Coronavirus Update: The Calm Before The Storm

I saw this story, which lead me to an online source in Hong Kong.
Some of the other articles are interesting. I’m assuming that being in Hong Kong, their reporters get information out of the hot zone, that makes it past the censors.

Myrto, which of the many Event 201 Videos are you referring to?

Confirmed superspreaders, like with SARS, carrying nCoV 2019 but no symptom but spreading the disease.

“And by the way, if the facts make someone fearful and panicky, the problem isn’t with the facts.”
Chris - That is a fine and useful thought.

Entire article free online
Plain english: high sodium diet increases chances of immune overreaction. Low sodium diet helps with more optimally modulated immune/cytokine response.

Effects of dietary salt levels on monocytic cells and immune responses in healthy human subjects: a longitudinal study.


The studies on mice have revealed that sodium chloride plays a role in the modulation of the immune system and a high-salt diet can promote tissue inflammation and autoimmune disease. However, translational evidence of dietary salt on human immunity is scarce. We used an experimental approach of fixing salt intake of healthy human subjects at 12, 9, and 6 g/d for months and examined the relationship between salt-intake levels and changes in the immune system. Blood samples were taken from the end point of each salt intake period. Immune phenotype changes were monitored through peripheral leukocyte phenotype analysis. We assessed immune function changes through the characterization of cytokine profiles in response to mitogen stimulation. The results showed that subjects on the high-salt diet of 12 g/d displayed a significantly higher number of immune cell monocytes compared with the same subjects on a lower-salt diet, and correlation test revealed a strong positive association between salt-intake levels and monocyte numbers. The decrease in salt intake was accompanied by reduced production of proinflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-23, along with enhanced producing ability of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. These results suggest that in healthy humans high-salt diet has a potential to bring about excessive immune response, which can be damaging to immune homeostasis, and a reduction in habitual dietary salt intake may induce potentially beneficial immune alterations.

  Another reason to have culinary herbs and spices to make your food more palatable rather than loading up on salt.

My customer is a PhD Economist, Chinese native. He just returned from Shanghai. I only spoke with him on the phone briefly. He said he’s already purchased one months worth of food, water & medicine. He plans to purchase more. His elderly parents were scheduled to return home from their 6 month visist this month. He said their not going back any time in the near future.

So I guess that you won’t be going to the largest human trafficking event on earth this weekend or next, when ever it is…the super bow(e)l.
There are far more smart folks than me commenting on this here right now so I’ll thank them all for their input.
Just a little food for thought how a single individual or event could get the ball rolling.

My school administration - two days after telling me they wanted me to work 75% of my current load for 40% less money and no benefits next year - met with me today to discuss whether we should continue to take our school trip of 16 delegates to the Johns Hopkins Model UN conference next weekend. I laid out everything Chris has been saying, and told them it was their call…but IF a single student who goes is infected, they will spread it to at least a few hundred other students. That conference is a hotbed of teenagers sitting in close contact, touching the same door handles, and punching the same elevator call buttons. It would be a virus’s playhouse. We have schools coming in from everywhere, including China…though they may not be allowed in. Still, that’s above my pay grade and rank to make that kind of call, so I left them informed but in charge.

Supposedly CDC has confirmed “human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus in Chicago” - reported on ZeroHedge
CDC telebriefing (link). No transcript yet so can’t confirm.
Reported by AP though (link)

The arguments above remind me of past events. I remember being flabbergasted after 911 by the message of our then President to keep shopping.
You can always make the argument that is was a rational thing to say, saying the economy, jobs, societal cohesion and functionality, etc. were at stake. But if you take a step back and look at this from 10,000ft, I’m sorry, but this is really twilight zone material.
How did we get here? Is our economy is such an incoherent fragile mess, that seems anything can tip it over. It also brings home the point that .01% who seem to have a remarkable ability to control the overall narrative see the general population as little more than farm animals, good for milk and meat while healthy, off to the slaughter house when your old. Don’t do anything that will diminish your value in the eyes of your owners!
Though the herd is slowly waking up and starting to live more independent, conscious and meaningful lives, but boy do we still have a long way to go. Hopefully events like this are pushing us in the right direction.

Suzie and AKGrannyWGrit,
Thanks for the well wishes and the words of wisdom. I’ll discuss it with my better half tonight and keep you posted.

Your from London, “Should I say or should I go?” The Clash…Combat Rock 1981.
Sounds to me that you’ve already answered your own question…or have you? Cy-op by the globalists complete. The ball is rolling imo as people are beginning to worry/question this completely unsustainable lifestyle that most all are living. Many here imo.
Personally, I just stay home in my little community. I don’t fly anymore. Ok, so I’m boring.
Occasionally, I’ll take a drive but I always have my own plan(s). They can be pretty complex. I take every precaution that I can, but outside forces may come in to play. I accept that.
Everyone wants to ride off into the sunset and expect someone else to save the day. That may happen if you are in the right place. I believe one of the reasons that we are here is to help one another. What is your acceptable risk. Oooohhhh…that word.
RISK…the other 4 letter work that no one wants to hear.

I love to go to the grocery store with my better half to look at other peoples shopping carts. Try that some time then look at the people, look at their kids. 99% of the time it saddens me.
I often wonder why we are there? I can assure you that what we get is very limited compared to that 99%. Were working on eliminating it completely. Were close. There are just something that are difficult to give up.
You know what they say, “you are what you eat.”
Damn those organic sustainably made salt and pepper crinkle cut chips! If it weren’t for the crinkle cut, I be ok.

Whenever MSM and politicians are running a media circus [e.g. Trump impeachment] I immediately ask: What important real world issues are out there that they might want us NOT to see? Why the distraction?
I’ve thought since 2017 that the Russia election interference circus and then the Trump impeachment circus must be designed to deflect attention from something important. I have suspected climate change and economic issues as being the obvious mega-problems that politicians and their corporate handlers want to keep out of MSM.
Pelosi’s initial strategy to squelch impeachment since they would look stupid when the house acquits still holds. Unfortunately, her fellow house dems are really stupid and managed to do impeachment just in time to disrupt the primary cycle, which appears to benefit Biden, the candidate preferred by the corrupt establishment, the most. Just like H Clinton, he’ll have trouble getting votes of those who won’t support the establishment.
coronavirus timeline:
Here’s the winter timeline adding the political: just putting it out there for you all to ponder:
According to Chinese officials, 2019-nCoV first appeared Dec. 12 about 700 miles south of Beijing in Wuhan, a city with more people than New York and Chicago combined. Health officials say the outbreak originated at the Huanan Seafood Market.
On Dec 18 the house passes the articles of impeachment.
“Moments after a historic vote to impeach President Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House could at least temporarily withhold the articles from the Senate”
Dec 31 "On 31 December 2019, WHO was alerted to several cases of pneumonia in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. The virus did not match any other known virus. This raised concern because when a virus is new, we do not know how it affects people.
One week later, on 7 January, Chinese authorities confirmed that they had identified a new virus. "
Jan 10 “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday she’s preparing to send the impeachment articles to the Senate next week to start the trial of President Donald Trump.”
Jan 14 “Pelosi announced on Tuesday that the House will vote Wednesday on a resolution to transmit the articles of impeachment” “Hours later, McConnell (R-Ky.) revealed that the Senate will begin its trial in earnest next Tuesday [1/18], when the chamber considers the rules package to govern the trial.”
One can’t help but wonder if both of them were already aware of the next government step below.
January 17, as a second death was reported in Wuhan, health authorities in the United States announced that three airports would start screening passengers arriving from the city.”
So now, instead of having investigative news coverage of a pandemic, we have a MSM media circus around an impeachment trial [with a forgone conclusion] which distracts public attention as cases hit the US. Since we know the sham screenings for a virus that takes 2 weeks to show symptoms were not the appropriate action, we have to ask if the DC impeachment circus might have prevented public demand for effective quarantine procedures.
Just wondering.
As the wizard of Oz says: don’t look at the little man behind the curtain. Keep your eyes on the distracting show.

This article describes what the conditions on the ground.
I found this interesting in light of Chris’ point about China under reporting the cases of infection:
“The truth about the virus also came too late for other patients in Wuhan’s hospitals.

By January 26, Shi began to have a fever — one of the symptoms of the novel coronavirus. She went to the hospital’s fever clinic where she found over 20 patients, all waiting to be tested by one doctor.
She says she was given three tests — a nasal swipe to rule out the flu, a CT scan to compare her lungs against those of infected patients, and a blood test. After nine hours of tests and waiting for results she says the doctor told her that she had coronavirus, but because he could not give her the fourth and most definitive test, she could only be considered a suspected patient. Her 67-year-old father is in the same situation.
Shi called hospitals all over Wuhan, trying in vain to find one with the confirmation test — a reagent test which chemically tests for the virus.
For now, Shi and her father are not counted in the official statistics of people infected.”

Read it and weep.
Rampant in my community…and they want even more of it.

Paulie, you’ve been here all this time and this is you first comment?! Outstanding!
I’m glad people still have a sense of humor!
Thank God I am almost to the bottom of the comments. I have wood to split.
“Lunar New Year is always a big disruption to these production systems. Many workers don’t come back – they might decide to stay home with their families, or they might get married, or take another job. Factory managers always are waiting in suspense to see what percentage don’t come back, because then they have to hire and train replacements.
This year, a lot of people won’t be coming back on time. Many companies have already announced that they are delaying reopening, and some cities or provinces like Shanghai and Guangdong have told companies operating there that they may not restart before February 9. But when they do come back, managers will have to worry about whether any of their workers have potentially been exposed to the virus and will need to be quarantined for two weeks. Imagine an even worse case if virus carriers are not identified and go out on the factory floor and infect others. This will be a nightmare.”

BillL - hasn’t the problem of risk been solved - it is called a derivative.
Barbara - don’t think national politics is what we are not supposed to look at. Thats just theatre. I think it’s a show TPTB are putting on to wreak havoc. They are sitting back and eating popcorn and watching the show. Hmm need a little more excitement, they can make that happen. Stay tuned it might just get more interesting.
Just speculation.