Chris on Timcast: COVID-19 Censorship

Tim’s work probably was improvised, but that’s always done within a strict framework using a lot of hard-earned technique. It’s not just barfed up, as we keep getting told. I’ve done some simple improvisation myself, and I’ve enjoyed teaching it from the ground up to usable levels. It’s awesome fun and a great reward for hard-working students. We laugh a lot.
I’m not saying Tim is a genius or anything. He may not know exactly what he is doing. But he’s doing it and making it work. And it’s hard, experienced work.
You are to be commended for your curiosity. Most people have no interest in this stuff. Most people insist on believing that artistic ability is something people are born with, not from knowledge and hard work. I think it gets them pity and lets them off the hook for making any effort themselves. Also, sadly enough, lower-grade professionals are happy to spread the born-with meme. It keeps the riff-raff from attempting to compete. It’s a powerful and ubiquitous belief system.

Assume Tim’s audience has the attention span of a flea. Start with that. :slight_smile:
Have you ever chatted with someone about a very serious subject, only to have them pick up their phone, scroll through the latest facebook updates, click “like” several times, and completely ignore what you just said?
That would be Tim’s audience.
Mostly, I don’t think that’s us.
Retaining their attention for longer than 10 seconds is probably an incredibly difficult art form.
My old boss used to tell me the following: when watching a duck apparently gliding effortlessly across the lake - are they paddling furiously underneath the water to make it all happen? Or is there an unseen current pulling them along?
As an observer on the shore, it is impossible to know.

Yes, a 1000 times yes.

Can I burn the tent down when we win?

The Army has directed commands to prepare to administer mandatory COVID-19 vaccines as early as Sept. 1, pending full Food and Drug Administration licensure, Army Times has learned.

The directive came from an execute order sent to the force by Department of the Army Headquarters.

Army Times obtained a portion of a recent update to HQDA EXORD 225-21, COVID-19 Steady State Operations.

“Commanders will continue COVID-19 vaccination operations and prepare for a directive to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for service members [on or around] 01 September 2021, pending full FDA licensure,” the order said. “Commands will be prepared to provide a backbrief on servicemember vaccination status and way ahead for completion once the vaccine is mandated.”…

Looks like the FDA will grant final approval by September 1 !

In his last interview Dr bossche said he is not niaeve enough to think the vac campaign can be stopped.
He saw the real hope in the grassroots movement towards the various treatments that individuals can take on their own.
What happens next will be as sad to watch as any war but we are not helpless

I need to suppress my symptoms of this disease; that is, the desire to go around with with a big wooden club and address the perps forthrightly.
That primitive reaction would be vastly counter-productive. The whole purpose of the exercise is to send humanity through Finishing School so that we are fit for polite company in the Greater Cosmos.

Shame about Joe’s liver failure. Probably no connection, but that “perfectly healthy” BMI of 30.9 could probably use some trimming. But I’m not a doctor, so…Aloha, Steve

How do you know Joe’s BMI? Joe could have been a gym rat before his illness. A simple height vs weight calculation is not always correct. My son is 5’6” 180 lbs of solid muscle less than 10% body fat high school football running back. Are you going to tell me he is fat? Before making those kinds of judgements find out more information. Look at the guy’s profile pic. His face does not look like someone who has a obese level of body fat.

If this poor guy had tested positive for COVID prior to his hospitalization, then for sure, COVID would have been listed as the cause of his liver failure issue. However, after taking a vaccine - pretty clearly - they are unrelated. People get liver failure all the time.
Correlation is not causation.
Except when its COVID19. In that case, correlation is ALWAYS causation.

Kind of reminds me of the guy shot in the chest with a .44 magnum pistol. He immediately falls to the ground and dies.
As you all know correlation is not causation. It would be a terrible breach of logical rigor to ASSUME that the gun shot CAUSED his death!
After all, he might have simply had an arrhythmia or pulmonary embolism or something.
heh heh

You ever have those times when that little voice in your head says “don’t press that key”, but you do it anyway? I assumed those numbers on Joe’s chart indicated his height as 5’9", 209 lbs. I assumed he isn’t a professional body builder. My Bad. I guess using the word “probably”, twice, doesn’t relieve me of bias. Is that Joe’s real pic? As I’ve said before, these times seem to be exacerbating thin-skinnedness and hypersensitivity in many, myself included on occasions. Mysterymet, I hope you and your family are and remain healthy and safe, and especially hope your son can manage to navigate high school on his own terms- health and body-wise. Aloha, Steve.

If you’re sitting in public and a stranger takes the seat next to you, just stare straight ahead and say, “Did you bring the Ivermectim?”

I am new to PP. I decided to join after watching Chris on Tim’s podcast. I’ve been following Tim for over a year and I understand your gripe regarding his style. However, the overall impression I have of his podcast after watching dozens and dozens of his videos and interviews (including bonus content) is that he provides a thoughtful and deep dive into polar viewpoints, and arduously sifts through the b.s. I agree that he can be pompous at times, but he will also admit when he is wrong.
That said, I did watch the one hour bonus segment with Chris and Tim. Due to YouTube’s rules, a lot of what they discussed in the bonus hour was barely touched upon during the regular segment. You may find the bonus discussion much more stimulating than what you saw on YouTube .
I have a question that maybe you could answer…
Chris and Tim discuss an article from the Salk Institute linked here:
The very first paragraph of the Salk article states, “Now, a major new study shows that the virus spike proteins (which behave very differently than those safely encoded by vaccines) also play a key role in the disease itself.”
In the bonus segment, Tim and Chris seemed to praise the Salk article, but overlooked this quote which seems to dispel the main point of concern regarding the danger of the spike proteins in the vaccines.
Do you know why the quote doesn’t undermine the contention that the spike protein from the vaccine is dangerous to humans? I’m not a scientist or doctor, so maybe I’m missing something.