Censorship Is Out Of Control!

Based on what’s happening on the west coast did you want to add remediation of wildfire risk. Are you already in a consistently humid environment?

Surely no one’s using Google anymore? We haven’t in nearly ten years. Although TBH DDG is simply not as good for deep scans.

We can see something’s been removed. The trick in the digital age is you can no longer see that.

Or pruned.

Yeah it’s out of control, agreed. 
Essentially, as a species we aren’t mature enough to adapt to handle our intelligence. So what happens to species that can’t adapt.
Yeah, true spirituality is the answer, but good luck with bringing the majority of humanity to that.
Nazi Germany was fueled by misinformation, the ‘free flow’ of information.
We’re looking at a collapse of civilization in real time. 
Perhaps we’ll arise from the ashes, maybe not. 
Interesting article on free speech vs disinformation:

Living in the present?

Seemingly, a long time ago, I stated that the pandemic will only work to make the rich richer and the poor, the non-essentials, poorer. Well?, so be it. However, I suggest that the problem is not so much the Fed. reserve but the US Congress. Only they have the power to tax and regulate the rich and make sure the non-essentials have a decent life. Well, partisanship has rendered the Congress ineffectual. Now this ineffectiveness exists because the American people vote it in. So, we are stuck IMO. I am just glad that the Fed keeps us out of a massive depression. I just don’t see the benefit in our own destruction.

I am so glad I waited until Friday night happy hour to watch this! So glad to finally see you drop a few F bombs and show anger Chris - in the appropriate manner that you did. And the cat video - too funny!!
No question resilience will rule as this Fourth Turn progresses - and it does seem to be picking up steam. The more censorship there is, the more you know you are on the right track!
More like this please! :slight_smile:

I liked the Dating Game music and interlude; nice touch!

How would you suggest searching for a doctor in my area that is willing to use Ivermectin, HCQ, and other encouraging yet politically incorrect treatments for CoVid?

A WHO study, yet to be peer reviewed, found little or no evidence that various drugs helped with hospitalized COVID-19 patients. The drugs were Remdesivir, Hydroxychloroquine, Lopinavir on its own, Interferon plus Lopinavir, Interferon on its own.

According to MedCram (a youtube site run by a California ICU doctor) the antivirals were used throughout and late in the illness. The Math plus doctor says this is a big mistake (Paul Marik of UVMS). The antivirals (hcq and I think Remdesivir and maybe Lopinavir) have to be given early on, not in the late phase of the illness. So much press for a brand name medicine looking for an indication and so little on the generics and OTC meds. It is frustrating. Example:a local TV network had a local doc just recommending vitamin d, vitamin c and fresh fruit and vegetables for mild covid in the spring, and the network just took his recommendations off the air after one soundbite. Best advice we were getting and they pulled it. Now it is the same attitude with long covid, a lot of “we don’t know” and so many afraid to do compassionate care out of a fear of being reprimanded.

for those interested (technical):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy1kdZhXsP8 (Paul Marik discusses Math Plus)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUdQpFyF2G8 (Remdesivir may not work-MedCram)
Don’t want to derail, just provide sources for my post

While not strictly censorship, the echo chambers in the MSM and social media do create the inability to discuss certain topics. For instance, the NY Post recently published emails implicating Hunter Biden for selling access to his father while he was Vice President - a very serious corruption charge.
At the time of this post:
CNN.com main page: no mention
FoxNews.com: top of main page with large accompanying photo
I know several people who swear by one or the other news source and condemn the other outright along with its viewers. Given the way folks normally self-select their news sources, how are we to have a national discussion about critical topics?
News services have the right to publish what they see fit, so I don’t see this as an issue of censorship. But the self-selection of the audience, and the choice by publishers to feed their audience the news they want to hear, creates a related problem of echo chambers across the country.
Where is the town square these days? Where is the common area where folks can debate these issues? These echo chambers have torn apart a common base of information for the country. Without that, we can’t debate issues. Without debate, we will resolve conflicts with violence.

Redneck Engineer wrote: News services have the right to publish what they see fit, so I don't see this as an issue of censorship.
RE, That wasn't the case years ago. Reagan weakened the Fairness in reporting and Clinton killed it outright. It was a bipartisan effort separated by a couple of Administrations. I miss the old days when news was given special standing in return for presenting both sides of a story. When they had an editorial, it was duly noted as an editorial. Nowadays, there's no need to identify opinion pieces. Each network builds their base constituency and caters to the whims of that group. Why? It sells more advertising. (Ironically, both sides are selling the same advertising messages.) You are correct to say it isn't an issue of censorship. They just preach to their choir with messages that the choir wants to hear without confounding the issue with relevant information opposing what the choir wants to hear. Ironically, both sides have the same strategy. The big problem is that common folks on either side of the divide buy it. The news no longer provides a common ground of reporting. Is it any wonder that our self-censored casual observers consider the other side of the political spectrum to be the enemy? Grover

Abandoned Chrome browser and my gmail account last week. Moved to Yandex Firefox and duckduckgo

Rather its sacrificing a piece, the ‘Biden presidency’ was only possible because (a) a lifetime of corruption allowed him and family to use office for profit (b) the previous Obama administration paid Iran $192 billion hush money for their role in hiding Osama Bin laden, who was not present in Pakistan at the time of the raid but had been switched, and the resulting cover up of the seal team 6 silencing by US stinger shootdown where US funded islamists from Libya who were smuggling arms into Syria were used to execute the hit. Then the US compound there had to be ‘erased’ and it all came out last week https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/benghazi-bombshell/ with a CIA whistleblower - hence the rapid falling on sword to hide the even worse - bad news.

For others, the alternate to the biased google.com is the unfiltered internet search tool; duckduckgo.com I wish they created a shorter domain name! But… Even an unfiltered search engine can’t level the playing field if the un biased tells both sides or at least tells a side that is getting suppressed; IF that info is not on the internet in the first place!?!

Mike Adams’ interesting take:
If Biden wins, the election is NULL AND VOID because of Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube election interference [October 16, 2020 by: Mike Adams]

(Natural News) With Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google now conspiring to censor all the bombshell breaking news about the Hunter Biden / Joe Biden crime family, we can now declare the upcoming election to be null and void if Biden wins. Why? Because the elections process of our constitutional republic depends on fair and free elections taking place, which means people must have the freedom to read the news, debate ideas and share ideas without politically motivated interference and censorship from the techno-tyrants, the speech monopolists who decide what you’re allowed to say. The coordinated, malicious blocking of the NY Post investigative journalism stories on Hunter Biden’s emails and Joe Biden’s complicity with Ukraine and China constitute illegal election interference. Worse yet, none of the tech companies are backing off their censorship. In fact, they’re doubling down and censoring follow-up stories from the NY Post as well as any other publications that cover the news. Wikipedia has even joined the fray, now condemning the NY Post as an “unreliable source” and using that excuse to blacklist the bombshell story exposing the Biden crime family. And that’s how it works, you see: The tech giants declare all sources they don’t like to be “unreliable” or “unsafe,” and then claim they are “protecting” their users from those sources by censoring them wholesale.

It’s all RIGGED: Facebook, Twitter executives joined the Joe Biden transition team weeks ago

It’s no surprise to learn that top executives from Facebook and Twitter joined the Joe Biden transition team weeks ago, and they are now conspiring to make sure Biden becomes president by burying extremely important, highly relevant news stories that the public deserves to see. In effect, the tech giants have become Joe Biden’s campaign team, which means they are supplying billions of dollars of “in kind” campaign contributions to the Biden campaign in an illegal way, in utter violation of FEC rules and campaign funding laws. For this reason, the CEOs of these tech giants must be arrested and charged with election rigging, fraud and campaign finance crimes. More importantly, if Joe Biden manages to win the election because of all this rigging by the tech giants, that victory would be null and void. Biden would have only won by cheating via coordinated techno-fascist censorship carried out by the very same executives who are already on his transition team. This means Biden himself is tied to the corporate censorship that’s trying to help him steal this election by cheating. This cannot be tolerated in a free republic, especially when the crimes that Joe Biden has obviously committed include international money laundering, official corruption and numerous bribery crimes that should land him behind bars, not behind a desk in the Oval Office. Joe Biden is an international criminal, not a national leader, yet the tech giants are going all-out to try to hide these truths from the public, all in a deliberate, coordinated effort to eliminate Trump from the White House by any means possible… even if it means carrying out crimes of election rigging.

How to really stop Big Tech’s crimes against humanity… and it’s not by ASKING them to stop

We must not allow this criminal cabal of techno-tyrants and Biden crime family members to rule over our nation and determine what we are allowed to read, speak or debate. We must join together and defeat Joe Biden and the techno-fascists, which means having them all arrested and charged for their crimes against the United States. Because that’s the only way this ends: With gunpoint arrests. Big Tech will never voluntarily stop censoring the American people… they will have to be forced to do so via government enforcement. There are a multitude of ways to accomplish this, and I list just a few here:
  • Have the State Dept. seize the domain names of Twitter.com, Facebook.com, Google.com, YouTube.com, etc. until they stop the censorship.
  • Order local power companies to cut off electricity to techno-fascists that are engaged in election rigging, bringing down all their power-hungry servers.
  • Unleash the military police to physically cuff and arrest the CEOs of the techno-tyrants, then charge them with sedition or treason and hold them for trial via military tribunals.
  • Use government excavators to dig up all the fiber optic lines coming out of the server farms of the tech companies, instantly severing their communications with the outside world. (This is so easy to do that construction companies do it accidentally on a daily basis…)
  • Seize all their bank accounts as illicit profits gained from defrauding the United States of America, and hold their money until they stop censoring the American people. Or better yet, give the money back to the people that the tech companies SPIED ON to earn those illicit profits.
  • Arrest and remove all employees of Google, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, charging them with collusion to defraud America and interfere in the national election. Remove them from their desks and bring down the techno-tyranny infrastructure.
Subpoenas are worthless. The US Senate is requesting Jack Dorsey show up at a Senate hearing next week and lie to them yet again about his treason. If you really want to stop Twitter’s treason, use one or more of the suggestions listed above.
  I don't know what a solution may be, but I agree it's not going to be ASKING them to stop. Can anyone think of a better/best potential solution?