Coronavirus: How Bad Will It Get?

Cremation produces ash, but some parts (large dense bony structures) do not powder like formerly watery flesh. All you’re doing is increasing the time required to bake the moisture out of the tissues by overloading the crematory, as the other bodies are shielding the inner tissues from the heat and the ash buildup begins to perform as insulation for the unbaked tissues. Crematorium is designed to cremate one body at a time; this is the same reason why taxis are not allowed to cram passengers in like clown cars in a circus.

Most disinfectants are toxic, such as chlorine or alcohol. Pure Bioscience created silver dihydrogen citrate, which is so safe a person could gargle with it. The EPA has approved it for hospitals. Subway (the owners are major investors) and Chipotle use it for sanitation. Besides its non-toxicity, it kills germs and viruses for 24 hours. The company website used to sell it directly, but now the only source is Amazon, Pure Green 24. Go to the company website for more info.

So it seems Tesla had a big short squeeze. There were so many with short positions on it since so many people have a hate on for Tesla. All it took was some freshly printed money to push it up and trip margin calls so they had to exit their positions and buy back the stock. This caused price to keep rising. Billions of $ in short positions were lost. Glad I’m not one of them. But I missed out on the best opportunity of the year. Last week I was planning to buy some Tesla calls but didn’t act to wait out the virus a bit!!! Big mistake. Now that the shorts are out, price will probably stabilize or retrace a bit before continuing up.

>>If the engineered virus mostly affect men of Chinese origin, what does that mean about the culprit?<<
Half-joking. But only half.

After reviewing lots of info and infectious rates; it seems to me that we are ALL going to be exposed, whether passively from fomites or directly from people. I have an immune deficient asthmatic 4yo and KNOW that I can manage her at home with our usual home meds, and also I was previous pedi/adult ER nurse so can manage IV therapy for fluids if needed. I’m curious, what would your threshold be to go to hospital?? We all know that a constant mass casualty (seems to be happening in Wuhan) is unsustainable in our healthcare system as well for any ongoing period. We have stocked food and still procuring antivirals. However, I keep having hesitation knowing what happens once you are in the system… not to mention acquiring a secondary illness Also (Flu! With coronavirus!?). To me, tachycardia without fever, spO2 94 sustained, discoloration… what will your threshold be for this new virus???
for non-medical, I would suggest buying a good stethoscope and pulse oximeter to have on hand so you can learn normals vs abnormal breath sounds. You can listen to the different sounds on YouTube. Just use it as a secondary tool to monitoring family if they get sick with fever or cough. If you hear something weird In their lung fields, have them cough and see if it clears, if it doesn’t it could be sign of pneumonia but something that needs to be explored by healthcare. Also have them close their mouth to breath so as not to make sounds with their mouth your stethoscope will pick up. Def takes practice but worth the ease of mind if you can manage the learning.