Defeat the Mandates March on D.C.

I’m a combat vet of two wars and I have PTSD and I went. I wore a bulletproof vest under my shirt and carried my IFAK (medical kit). I appreciate Bret and his wife but they are not action takers. It’s time for the courageous action takers to stand or we will lose it all.


I’ve seen it quite a few times, a person’s true character is revealed when they are stressed to the max. That is what Marine Bootcamp is meant to do and it is why it changes those of us who go through it successfully. (I was in both the Marine Corps and the Army Nat Guard at different stages of my career). The gut checks are coming fast and hard, many stayed home last year while a small group of us were standing up to defend our communities in the streets. I realize that not many can do that but so many who could, chose to stay home while other people’s businesses and lives were destroyed. Bret is not a warrior, he’s an academician and we need those people too, but he should have kept his word and attended. My opinion only.

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i really love you and admire you. you are an amazing person. you are extremely courageous and intelligent . i deeply value your analysis. keep up the great work you are definitely inspirational and are a unifying force for all that is good and true. i look forward to everything you post.
btw i am not taking the bait.
do have a blessed day


Your comment represents the fear that the technocrats want you to feel. Nobody wants your opinion on what “you think should be done” because you have already surrendered your personal sovereignty. You would find an excuse not to attend ANY rally or protest. The wheat is quickly being divided from the chaff. Sorry if these truths hurt, it’s not my intention. I would prefer you rally your own courage and attend the next one in California because courage is contagious.

Bret and his wife do very well with the sales of their book, the Patreon donations, the revenue from their videos and the subscriptions to their Substacks. I would bet they are making more now than they made as professors. Let’s go easy on the “hero” talk…he got scared and chose not to show…that’s fine, activism isn’t for everyone.


Your rhetoric is, IMO, getting a bit out of hand.

Nobody wants your opinion on what "you think should be done" because you have already surrendered your personal sovereignty.
You don't speak for me in this regard... I do want Tallest man's opinion. I want yours too. I especially appreciate the voices of veterans like yourself. edit: I REALLY do appreciate your passion.. we need it.

I was there from Colorado as well! Pity we didn’t get to meet.


It would have been nice if the organizers had cast a lot among themselves to determine WHO should stay back as a dead-man switch.
That way, that person not attending wouldn’t create bad optics.
Alas, you live and learn.
Whichever way it (Bret staying back) was decided, I’m sure they all realize now that it should have been done and communicated better. Optics do matter, even if everyone’s motives and intentions were good.

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Activism can happen in many forms. The most familiar form is live and in person, groups rallying together in real time with speeches designed to inspire and motivate. I’ve done several of those…even got arrested once (disturbing the peace) as a young person by standing my ground on an important social issue back in the day. However I’ve discovered through the years that by working my activism behind the scenes, sometimes even anonymously, I’ve proven to be far more effective and successful in bringing about the desired positive changes. An in-person rally brings attention to an issue and serves a purpose in that manner, but by itself it may not and often does not bring about results. Each form of activism, when dovetailed together towards specific shared goals, can bring about the desired results as a collective effort. In my humble opinion, one form of activism generally speaking is not superior or inferior to the other, nor is each form the “right fit” for everyone. Just my two cents worth.

  • Just another right winger anti vaxx sentiment rally. Vaccination has saved millions and those not getting immunised with avery safe vaccination tested on billions of people have had a massive impact on us health workers.
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Thanks, but we already knew what CNN thought. Carry on.


I’ll wait for the long term safety data on those billions of test subjects to come out before I decide to go down that road. Its going to be a hard pass on this vax. I am not anti vax. I took every vax Uncle Sugar wanted me to have before this one. I wasn’t willing to be a lab rat again so I retired. You want a covid shot whiteycov19? Go right ahead and get one. I have friends who have had the shot and others who have not. I know very few who signed up for round 2 of the experiment with the boosters though.


Honestly when I saw that photo it first looked the capitol coup rioters have regrouped

Yes I admit I’m pro vaxx and any clown can say something bad is going to happen in 2,5,10 years. These people are just doing it for clicks. Look at Weinstein. When he was taken down the 1sy thing he whined about was the deomonitisation. This has just turned political. The only people doing this are anti government GOPers. Anti vaxx used to be the domain of the far far Left. You have the choice to not get the jab but society has made the choice that our hospital system should not be pushed over its limit because a minority believe in fantasies and which doctors. Just look at hospitalisation rates even now with omicron of the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated while the only thing the alt right wing has is 2 monoclonal antibodies and ivm that are ineffective. Were you out protest against trump for operation warpspeed of course not. Even this channel used to be pretty unbiased non political until potential money loss featured

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Or you are just trying to stir up stuff.
Stop with the politics please!
I haven’t found any solid data from omicron showing that the vaccine helps. If anything we are stuck in the 14 day disaster. The data indicates that during the two weeks post vax people are more susceptible to infection. We should stop all vaccines until after the omicron wave has passed.
The essay in this post
is very good if you are interested in getting up to speed.


I was pro vax too but never 72 vaccination by 60 mos. I thought vaccination was for deadly diseases like small pox , but they don’t even do that anymore. However, as I grew and learned all the illnesses they told you were deadly, were not deadly at all. And I do not consider one male out of thousand becoming sterile a deadly disease. I thought 100% of people who got polio became paralyzed. How dumb is that. My mother had polio and is fine. I didn’t know it until I was an adult. We do not have a vaccine for anything we need. HPV is not a needed vaccine, 99% of people clear this without a problem. And its cancer correlation is not causation. and is nowhere near the need to mess up a lot of girls. They do not vaccinate for disease that “cause burden” on the health system. having measles doesnt do anything to the health system. Having HPV does nothing too. Again, we can argue small pox , but they dont even vax for that. There are diseases that we do need vaccines for but have none. We could use a vaccine for Lyme disease but we have none. We could use a vaccine for Herpes 1 and 2. Though most people don’t die, they can and certainly babies can die from it and people can go blind from it, but as rare as those cases are , people do burden the healthcare because of endless pain discomfort from the fact its chronic. Note: chronic Lyme , herpes, epstein bar and chronic diseases no vaccines. Things you get and get over , we have vaccines for. So don’t tell me about medical burden and how vaccines are good. Its about money and creating chronic illness. There don’t make money keeping people healthy.
Whitey, keep believing your delusion, you will wake up when you get your turn of the real healthcare system. Sooner or later all do.


People like him are the reason I went from being a die hard long time registered independent to a republican. I will NEVER vote for another democrat ever again. 1. I wouldn’t be getting this shot even if Trump was in office. 2. If Trump was in office we would not be facing mandates. The useless vax would still be failing.


The studies that underpin the mRNA jabs are seriously flawed and fraudulent; there is survivorship bias, design bias (non inclusion/cut off periods), dropout bias, shifting endpoints, loss of control data points, selection of participant issues, under powering of numbers for the (1%) benefit, corrupted trial issues (BMJ) and yet the wishful thinking is strong; or more accurately corruption is strong. Even at that there is increased mortality in the vaccine cohort (Pfizer 6 month results). As the mass formation explanation explains, facts do not penetrate adherents attention.


The main organizer was Steve Kirsch and his group called


Thank you for your opinion. I’ll remain myself and speak my words.