Coronavirus: Debunking The Hydroxychloroquine 'Controversy'

As many here know, I come from an assumption that the oligarchy is up to no good and do not have the well being of the little people in mind. Found a great clip from the animated movie “A Bug’s Life” where the little Ants realize that they can repel the domination of far Bigger and Stronger Grasshoppers.

As a Michigander, I don’t agree with everything Governor Whitmer does, but I think she has handled this COVID-19 pandemic crisis as well as any other governor or federal official has. In fact, at least she explains the steps she has taken logically based on the data, unlike Trump who has bungled every aspect of this crisis. How so, you ask? First by denying it, second by downplaying it, third by not creating an effective task force with a clear command and control mechanism, fourth by punting all responsibility back to the individual states who don’t have the authority needed to deal with a national emergency or to leverage a national supply and testing strategy, and fifth by making the news cycle all about him instead of all Americans who are impacted by his poor decisions on a daily basis.

One thing these discussions don’t seem to take into account is that there are different strands of virus.
I am in Central Europe with very few cases and minimal fatalities. Nobody is dropping dead in the street. Symptoms are mostly flu-like, some people don’t treat it at all and are fine in a few days. Many doctors all over Europe use chloroquine with excellent results. In my village people are outdoors a lot. Most only wear a nose/mouth cover when going to the shop where it is mandatory. Tomorrow, we are already relaxing the lock-down nationwide.