Coronavirus: Time To Prepare Is Running Out

There are shipments going into China. A missionary family from our church received masks we recently sent them.

Welcome the Peak Prosperity those of you who just found this great site.
Like Chris said, his first alert, just over a month ago caused many of us, who have been following and learn from this site, sometimes for years to sit up and notice.
Since then Chris, Adam and the community of diverse members have been discussing this virus, its affects and its characteristics to try and get a handle on how we should prepare. Because of this, we have some great resources to help you get prepared.
Start with this post:
An ER Doc’s Summary –Written for His Family
It will give you a quick introduction to the virus.
Next you are going to want to prepare and buy some supplies. You may be forced by personal decision or perhaps even government edict to self quarantine. Can you live in your home for 14 days without having to leave for food or other needed items? If not, then you need to go out and buy what you need NOW.
As Chris said in this video, time to prepare is running out.
This post offers some very good ideas on what you might need and areas you may have forgotten:
Preparations By Category - Revised 2/14
Not everyone will realize how critical it is to prepare, and so when it does dawn on them, the seriousness of the crisis, and find empty shelves at grocery stores they will get desperate. They may remember then how they saw you, unloading bags of groceries and supplies then decide to come knocking on your door.
It is not selfish to want to protect your family, friends and loved ones.
If you decide to stock up and prepare with purchases of supplies and groceries, do so wisely and with a little bit of discretion. This post explains how to do that:
Protective Camouflage Is Now Needed - Getting Serious!
Now this is a good post on what to do if you do get ill. Chris found it on reddit and its a great list:
Nursing 101: Caring for your loved ones at home
Along with that gem, there are many other comments filled with information.
Its hard to go through each of the almost daily video threads here and find what you need to know so we have put together a megathread, one where all the comments about basic subjects are listed so you can find them.
Here are the three current threads:
Coronavirus: Home Prep, Deep Pantry & Gardening Megathread
Coronavirus: Medicinals, Herbals and Supplements Megathread
Coronavirus: Sanitation, PPE and Self Quarantine Megathread
(These threads are current to 2/14, they will be updated further later in the week.)
Lots of amazing information in those threads. If you are searching for something specific, use your browser’s “Find” option.
If what you are looking for is not covered in those comments, then please POST A QUESTION to any video thread. The community has a diverse and knowledgeable depth you won’t find anywhere else on the Internet, and they are here to help.
Best of luck, stay safe.

Welcome Shadow to the community

The WHO comments seem to relate to the Northern Hemisphere pretty much. The southern portion of the planet will be entering “their” fall season. Will the Covid-19 act like any other virus in the wintry months in the southern regions? Will it accelerate in intensity?
That is the question everyone is wondering about. Does Covid act like other flu viruses and abate in warmer temperatures? If it does then those of you in the Southern Hemisphere are in for some bad times while the North gets some relief. If not then those of you in the Southern Hemisphere are in for some bad times while the North still gets screwed. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

If you show up at the hospital with what you feel are cov2019 symptoms, who brings their passport to the local hospital?

I saw this new article on The Atlantic. I know the community is talking more about right now and the nearer future right now, but the article takes an interesting perspective of looking at a longer timeframe. Curious to hear what people think about the longer term, but don’t want to sidetrack the timely and vital discussion of action that needs to happen in the immediate term.

Just saw a video of a Chinese woman claiming that while she was hospitalized in Wuhan that other patients near her who were NOT dead had been bundled up and sent for cremation. I can’t find it again but you have probably all seen it anyway.
It was on a Twitter thread.
Anyway, we are on our own if hospitals get over run. Not saying they would do that here but I would rather die at home if it ever came to that. Kind of harks back to horror stories from the Dark Ages (according to Monty Python).
What is wrong with that Chinese system and its people? They are utterly barbaric. Martin Armstrong keeps pumping that the center of the financial world will be over there by 2032.
God help us.

Here in here in Uruguay the weather is already getting brisk. I’ve lived here for four years, and they pass a lot of Cold and Flu here, mainly because of crowded Transit and the sharing of beverages. So yes, I do think it’ll accelerate this winter here in Uruguay and Argentina.

Nairobi (and others out there).
I’m not ready to buy into the Internet meme that those dastardly Reds are burning people alive. It strikes me as fear speaking and worse, racists fear mongering that vilifies the “Other”. A lot of groups out there want to make the Chinese look bad for political and personal reasons. And some do it by the worst means possible.
I’m not saying you personally are a racist, please note.
What I am saying is I know several health care professionals and they got in to the business to help people. I expect those who are Chinese who are doctors and nurses, did the same. These are people standing on the Line, wearing PPE and diapers for 8, 10, sometimes 12 and 14 hour shifts so they can help people. Whose coworkers are getting sick and in some cases dying. Do you think for a moment, those people wouldn’t object at the top of their lungs over somebody saying, “Toss that guy into a body bag we need to burn him now.”
The Chinese military is not robots. Ask yourself what you would do if ordered to burn a living person alive by your commander? Do you know the Vietnam era slang “frag your officer”? It involved rolling a grenade into your boss’s tent some night. The Chinese Army, I am sure isn’t the happy lapdog willing to commit atrocities that too many of people want us to believe.
Yes the CCP is reacting like a typical authoritative government to a crisis, covering their collective ass and seeking to maintain their power. That’s to be expected. Still such governments are made up of people just like me and you.
Lets not spread the worst of conspiracy theories without more proof that a Twitter post you can no longer find.

Good overview of the legal powers and the legal pitfalls waiting for the American government in this crisis.
It may not be up to the Feds, but to your State and City officials to handle this.

They are anonymous and likely staged. That is my impression, and I happened to watch the one that had the person saying he observed the attrocity. A few minutes I will never get back, I fell for the click bait. Yes, people make stuff up for “clicks” or likes or what have you… or just cuse they have a sick sens of humor

Most of my relatives long ago learned to roll their eyes when I got to talking about global warming, resource depletion, society collapse and all the other fun things that might bring down our civilization.
At least my mother has always been cool about it. She actually did what I asked last year after the repo market scare and pulled her accounts out of stocks and rotated them into laddered CDs to keep her money safe in my opinion.
She doesn’t live near me, but in a near by state. About 6 hours by car.
She is though an old country farm girl, so she at least understands the idea of getting ready for an emergency. She lives alone, with two dogs in home she owns outright. My grand parents owned land with the mineral rights and a decade back, my mother leased her land for a fraking well. She used the money to take some trips as well as upgrade her home. No she doesn’t live on the land being fraked.
What she would probably not have done 2-3 weeks ago is go all in on prepping.
I think we are at the point I need to have “the talk” with her and get her to pull a grand out of her bank for supplies and food.
I’m leaning towards framing it as an issue of “supply disruption” rather than what I think it is going to be, a wide spread disruption in general governance and social cohesion.
She’s coming up on her 80th birthday but is physically fit and I don’t think she takes any reoccurring drugs for her health.
While she lives alone, my younger brother and his wife live in the same town. I’m not that confident he’s up to the task of this crisis. He may end up at her house if things go south. A selling point in getting her to prepare.
One point for Mom. last year she asked me to buy her a pistol for home defense and had me teach her to shoot. My sister too, who lives here in St Louis.
I’ll let everyone know how it goes.
With luck she will listen to me and put away some supplies this week. I may have to mail her a care package though of specific items, rather than trust her to get them herself. I’d rather not take a long weekend and drive down there to set her up myself.

I don’t know if its true either but I do not like what I have seen in a hundred other repulsive videos out of that country lately. None of them are any good. But do we know it’s not true? I did find that commentary again. Who knows, maybe it’s Falun Gong propaganda. They all have masks on while talking. I won’t mention it again since it bothers some but I suspect there are elements of chaos taking place over there right now. You can find it yourself if you like .
#coronavirus China burning sick people alive.

Thank you for understanding that I’m not lumping you into the muck pile of the Internet, Nairobi. You’ve been a great source of information and I appreciate all you do for the community here.
Its just there are a lot of people out there who I wonder if their brains are really in their skulls or is that empty hole just filled with cobwebs. I’m constantly amazed at the stuff people pass on to me.
It seems to me personally, that too many people want to blame a secret shadowy conspiracy when simple government bureaucratic inertia, low level idiots trying to cover their ass and just stuff that naturally happens make alot more sense.
Did Covid19 get accidentally release from some Chinese lab? I’ve read good arguments from both sides of the question. Does it matter in the short term?
Whether its a secret plot by legendary Fu Manchu, or simply a fluk of nature, I still need to buy more food, get some masks, talk to my mother tomorrow, and make sure there isn’t any holes in my prep.
I’ll let the blame be assigned if I survive this. I’m 62 and in the dangerous part of the statistical curve for bad outcomes.
That reminds me I need to buy some NAC supplements soon.

Long-term quiet watcher and learner but new subscriber here.
With enormous numbers of tourists and University students from Asia coming to New Zealand I really don’t believe that we have no cases of Covid 19 here. The official narrative is that we don’t. MSM have been reporting sanitised stories about cases overseas but tonight, 3rd story in (after Harvey Weinstein trial verdict as lead item) we received a warning about a likely global pandemic. But don’t worry it’s not here yet. Some basic advice about symptoms and how to prevent spread, nothing about masks or data regarding transmission. And get this - if you feel sick, go to your doctor! Surely the best advice would be stay home and call your doctor, not risk spreading it.
I bet there’ll be a run on at the shops tomorrow. I tried to get masks and hand sanitiser several weeks ago and there was none. The pharmacists told me Chinese people buy them all to send to their families. Managed to get some masks from a hardware store but even they had few and I didn’t want to wipe them out so only ended up with 2 masks per family member. On the bright side the elderberry bushes are heavy with ripe berries right now so plenty of free medicine to be had!
Good luck everyone and thank you Peak Prosperity for all your timely advice.
P. S. I love reading everyone’s comments especially AKGranny - such a character! Stay safe, keep the grit and the humour up :slight_smile:

Some humor…
cats ask

>> Who knows, maybe it’s Falun Gong propaganda.
I’d lay my bets on Hong Kong protestors.

Given your age dtrammel, you might try this:
I have not seen any mention of Moringa in the threads and it surprises me. Especially as there is so much discussion about Elderberry.
Anyway it is very widely used and accessible in East Africa and I could not imagine doing without it. The stuff is packed with nutrition but its key features are that it’s an antioxident, anti–inflammatory, antifungal and antimicrobial plant.
I have used it for years and in my opinion of all the herbal remedies that get tossed around in the blog world and sometimes become popular for reasons I don’t understand, this one actually works.
It is frankly a superfood with vitamins and medicinal properties. And the nice part is that there are very few risks to using it except in very specific circumstances where it magnifies the effects of conventional medicines.
You can read about it if you are curious in the link attached. A lot of research has been done on this plant so it’s well known overseas.
Who knows, it may even help when the virus hits but I am not a doctor so I would not know about that. I read its grown in the US now so it should be easy to acquire here.
The one downside I noticed personally is that overuse makes you hyper since it really delivers an energy punch. It’s like getting too much of a good thing if you over consume it.

This site from Australia has some good info, especially about preparation in the last two blog posts. Much of it mirrors what PP folks have been saying, but it’s nice to see from virology specialists.
It notes that remdesivir, which some people consider (and the WHO said) to be the best chance against Covid19 is still undergoing clinical trials in China and the >results< of those trials won’t be available until April 27th.
So anybody still hoping on a vaccine/cure/treatment, even the best chance is 2 months away, and it used to be a failed drug against Ebola.
They are also, quite hilariously and ironically, mentioning: “He Zhimin, deputy director of the administration, said Gilead Science – developer of the experimental compound – had applied for eight patents for the drug in China, of which three had been approved. The remainder were still undergoing reviews.”
“He warned that all pharmaceutical companies, including generic drug producers, should respect Gilead’s legitimate rights by obeying patent law. Gilead has applied for patents covering core structure, similar structure and crystal forms of the compound, as well as related manufacturing methods and usage.”
I would like to point out that any measures pertaining to “respecting copyright law” where explicitly not part of the Phase 1 trade deal because China Didn’t Wanna.
EDIT: Might as well edit this post lord knows i’ve been spamming enough already. An SCMP article mentions 27 cases in the ICU in italy:
Since we know from the 60k study that 5% of all cases are critical cases, 20x27= 540 cases total. So far SCMP says 220 infected, worldometers says 231 infected, so whichever one it really is it’s half of all the implied cases.

The crazy people on Zero Hedge suggested that Hawaii lacked the ability to test for the Corona Virus, however a google searched showed that the state health laboratory was starting testing the week after the 7th of Feb.
The one point of concern was the Japanese man who contracted Corona after visiting Hawaii, it isn’t clear exactly, but it’s suspected he got it on Hawaii. (reported on the 14th)