Confused? That Means You’ve Been Paying Attention

As a liberal myself, I totally agree.

In missive to partner.

There are two possibilities. 1. Dr David Jacobs is a CIA operative and has faked the entire book. 2. Dr. David Jacobs is legitimate and the infiltration is afoot.
  • This phone in my hand says alien technology.
  • The injection of the carbon nano- particles says alien technology
  • The Total and Absolute insistence that we are all injected with alien technology implies Alien command and control.

Podbean was chewing up too much of my memory so I had to delete it; however, I did get to listen to Jon Rapoport trying, and failing, to explain the full spectrum dominance that the media have over what we get to hear.
(I warm to Jon, he tries hard and really cares).
How can I open his Overton Window? How can I place before him the puzzle keystone piece, without which nothing makes sense?

Here Dr. Berg explains why some people have mild symptoms and others are wrecked.
(Gratuitous advice: get amongst the germs. Nope; I don’t like Manflu either, but it can be passed to your nearest and dearest.)

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The “Covid Pandemic” Is a Money-making Hoax and Perhaps Serves Darker Agendas

  He doesn't get it. It's got got little to do with money. (Money isn't hard to come by; the FED has a printing press) It's about planetary access. Link.

Hey remember the Faucci emails and the Welcome Trust? They are showing up as one of the “partners” in the Great Reset. What a coincidence!