Demons, Data, and the RFK Jr. Showdown

Can’t tell you how grateful I am for the stuff you’re doing. Your information-getting is pretty all inclusive and applicable to everyone, even those like me with few brain cells to rub together. What with Resilience stuff, the education with Crash Course, the early 2020 Covid stuff, plus the info to justify not getting jabbed (along with my 30 year retired ER nurse wife who forbade us to get jabbed), the benefits have become necessities like electricity, water utilities, etc. But, today the personal level struck home. 35 years of denial, storing away memories, raising and being exhausted by it 24/7/365, then realizing this medical system got away with taking my boy away from himself and I helped them do it unknowingly at the time, I just want something that stops it from happening to anyone else ever again. This tiny scratch of RFK jr possibly starting toward that end is important to me and my wife. Thanks man for your influence helping make that happen.