Coronavirus: The Home Lockdown Survival Guide

Thank you for this comprehensive article and helpful comments! Chris has mentioned that he has been working with his local small community and making plans. I wonder if he could share some specifics at some point that I might suggest within my township .

Here’s another seed resource:
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Yes, they are out of stock of lot of things and they still have a lot of options.

I’d like to share with you my lockdown experience here in Madrid for anyone interested
Take a good care all of you!

Hi folks. Like many here I listened to what was happening in China early on and began prepping per Peak Prosperity recommendations. I bought a box of masks at my local NAPA Auto store but I can’t find out much about them. They seem to be similar to N95’s but are not sold as such. I’m thinking they would be at least as effective as a surgical mask but I want to have some idea before I start giving them out. Any thoughts?
NAPA Safety 380-000 Dust Mask

The mask you are looking at is not an N95, however imo ANY mask is better than no mask. If this encourages others to wear a mask it’s a good thing. It may help prevent the spread of the virus.

A friend of mine sent me this video created by Dr. Jeffrey VanWingen on how to handle and decontaminate groceries and take out food.

A few years ago in response to the fires in Sonoma County, CA, a few colleagues and I put together the When It’s Too Much Toolkit, a toolkit designed to help reduce stress when things are difficult. I want to share that toolkit with you now since so many of us are feeling really stress about what’s going on. Please feel free to share it with others as well.
I want to be very clear that my intention here is to be of service to my beloved Peak Prosperity community. This is not about self-promotion for me. Professionally, I help people heal from emotional trauma and current events are a breeding ground for that unless we focus on emotional resilience as much as we focus on stocking up.

That was exactly what I was looking for. I remember reading it sometime ago but couldn’t find it. Will print a copy this time!
Valuable information indeed!
Glad you are feeling better and back at PP!

I found and used a 12 hour non-drowsy release capsule similar to Sudafed or something along that line, and it got rid of the headache and fever so that I could at least somewhat think. Then I would take the drowsy version for sleep. That went on for around 10-12 days and then I had to take things for my throat and then my lungs for another several weeks. Beginning to end took around 2 months before I was convinced it was finally over, as it had a habit of pretending it was gone and then it would return randomly to the head, throat or lungs or some combination of them, back and forth. I believe this was Covid-19 but it started around mid December and went well into February. There was no testing when this started and all the clinics said it was just another bug and to let it run its course, which we did. Wish they had a test to determine if one had this or not already?

Appreciated your comment – I am thinking of writing a whole group of itudes, just for the humor and fun-itude of it all – LOL!

The first night we decided to begin implementing our hunker-down, I broke a tooth while eating an almond. Next day I got in immediately at a nearby dental office. They said they had to do a thorough exam which meant X-rays, etc., so I said that would be fine as long as I get the tooth repaired. By the time they were through, they sat me down to tell me it would cost around $4500+ in addition to referral to another office to have an inflamed root canal looked at. I told them I could not afford all that and only wanted the tooth fixed, but they said since it had a shared filling with another tooth and that was also broken all the way to the root, they would have to do a rather involved repair. It got complicated because the referral to the root canal guy who had done several of my root canals per referral from VA, and one of them resulted in a broken drill tip that is still inside my tooth and that is apparently the one that is inflamed.
I go back to VA to obtain an authorization and they now refuse even though they originally authorized it and it is a fix related to their original authorization. My medicare supplement through Humana covers the cost of one filling but they refused to do just that. They then got me approved for a financing plan at around 15% interest but I did not want to commit to such with everything that is happening. Anyway, I am now eating on one side of my mouth in hopes the other side does not completely fall out, and the upside of that is that I get tire of eating and therefore eat less. Fun times all the way around. We can tolerate many things in solitude and quarantine, but the dentist is one of the most important things we cannot do without. I long for the days when life was simple and people could ask for and obtain a simple fix. You hit the nail on the head with trying to get the dental visits done. The other is the same problem with VA as they cannot understand why anyone would want an extra prescription filled in case of civil unrest. Maybe in a short while they will understand, but hopefully they won’t need to. Wishful thinking?

The LA Times has published a wonderful article offering links to several online home workouts. A silver lining in all of this!

I remember watching Chris praising a DYI face mask shop in his daily video.
However I do not seem to be able to find this information on PP.
Could anyone help me with this, please?

Their link is
the link to the article about their masks is

Many organizations are rolling out the ‘work from home’ method for their employees to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. And, technical support, productivity hacks and time management are some of the key aspects which make remote work successful. All it means is employers need to put extra efforts into the employee experience.
Remote work
First, companies should not expect that an employee who is productive in the office will also be successful as a remote worker. Arranging trainings can be more effective than assuming your employees to automatically know how to navigate through the remote world by their own.
It’s necessary to train your staff how to work remotely on a regular basis and here you will find 4 amazing tips to train your employees to work remotely.
Here we have 4 Amazing Tips to Train Your Employees to Work Remotely