Creating a World Worth Inheriting

I'll definitely check into his work further.

No, Ben Bernanke, I'm not happy

I understand your perspective Damnthematrix, but there is much more to the issue than jobs that may be lost. I'm sure that, if I were in that position, I'd be just as angry at the prospect of losing my job so close to retirement. Sometimes though, there are larger issues that have to be addressed in order to bring our methods into sustainable equilibrium with natural law. Here's a question: If you knew for certain that abandoning the use of coal and other fossil fuels for power production now would create a better future for your children, grandchildren, and all other future generations, would it not be worth the sacrifice?Now, I realize that you are probably under the impression that all of the information regarding fossil fuel use and the environment is an exaggeration, but that is not even the end of the argument. Even if we are not affecting the environment negatively with our emissions (which is unlikely), supplies will still be peaking soon if they haven't already. There really is no choice but to try to develop other technologies to begin the transition to renewable sources. Even if it takes 100 years; 500 years, 1000 years we will eventually have to do this to survive. Is that so hard to accept? We have no choice. The fact that large oil & gas industry corporations have the monetary might to sway public opinion by throwing huge sums of money into misinformation campaigns is no reason to believe the propaganda.
What needs to happen is a plan to transition workers with those companies into new positions with the new ones that will take their place in the market. These things can be done in a way that makes sense and doesn't damage wellbeing in local communities where these fuels are produced; at least until we can start the transition away from the current system altogether. Insanity is doing the same things expecting different results.

It's not my perspective at all…  I simply posted that because it was interesting!!  I think the whole jobs jobs jobs mantra is a fantasy.

Hahahahaha!!!  YOU are new to this site, I've been here from the very start…  I'm the LAST person to think "all of the information regarding fossil fuel use and the environment is an exaggeration".

I'm WAY ahead of you, I'm pretty sure…

And I could go on…

 …And gladly so.It just seemed that you may be promoting ideas that you seem now to take the opposite stance on; very confusing.

[quote=ALIHAYMEG] …And gladly so.
It just seemed that you may be promoting ideas that you seem now to take the opposite stance on; very confusing.
OK, maybe I should have prefaced that post with a personal comment…  but I still find it fascinating that so many people still don't get it in the face of overwheling evidence.
It's easy for us clever ones to pontificate about what we have learned from CM, but there are other views out there, and just because we/you may not agree with them doesn't mean we shouldn't know about them…
Information is information, and it's always good to gain ever more insight.  Just because I post something here doesn't mean I'm "promoting" it!

 …And gladly so.
It just seemed that you may be promoting ideas that you seem now to take the opposite stance on; very confusing.
OK, maybe I should have prefaced that post with a personal comment…  but I still find it fascinating that so many people still don't get it in the face of overwheling evidence.
It's easy for us clever ones to pontificate about what we have learned from CM, but there are other views out there, and just because we/you may not agree with them doesn't mean we shouldn't know about them…
Information is information, and it's always good to gain ever more insight.  Just because I post something here doesn't mean I'm "promoting" it!
Got it. Oh yah…and I completely agree.