Chris on Timcast: COVID-19 Censorship

I stopped the video halfway through. There was no in-depth exploration of issues.
One thing that Chris should consider is maybe making a deal with Bret Weinstein. Bret is going to be kicked off YouTube. Bret simply has too much integrity to kowtow to petty tyrants and know-nothings. So YouTube will throw him off their network.
Bret will be homeless. Maybe Chris can give him a forum, even if just as a temporary situation. It would add even more visibility to PP due to Bret’s large following. And it would give Bret a well deserved forum to talk truth to power.

A short comment on a tiny part of the interview, in case anyone wants to know:
Check out, for yourself, the chemical formula and structure of Vitamin C. It is a cyclical structure very close to the linear structure of glucose. Most Vitamin C on the market is lab-made, because the natural stuff is expensive.
Vitamin C has a mirror image, which doesn’t show up much in natural form, but is half and half in lab-made “Vitamin C”. The body can’t use the mirror image. It breaks the cycle and burns the mirror image as glucose. So taking Vitamin C also adds glucose to your diet.
Excess of the natural form is supposed to be excreted. Perhaps in most people, it does. However, it turned out that I wasn’t excreting the excess Vitamin C, but converting at least the excess to glucose, along with the mirror image. I discovered this years ago, but it seems to be part of general knowledge now.
No, I don’t know where to get “validated” information about this now. I stopped my concern about it long ago, but have seen mention of it from time to time, not before I reported it and was tested for it, but since I reported it. The conversion had become researched after that time.
If you have to count your carbs, include in the count the amount of Vitamin C that you take.

Why? Ivermectin is known to kill all kinds of simple organisms.
This is great, but it might kill also organisms that we need, especially in the gut.
At least until better knowledge we should consider using Probiotikum after taking Ivermectin.
Is there more clear data about how harmful ivermectin is for beneficial organisms?
And how long does it need to decay? Does it decay fast, or does it need some time and therefore accumulates in nature?

I’ve used ivermectin as a veterinary treatment for sheep and goats for a decade. Yes, it has broad activity and kills many types of helminths (commonly known as “worms”). Good bacteria are crucial for ruminant health, including cows, sheep, and goats. I’ve never heard mention of ivermectin being an issue in that regard, and never seen that problem in my flock. It does have a fairly long half life, as measured by “meat withdrawl time” of 35-50 days, the time that legally must pass after treatment before eating the animal’s meat. And I’ve seen claims that if a treated animal poops out ivermectin, it can persist on pasture for 4 months. All in all, I think your concern is misplaced. I would be more concerned if it was toxic to microbes, but it isn’t.

I was chastised several years ago by an embedded agent on this platform for visiting a website that the communists consider undesirable.
(I shan’t name it, lest I inadvertently provoke a Pavlovian response)
Anyhow, the owners of this website are battling Big Tech censorship, but managed to get a video up of a farmer in England sitting before his field of greens saying that there is No shortage of greens in England, but that “somebody” is buying it all up and dumping it in order to exacerbate a crisis.
Now, those who are open-minded enough to read my script know that I offer my sources.
Unfortunately, Big Tech has made it impossible to locate it again for someone of my skill.
Make no mistake, we are under attack.

Who am I to nurse-maid you? Your reactions are not my concern.

I do not care where the information sources come from, as long as they are credible and verifiable with facts and data. I have found a great deal of valid information by scoping out sites that many would never consider even looking at. Sure there is a lot of misinformation, but there are gems of truth and wisdom that must be mined.
In the fight for life and death there must not be any right or left. Just up and down. At this stage in the battle we cannot afford to overlook any sources that may provide yet another clue to bring the big picture puzzle into focus.

Joe Rogan has fought and fought to get the message of Vitamin D out there. He has mentioned the importance of a maintaining a strong Terrain almost each episode.
I personally find him inspirational. If we all took better care of ourselves and lived like Joe Rogan (53!) - we wouldnt even be needing to have this conversation? ??‍♀️
But above all, as with Chris, the Weinsteins and Lex. He has integrity and is authentic. And we need more of that.

Great job being a guest on this podcast. Its tough to wander into someone elses domain and make a valid contribution, particularly one so fond of dominating the conversation, but you were able to banter well and steer the conversation back to relevant subjects. You represented yourself well. Both audiences get exposure to the others content and it was worth your time. We of course would have rather seen you dive deep into the weeds and educate the world more, but Tim knows his audience and your exposure there was well worth it to spread the message further. Great job.

I'm not a paid member of Tim Pool's website. Nor do I want to be. I am, however, a paid member of this site. I was really hoping to find a copy of that "bonus" discussion here. Any chance we can get that arranged?
We requested permission to play the bonus discussion on our website but were unfortunately turned down. I can't say we blame them, as we are equally as protective of the content our subscribers entrust us to keep behind the paywall / censorwall.

Here’s the thing. Let’s say we are fighting Nazi Germany. Must we only ally with “democratic governments” in this fight? Fortunately, Churchill and Roosevelt were ok with forming an alliance with Stalin and the Soviet Union. As a direct result, we won.
Not comparing Tim Pool with Stalin - just that we might consider that the goal we’re trying to achieve may require constructing a “big tent”. The more allies under the tent, the better off we are.
I really don’t think Tim Pool is all that bad. Just has a different style. I do prefer Joe Rogan though. Maybe because Joe used to be a fighter - he’s done some hard things in life for sure.
If we are going to successfully overcome the imposition of techno-fascism by the Oligarchy, we need to consider constructing the largest possible tent. “We really are all in this together.”

Excellent post!! Where have you been? First post on Keep contributing here… I for one really loved your post. The list is long of people who are dripping with authenticity; Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Zev Zelenko, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Kory, Dr. Marik… these people didn’t pick a fight with “”“reality”“”, like many of us assembled here, the fight picked them. We were and are constitutionally (and I mean this in the sense of our personal intellectual constructions… i.e. what we are “made of”) incapable of accepting the (virtual) chip the oligarchy wants to implant in our brains.

Joe Rogan has fought and fought to get the message of Vitamin D out there. He has mentioned the importance of a maintaining a strong Terrain almost each episode. I personally find him inspirational. If we all took better care of ourselves and lived like Joe Rogan (53!) - we wouldnt even be needing to have this conversation? ??‍♀️ But above all, as with Chris, the Weinsteins and Lex. He has integrity and is authentic. And we need more of that.

I see that angle, Dave. Getting your point out to the widest audience possible is important. All for it. Hope his audience has the attention span for Ned Flanders and his power point deck. I’m not sure the daily watcher of Timcast has that determination but I may be wrong.
It’s just hard to listen to someone I respect and has helped me greatly over the last year be interviewed by a HS dropout asking said 57 year old doctor of pathology who values truth and data - “Have you ever played Super Mario World?”
Or when CM is trying to explain how only three mammals don’t create their own Vitamin C and he is interrupted in his train of thought by “I think pigeons don’t make vit C.”
Birds aren’t mammals, and you cut off the scientist making an important medical pronouncement just to hear yourself talk because you haven’t developed a conversational filter yet. The empath in me has issues with the narcissist in him.
Or that imported soda and beer converted to piss in the sewers will terraform the desert of Vegas. Or that Chicago pours it’s sewage straight into the Lake. What? I mean, what?!?!
I am a case study in ADHD, a patient written up in multiple journals in the 80’s. And even I can’t follow what the hell Tim is talking about, nor do I care to try anymore.
I agree that my points may have been taken harshly about Tim and in return CM also, but it’s my perspective. This is a forum where I am allowed to and pay for giving and receiving perspectives, and I voiced one.
I meant no disrespect. Just pointing out how silly that video was to me.
It seems CM enjoys his time with Tim. And he is networking with other podcasters and (I have trouble typing this re Tim) “citizen journalists”. And he is getting his word out to new folks in different forums. Good on him for that.
But I’ve seen posts on this site severely critiqued for much less than “have you seen my sword from the Zelda video game on the wall?”
It’s as if Tim is a 35 year old man with a voice of influence who wants to go skateboarding with his status and make fart jokes and tell ghost stories. I’m joking about the farts, but he was telling ghost stories.
Anyway… Happy Fourth of July to us Americans, and a happy weekend to all others.

Last Man Alive
Plus great idea’s on what to stock up on. ie Microscope, HAM radios, cigarettes, mirrors and garlic.

Got a letter from the dutch government. Invitation to have the vaccine. So they know about me, it is not a local issue. There is nothing between me and my doctor.

hard to listen when Tim wont stop talking and let the guest finish a thought...
ever listened to axisofeasy (charlesHSmith)

Well said ! They are called uninterested cowards .

This was my second time listening to Timcast. Made it only halfway through.
Tim’s style is definitely geared towards a younger audience. It’s hard to tell if intentional, but it seems trying to cater to shorter attention span. No discussion point is carried for a long time. No idea explored in depth. it’s just too much fluff and too little substance for my taste.
I can see the appeal - it’s entertainment married with journalism, but let’s not OD on facts and substantive conversation.
I’m not against Chris exploring venues to reach a younger audience, it’s just not for me.

Fauci is an ugly-smugly little media-driven hobgoblin, answerable only to the larger goblins in Big Pharma & their cohorts.

I was able to listen to this long presentation in installments. Overall impression? It left me with nothing of substance. The word “fluffy” comes immediately to mind.
I think Chris did well in appearing on the show — an awareness exercise — and it may have had more impact on its target demographic than it did on me. Is this what attracts young people? I really do think that attention spans are growing shorter.
If nothing else it got out a message that certain substances have proved beneficial in dealing with The Plague. So sad and bad that ivermectin denialism has led to a campaign of censorship, but here it is.
How to overcome ivermectin hesitancy? The question to ask is, what would it take to change people’s minds? (Remember the interview with Peter Boghossian? Splendid book, How to have impossible conversations, splendid tactics!)