Commodities Look Set to Rocket Higher

I believe one of the assumptions to reconsider has to do with credit. The article implies debt has to be paid back (credit -> debt ->money) and is therefore neutral and thus does not, over the long haul, effect money. Debt does not have to be paid back. There are many remedies to debt and pay back is only one. Default like is happening in Greece is one. Foreclosure of an 'underwater ’ home is another. Bankruptcy of credit cards and other personal debt is another. Just running away (moving out of town) from debt is another if the person cannot be found and forced to pay. Death is yet another. IMHO at the present time considering the housing market and the second loan market, there will be a great deal of debt that will not be paid back. And thus the money and credit side of equation side goes down. This of course does not mean that the affordability of commodities will go down. To the rich, "Who Cares?" they can afford what they need. To the masses, they will not be able to afford things because they have used up all their available credit and their income is less. Even in hyperinflation (money with low value), wages are always behind prices so we see commodity inflation and affordability depression.
Welcome Lynford.
I think the economic debacle continues because we are not allowing enough defaults to occur.  We’re pretending entities like Greece or overextended homeowners can pay back their debt even thought they are not, and propping them up artificially instead of allowing defaults or foreclosures.  The artificial intervention has side effects like commodity inflation.  Perhaps we need to accept the pain then the economy can rebuild.  Tom

by my rough estimate that would be about 24lbs of honey … at my prices this year it would have been $240 … sounds like your local guy is giving you a bargain!   hugs … dons

I love my local bee guy.  2 gallons of fresh local "premium" bee spit- $60 delivered.  Paradise indeed…Aloha, Steve.
by my rough estimate that would be about 24lbs of honey … at my prices this year it would have been $240 … sounds like your local guy is giving you a bargain!   hugs … dons
We just got 25 lb of honey for $40.  That sounded like a good deal, but I wasn’t  sure how to translate that into gallons.  Sounds like we got a screaming deal.  There are benefits from being tapped into the LDS community.

You’re right Don- 24 lbs.  My bee guy has raised his prices $2 per gallon in the last year…And Doug- yeah, the LDS folks are a great resource for prep food items and they have that great on-line prep manual- which I can’t find the link for right now…Aloha, Steve.

Interesting video on this link.

all is clear – u will die if u side with inflation now for the coming few years.

She has a few things to say about Chris’s argument here: