Deconstructing The Green New Deal

Countries around the world are embracing subsidies to expand the production of renewables, and environmentalists claim that we’re on the cusp of a tech-driven energy revolution that will make oil and gas obsolete. Are they right?

Not likely. According to Meigs and Mills, improvements in wind and solar technology are reaching their theoretical limits. It would be virtually impossible to generate the amount of wind and solar power necessaryto replace the world’s oil and gas consumption. And yet, renewables enjoy strong political support, while nuclear technology, our best source of clean, reliable, and—yes—safe electricity, faces intense political opposition.

That’s exactly what I mean when I say the fraud is focused in the political “solutions.” I’m fascinated by the scientific debate (to the extent debate is allowed) but I get rip roaring mad when I see what the movers and shakers are trying to accomplish politically and economically. Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao would be pleased and impressed.
Once they get their objectives written into law, then will come the enforcement at the barrel of a gun. For the children, of course.

We must have the intellectual integrity to follow the facts… even when they lead us in uncomfortable directions. (Politically inconvenient) If there is a reckoning amongst the swamp dwellers, we may see some of our personal heroes taken down as well . So be it!

Given I’ve been solving problems in Python for more than a decade, I have to say, I really don’t understand how my expertise has to do with anything you are talking about. Do you think because I know Python that I’m somehow magically imbued with insight about what 30 somethings are thinking? Or those PP members that don’t know Python, they are somehow out of touch and don’t know anything?
FWIW, I totally recommend Python. You just need to make sure and write test cases if your code needs to be production quality.
In terms of grumpiness, some percentage of software engineers start being grumpy at about age 25. Or so I’ve noticed.