has created our ‘sucess’, and ‘we’ will continue to follow that path … until a new vision takes its place.

The CM ‘story’ is competing with all the other belief systems out there attempting to explain why things are the way they are and what we should do about it.  Our ‘story’ may not be the one  that is ultimately chosen by our country to explain why things are the way they are whether it is correct or not.

Time will tell.






that Jeremy Grantham investment article and his mention of the Crash Course in his footnote was how i found this website and the eye opening and perspective changing facts and information contained. Glad you mention that. Grantham is enormously intelligent and insightful in my mind and it is a big vote of confidence. Too bad he never really followed up on the issues in his subsequent writings, but perhaps next letter he will.

Although everyone may be annoyed by the distortions and the goofy paranoid tilt she put on this article, i honestly believe many will read this, and come to the site, and watch the Crash Course as a result of it. The Crash Course is strong enough that it stands on it’s own and the creditibility and factual nature of the Crash Course will help many like me who stumbled on the site for a random reason. I’d say by lesson 4 or 5 much of the bias implanted by the article will be gone as information takes over - at least for those who’s mind are open to information.

Though annoying for not capturing the message very well, i think the article will in the end bring many to the site, and allow the Crash Course to help them change their lives, understand world events better, and prepare for the future in a more effective way.

Just trying to emphasize the time Chris spent with them was not wasted - it will in the end help some folks.


[/quote]Doug I came here several years ago by way of another Jeremy Graham caliber investor. I can not tell you how upsetting it is to see some moron do a drive by media hit on this community or Chris. 

Disappointing experience to say the least. This reporter sounds rather immature & seems like she would be a good writer for the National Enquirer or a cheap Detective magazine. Let’s face it how many people can we talk to about being self sufficient & they think you have gone over the edge?
I really like firearms, collecting them & working on them. The machining & work that goes into them is a form of art too me.  The fact that they make a decent investment over funny little pieces of paper helps make even more sense to own them. Yet the media has brainwashed the feeble & mindless that these are for crazy radicals that like to live in bunkers LOL. You cannot win with ignorance.

Our local newspaper requested an interview with me on a local issue which I agreed to. The paper already had their slanted view on the subject which I knew they were looking to twist if I wasn’t very careful. When the reporter arrived at my house I let her know that I had other family from out of state that were coming in & they wanted to see the interview also….so I would be taping this for them which she agreed to.

She just took notes &asked questions. The article never came out because they did not feel comfortable enough to twist it into what they were looking for. I would recommend documenting these type of events to help keep people straight & make them think.

You just have to let these people live in their virtual little world where they push their little buttons & somehow it all works. When their button breaks lookout below & hope they don’t land in my real world.

I just read it and although I agree with all that was said regarding the disappointing aspects of the article. I don’t think that it is all for nothing. I agree with those that believe those who read it and want to HEAR the message, WILL. It’s not all bad that’s for sure.  Your CD was originally given to me by a wealth manager in NYC who is ultra wealthy himself and he surely doesn’t think CM.com is fringe. I know it has changed my life and I’m an educated medical professional living in the REAL world. Thank you and your wife for putting yourselves out there.

Look at the bright side, Chris. You have all these amazing people who just stood up for you and your work on the Boston Magazine website. There is not one comment there (so far) that is approving of the article. How lucky you are to have such avid fans who have gained so much by your work. I also posted a comment on the article and on their Facebook page. I am not a “follower” so much as someone who thinks your course is terrific.
Focus on the positives…not everyone will have so many people stick up for them when bad journalism hits the newsstands. You are blessed!


   You are not responsible for the author of the article’s distortion of your thread, and inability (or lack of attempt) to understand the context in which we see it.

   If I am flying in a plane, hit gut-wrenching turbulence, and the engine lights are flashing red, am I a fear-monger to make sure a parachute is nearby?  No!  Anyone limber-minded enough to consider the implications of a plane crash (or a potential societal collapse) is being responsible to consider self-preservation!  

   What the author of the article failed to grasp is that Chris is more like the person trying to guide that plane towards a safe landing place.  But risk management (and common sense) says that we, the passengers, would be fools not to have a "parachute" ready, just in case!!  Chris is a great navigator, but the plane we're flying in is in bad shape, and the conditions are nasty! 


   Chin up, Aaron; I, and many other people here, value your contributions!


Chris and family, I am sorry for the upset this story has caused you all.  I do hope others here are right, and the publicity will be for the good, all the same.
JAG, you just rock! Smile(PS Hope you aren’t near the hurricane/Alex?)

The Boston Magazine article is so distorted it kind of amused me when I read it … but exposure is exposure and I suspect it will still help the CrashCourse cause more than it hurts.

I recently planted some apple trees in my back yard.  Some of my neighbors witnessed me committing this dastardly act. They literally treated me like I was from outer space… how fringe is that, the thought of growing some of your own food?   Sad to say, but I would guess that to Pagan Kennedy’s eyes, when she saw your orchard, chickens and the gun club, you did look pretty fringe.  


I would say this woman had every intention of writing this story exactly the way she wrote it from the onset.  She then just led you down her path of lies.  It’s the way the media works, we all know that right?  
I agree with the “just roll with it” comment.  If people are meant to understand, they will.  They will come to this site because something in them, tells them they should. 

When they visit they will see the enormous help and hope for the future you offer.

She got one thing right, the end of something is near.

Sorry you had to have this unfortunate experience but as the saying goes, lesson learned.  Your story has obviously been sensationalized and the bunker photochopping was definitely over the top.  As newspaper/magazines stories go, however, she really didn’t do too bad a job considering what she could have written if she were really out to ambush you.  I could be wrong but the sense I get is that she just wanted to create an unusual and interesting (albeit sensationalistic) story that would attract readers.  I don’t get the sense that she wanted to do a hatchet job on you.  She actually seemed to be harder on gold and guns than you.

I’ve had several news stories done on me and truthfully, except for one exception, they bore only a passing resemblance to reality.  It was actually a publication written by teenagers with a journalistic bent which had the most accurate interview.  The others tended to play me up in a way that made me look better than I am, something that I personally found to be rather embarassing.  As a consequence of these distortions of the truth, I’ve refused other requests for interviews including a request to be featured on a TV program.  Interestingly, keeping somewhat of an air of mystery about what I do has been more positive for me professionally than anything the media has done.

Your open and sharing nature is commendable and speaks highly of the type of person you are.  If I were in your shoes though, I would only do interviews if I had tighter control over the content and I would absolutely refrain from bringing these people into my home or personal haunts.  Media people, quite frankly, aren’t to be trusted and my dealings with them would be arms length and impersonal.

It’s a shame these type of things have to happen but as I tell my kids, the real world is full contact and even the very best can take a hit.  The important thing is to shake it off and keep on going.  You’re doing a fantastic job and I, for one, am very grateful for all you’ve done.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Lesson learned and it won’t happen again I am sure. Keep up the good work. To those of us you have assisted in this broad educational effort and the peace of mind that comes from the preparedness, we salute you and your family. And JAG, thanks for the best laugh I have had in 6 months. chris

My father was [screwed] over by 60 minutes decades ago when they came into our house and did the exact same thing to us.  The day after it was aired, at 7pm on a Sunday evening, there were camera crews camped on our front lawn.  I know how it feels. It is aweful. I am sorry you have had to endure this. I feel for you and your family, it really does hurt to have a message you believe in betrayed.

My father started a charity for dieing children;  the article hung him out as a crook, it was slanted, it was lies.  The show gutted my father, he never really recovered, getting sick, getting cancer.  I no longer blame 60 minutes; can you blame a shark for biting people?  

The Chinese have a lovely saying;  'It is in vein to look for yesterdays fish in the house of the Otter'

I suggest that your message isn’t a main stream message, and as such it is not in the nature of the MSM to report such messages. Is it in vein to look for them to do so? Is the risk greater than the reward in attempting to do so? I dont know. 

It seems to me that just as it is not in our nature to understand the exponential function, it is not in our nature to embrace the carrier of bad tidings.  The reporter that has slandered Chris is no different to the 99% of people that don’t get the message already; when they look at the world and they hate what they see [environmental destruction, human exploitation, starvation, criminality etc] they have to come up with a story, a view of the world and their place in it, that makes it ok for them to continue doing their part in keeping the system that supports the exploitation going. 

I suggest that  we all put yourself in a no-win situation when we try to pass on the CC message to those that have not sought it out, because we all re-write history after the event.  After the dust settles from this, the greatest of crashes, we will all rewrite our personal histories to present to ourselves, and others, a picture of a 'self' that we can live with.

Denial defines our species, we are the only beings that live in denial.  I suggest we take significant risks when we ignore that fact.


I gave them my 2cents (shame on them). I think docmims is right , you must be hitting close to home with your message.

You have developed a fantastic community of diverse caring and intelligent people, no small accomplishment, that speaks volumes!  You have motivated and helped many people including me and mine.  And it continues to grow…



Boston Magazine heard from me too.  So sorry, Chris and family.  They missed a huge opportunity. 

Chris and family,
I am brand new to your site. I have watched Crash Course and thoroughly enjoyed it. Your style, clear and concise sentences and message kept my attention. Of course the prospects of the world you describe are scary but as humans we don’t want to face tough situations until absolutely necessary.

The article I read seemed jaded as expected but I bet the author believes what you are predicting on some level and is scared because she is no where near prepared either. Mission accomplished!