David Stockman: America Now Lives Under A 'Perverted Regime'

[quote=Snydeman][quote=kfetty]Not in my name. When you vote for someone you don't trust or believe in, you are endorsing that person nonetheless. I am voting for Stein who represents my beliefs and am knocked off my chair that Chris is for Trump. I would not want him to endorse Hillary either. 
I’m also voting for Stein, and while I don’t agree with Chris voting for Trump per se, I respect and understand his reasons for doing so. That’s kind of how this how democracy thing is supposed to work, and I’m under no illusions that all of us here at PP, while sharing some core beliefs and interpretations, all share the same core beliefs and interpretations about everything.
Plus, I think Chris and many others realize that voting for any of the two main candidates is like tossing a stick into a river and hoping it diverts the path of the water, whereas voting for a third party candidate is like tossing your stick into the nearby forest. I’ll still vote Green because I can say, at the end, that I voted my conscience…and because that way I can then bitch about whomever gets elected.[/quote]
I’ll keep clarifying this as many times as necessary; I have not said I am voting for Trump.
In fact I don’t ever plan on saying who I am voting for in any election, from dog catcher on up.
I have said I cannot support HRC because of her prior record in voting for every single war and/or conflict and her current Russian animosity.
On that front I am a single-issue voter; I am 100% against thermonuclear war.
I may vote Libertarian, or Green, or for Trump, or write-in Bernie, or myself, or not vote at all for anybody. And I won’t tell you which I did (or did not) do, because then I will lose people who otherwise need to hear the PP message.
I’m sorry to alienate anyone who is for HRC but I simply cannot support the neocon agenda at this time, no matter what. On that I am clear.

That is it! i am writing in Santa and gonna take a picture and post it here.


 On that front I am a single-issue voter; I am 100% against thermonuclear war.


You know, there are days where I'm not sure where I stand on this one. Were it not for my daughters and their future, I might just say we should give the next species a chance that we seem so hell bent on wasting.



Right, and I recognize that. Let me amend: casting a vote for Trump, but not in support of Trump and his viewpoints so much as opposed to Hillary’s Neocon warmongering. I get it, but I should have been more accurate in my writing. Even if you were in support of some of Trump’s core beliefs - which you’ve been clear you are not - it wouldn’t invalidate the areas we think similarly.
Either way, I recognize the subtleties of what you’ve been saying, but I was too lazy/tired/drained to bake that into my response. Mea culpa!

Here are parts I and II from youtube. These are going to continue every day until election day. The videos are each about 16.5 minutes long.



[edited to add video length to text.]

[quote=robie robinson]That is it! i am writing in Santa and gonna take a picture and post it here.

I lived in the Republic of Utah during the 1984 vote. I was so disgusted with the knowledge that my vote would be overwhelmed by the majority vote that I decided to cast my protest vote for the communist party candidate. It ended up that that candidate received 2 votes in my county. That means that there was someone else who voted as I did (or actually wanted the communist to be president,) or the system may have had more (or less) votes and just showed 2 to keep the protest voters wondering who else was out there.

By all means, vote for Santa. May I suggest the Easter Bunny as a running mate?


…may, the gods be ever in our favor.

If your fortunate enough to have a paper ballot I suggest you take the opportunity to spoil your ballot paper and give a wee advert for this website.
Go on show up and cast your vote for www.peakprosperity.com !