Dave Murphy - Glyphosate: Unsafe On Any Plate

Treebeard, you nailed it!

It is in our most intimate relationship with nature, creating the food that sustains us, that the profound dysfunction of modern "relationships" is on display. Mechanistic materialism, cooked in a stew that defines all relationships in terms of competition, dominance and aggression.
It is in our most intimate relationship with nature (...) that defines all relationships in terms of competition, dominance and aggression

As long as we consider ourselves THE SPECIES designed to dominate the world, we will never take care of it. Instead we will exploit it until its death, failing to see our own death. We are a flawed species.

For addressing my question about Gold. I would love to see a world where Gold was not even necessary as money… some kind of post-money world where we have some advanced form of gift-economy, or whatever. A world where our, “economic security” comes from the benevolence of the friends, family, and communities that surround us. A world where the commons are, well, the commons.
Between here and there, I do think it’s important to understand the differences between a money system based on Gold, which is finite and not (other than the construct of the paper futures market, which I will address here, once again) able to be created at human whim… vs. the debt-based fiat currencies in use around the world today, controlled by central banks that collude. Unlike finite money, as we have discussed here many times, debt based fiat systems need to expand continuously, and exponentially, in order for the systems to remain healthy and beneficial to their masters… and hence they do (expand). This imperative from the root money system IS the driver behind the rapacious exploitation of our earth.
Much has been written on this topic, although most of it is in the alt. media and blogs like ours;

Without a freely chosen monetary system to gauge our use of the environment, we have no barometer to guide us in a sustainable direction. Fiat monetary policy allows the destructive utilization of natural resources without imposing the corresponding real cost that would be reflected in a freely chosen system. If value cannot be accurately gauged by the currency, the amount of resource and labor consumed cannot reflect that which is truly needed in contrast to that which an inflated monetary base demands. https://www.nolanchart.com/article10124-fiat-money-production-and-enviro...
Said another way as it relates to the dysfunction induced by our fiat currency system;
and the expectation of compound interest creates unsustainable expectations for fiscal performance on the part of corporations and financial services institutions. http://www.skaggsisland.org/sustainable/awcomplementaryecon.html
Ah, the growth imperative. So, I would argue that a finite money system based on Gold, or somehow shackled to Gold, would result in less or slower damage to the envirnment than today's system. While on the topic of Gold, I should mention that proof mounts that the futures exchange, aka Comex, was in fact designed as a means to manipulate the Gold price and market sentiment. DaveF's argument about, "you can't change the trend" is hogwash. The market was literally designed to do so.. although it's not all powerful and will ultimately fail due to physical demand causing all supply to dry up. The newest proof, for those who could not surmise how this works from all of the past discussions regarding the effects of having price discovery occur in the context of a paper futures market.. is this;
http://gata.org/node/17081 The U.S. gold futures market was created in December 1974 as a result of collusion between the U.S. government and gold dealers in London to facilitate volatility in gold prices and thereby discourage gold ownership by U.S. citizens, according to a State Department cable written that month, obtained by Wikileaks, and disclosed today by the TF Metals Report: http://www.tfmetalsreport.com/blog/8075/42-years-fractional-reserve-alch... The cable was sent to the State Department from the U.S. embassy in London and signed by someone named Spiers, apparently Ronald I. Spiers, the embassy's deputy chief at that time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_I._Spiers The cable describes the embassy's extensive consultations with London bullion dealers about the imminent re-legalization of gold ownership in the United States and possible substantial gold purchases by oil-exporting Arab nations. The cable reads: "The major impact of private U.S. ownership, according to the dealers' expectations, will be the formation of a sizable gold futures market. Each of the dealers expressed the belief that the futures market would be of significant proportion and physical trading would be miniscule by comparison. Also expressed was the expectation that large-volume futures dealing would create a highly volatile market. In turn, the volatile price movements would diminish the initial demand for physical holding and most likely negate long-term hoarding by U.S. citizens."
It's color-by-numbers now folks.. you can't say that you just don't understand what DaveF and I, or DaveF and Chris are arguing about when it comes to market manipulation. Anyone who denies that the Comex futures market was literally designed to manipulate price and sentiment, is lying to you, and is insincere.
aggrivated wrote:
Halfway through the interview Chris just mentioned that we get rained on with glyphosate. Possible sources that come to mind are airborne soil erosion and corn based ethanol vehicle emmisions. Does anyone have data on this? Buying an organic hoodie probably won't help.
Quercetin provides protection against pesticides and may for herbicides too.

Glyphosate lowers men’s testosterone. Men who get the most aggressive prostate cancer have the lowest Free Testosterone.

Using a molecule to fight the effects of another molecule. This is the reality we see everywhere we look at. As a cultural group we are not solving the root cause of the problem, We are merely patching a problem with a potentially new problem.
My position is to not consume glyphosate and make its manufacturer aware of that, instead of looking elsewhere and letting him do his criminal business as usual. if they cannot sell it, they won’t produce it. Same rule apply everywhere.
The more we are that refuses chemicals in our food (and act), the more these companies will change their behaviour. Even if I am alone, I will eat better and be in better shape. This is not wasted time and effort.

Patient: Doctor; every time I lift my arm over my head, my shoulder hurts.
Doctor: Stop lifting your arm over your head.
(Henny Youngman)