David Stockman: America Now Lives Under A 'Perverted Regime'

The  notion that Hillary Clinton somehow represents a voice for women, Latinos, African Americans and other minorities is ludicrous.   It is equivalent to saying that Goldman Sachs and Raytheon are committed to lifting up the downtrodden and disenfranchised.
This is a woman who is demonstrably a sociopath with the blood of thousands directly on her hands. Millions if you count her support for ' The war on terror'  a false flag generated, self perpetuating myth that serves foreign interests and the voracious appetite of our military/security industrial complex.

  You might want to check in on the status of minorities and women in Libya,  her signature achievement as State Dept head.   Or check with the generations of "Super Predators" locked away in the prison industrial complex for life as a function of the Clinton 94 crime bill.  She seems fine with taking money for influence from Saudi's and Qatari's and fomenting the spread of Salafist extremism for geopolitical and monetary interests.  Not exactly a beacon of women's rights. Unless Genital mutilation, and sex slavery  is now a right.  

While I find Trump to be a loathsome, misinformed narcissist with a fragile ego.  I agree with Tom, Jim and others that given this odious binary choice he represents the only rational choice or more accurately a chance albeit a small one.
I have no illusions that he will fix anything either.  I won't be voting for trump because, Hillary will win my State regardless,  but If i lived in a swing state, if I thought my vote counted, I would have to vote Trump as a vote against Hillary, not because I believe in trickle down economics or that global warming is a hoax,  but for his potential function as a disrupter to the status quo but most importantly for his stance on Putin and the NeoCon agenda. 
The NeoCon's represent an existential threat to humanity.    The continuation of the NeoCon wars of aggression in the Mideast at the behest of Israel and the military Industrial complex are both morally wrong and insanely dangerous.  The encirclement and aggression towards Russia, a Nuclear power capable of sending us back to the dark ages in flash and the notion that we can achieve full spectrum dominance acting unilaterally in a multipolar world is suicidal.
Hillary is the Neo Con Candidate and has proven she will carry water for these insane policies.

Ultimately I am pessimistic about Trumps ability to check the Neo Con's.  I suspect the power of the deep state and military /monetary is such that Trump, were he to be elected he would be co-opted, duped into their bidding or killed.    Pence's praise of  Cheney might just be signaling his availability to play ball in that latter scenario.

You are a nasty SOB…A whole lot of that.Check Pence on twitter today.Planned Parenthood,LGBT,the African Americans and Latinos had plenty to say today… 

Such an optimistic election cycle!  Tweedle dum- more of the same ol' shit, or tweedle dee- no clue but hopefully everything will break in a good way!  And if that ain't bad enough, be aware to beware that when things do go bad for the masses whosoever is wearing the crown gets targeted for the blame (for all previous policy repercussions), and the pitchforks.  I recall badly wanting Yeltsin to lose reelection to the communists so as to let them take the blame for the impending post Soviet economic disaster in Russia…but no, democracy triumphed in a more aspirational direction only to take all the heat as the currency burned and a powerful Putin set things straight.  Yet another way that makes the future oh so unpredictable no matter the intended strategies employed.  Resiliency for an uncertain future seems warranted regardless of way we get into trouble.


Call me what you want,  my conscience is clear.  The Nasty SOB here is Clinton and trying to educate the useful idiots that buy into the mainstream propaganda that she is somehow on the side of the disenfranchised or takes principled stands ( as you apparently do) is a public service.

Oh and I'll get right on that twtter feed. Lots of good in depth analysis there!  thanks for the tip.



Mmmm. I seem to have a dialogue box within a dialogue box.
Lets see what happens.

In my arrogant opinion I observe that the reason for our wierding times is the internet.  In the old days (10 years ago) the PTB would have been able to control the media, and the Don would have not have had a chance.

This error is being repaired as we speak.


Clinton was never mentioned.Stop insulting and attacking others.I expect sides to be chosen up any minute.I am quite clear on the positions that pence holds…

The election is all one great shit show.  Trump is just a stooge playing his role in getting HRC elected.  His job was to clear the path by knocking out all the republicans who could beat HRC.  It was easy as all he had to do was appeal to the large group of angry republican voters in the primaries.  He has, and will continue to say just enough vile things to lose voters in every demographic group…latinos, women, veterans, blacks, you name it.  Instead of really nailing HRC when she went completely limp on Sept. 11 from "pneumonia" (whatever, I'm an internist & there is absolutely no way that diagnosis explains those events), Trump started talking about his medical records (which he never released after making a big deal of it & going on Dr. Oz's show) taking the spotlight off what was going on with HRC.  He was a real candidate he would have said something about her stamina then or during the debate.  If you recall, the HRC campaign originally said she was very dehydrated because of the heat…79 degrees and low humidity.  Then, like the man or not, Trump has a dreadful debate when we all know he's a much better debater than that.  He could have killed her on so many points.  I would recommend everyone at least consider the hypothesis that Trump is just a stooge candidate and there is no real election this year.  Watch the daily events play out with this hypothesis in mind.  So far it all fits on my scorecard.
The debate topics are mostly distraction topics.  It's not the election or the candidates that disgusts me the most.  What disgusts me the most is how the sheeple buy in to this whole shit show illusion of democracy, and then get suckered into arguing & debating about it with coworkers, family, friends, social media, and internet forums like this.  Everyone is being played, and very few realize it.  Sad days indeed.



Canadian chiming in…this has been my thought for a while and I'm sure it's my paranoia, but is it possible the black man and white woman were purposely and carefully selected for the reason russiaways stated above. Probably too far fetched, but something I still consider as possible, which is just as frightening as everything else…sigh. For the record, I support neither and think it's quite sad where we are in the story on way too many topics. Good luck to all :frowning:

Dont put words in my mouth.There hasnt been a minority group Trump hasn't taken a shot at.I don't need protection from the mainstream media either.I have a stable of respectable journaliststs I rely on like Dave Sirota who investigated the Clinton foundation years ago before it hit mainstream.He wrote the playbook for the investgations that followed years later…No fear here…

still believes this shit is real!  WTF is wrong with you guys/gals?  Neither of these idiots would be on the ballot sheet if they weren't hand picked by TPTB! 

Friggin idiots.

Mememonkey said:

"While I find Trump to be a loathsome, misinformed narcissist with a fragile ego.  I agree with Tom, Jim and others that given this odious binary choice he represents the only rational choice or more accurately a chance albeit a small one." [bold mine]
I agree with what mememonkey (and others with similar opinions) have to say in arguing for Trump vs Clinton.  Where I get stuck is on the premise that we really do have a choice, or that Trump represents a different result.

Do we really have a binary choice?  Or is this a "choice" between different sides of the same coin (different figureheads for the same underlying power-brokers)?  If people here really believe that we've been given a false choice between 2 candidates in past elections, are we so sure that this time is different?

I don't know the answer, and so will probably vote for Trump on the chance a binary choice really does exist.  But I am not sure that's the case.

I think Clinton says all the right things many of us want to hear.

But when I look at her campaign donor list, I am pretty sure she'll end up working for them, and won't remember all the fine things she said during the campaign.

That happened with Obama.  He said many fine things - I voted for him, was happy when he won - but he took money from the banks, and when push came to shove, they didn't get prosecuted, they got rescued.

So would it be surprising if Hillary did the same thing, if she gets money from the same places?

The Clinton Foundation got money from MYL, head of which is a woman, daughter of a senator from somewhere-or-other.  MYL created the $600 epi-pen from $1 in generic medicine and a great deal of influence over what got approved.

I believe this method of doing business will continue under Hillary.

I certainly understand your hope that Hillary will actually do all the things she talks about, but I have zero faith that she will, given her campaign donor list and her clear record of favoring those donors once she's in office.


In the top 7: JPM, Goldman, Citi, and Morgan Stanley.  And was just her campaign.

Donors to her "charity" include Saudi Arabia to the tune of $25 million.  Do you get the sense the Saudis run around handing out money but expecting nothing in return?

When it comes to helping "the people" or helping the companies on her donor list, I believe she'll come down on the side of the donors almost every time.  I understand if you prefer to believe differently, but her record for accepting appointments while Sec State suggests otherwise.

I also believe, based on her emails, that she was entirely in favor of the destruction of the Syrian regime.  We know how that turned out: a flood of refugees (and migrants) that most likely will tear Europe apart.  She's not a careful thinker - she's way too willing to destroy a country, even after seeing the evidence of how badly it worked out in Iraq.

It is good to see that the young are engaged.

Sadly what we need is a TOTAL COLLAPSE.  Martial law; zombie apocalypse, Armageddon.  This is what will be required to bring the people to the point of desperation.  Desperation will bring introspection and reset expectations.  Like a junkie in a gutter, we need to hit rock bottom first.  Until we overcome the curse of wealth, we will never get out of this mess.  There are NO POLITICAL SOLUTIONS.  Stop wasting your time.
Prepare accordingly.  Tempus fugit.


As a side note to my cheery commentary above.  
When I began preparing for our new future 7 years ago, I took the approach of working on the problem from the most likely (economic collapse) to least likely (grid down systemic collapse).  I did and bought things that would be useful regardless of the outcome.  As time has passed, my certainty of a total failure has increased to this point:

Today I reached the final phase as I self defined it - I knew I would be near the end of the prep cycle when I relented and purchased serious NIGHT VISION equipment for a total grid down apocalypse.  It's a sad day when I arrived at the rational conclusion that such a purchase was worth it.  



Can I come live with you?  Nice work!

When the collapse comes people will be looking for someone or some group to blame.  Introspection, for a great many people that means is my stomach growling.  Not holding my breath for a birth of enlightenment by the masses anytime during this millennium.


The youth have good genes.
Watch this young lass.



I reject the premise that night vision equipment must necessarily be driven by the expectation for something horrible.  I think that stuff is the coolest thing ever, and - I must confess, I love owning things like that.

Ever since I saw my friend (a US army training officer at Ft Irwin) driving in the desert with night vision goggles, I was totally hooked.  This Stuff Was Cool!

Now then, do I have such equipment?  I do not.  But I was very close to buying a pair - not because of its utility in a grid down situation, but just because I thought it was just such nifty gear.  And you just never know when such a thing might be useful.  :slight_smile: