Destined to Fail – Magical Thinking at the G20

Chris, your embedded rant against Summers and Geithner above doesn’t seem to fit with the rest of this piece and doesn’t seem to meet your high standards of professionalism, either.
Please do tell us what you don’t like about those two, beyond the obvious. That would be interesting.
Otherwise, good read, thanks.

Great Chris —  as always. Each of your piece is a “Masterpiece”. You are a ‘macro-man’ and are able to paint the macro picture like a Master. But what about the “Micro” ? Does micro follow the macro or a lot of micros “change” course of the macro??!!

Would be interesting to have your views.  Also, whilst the ‘prognosis’ for the current state of the disease is seemingly hopeless, is there any prescription you would recommend to improve the chances of a possible cure??

Like in an individual’s life, a hopeless financial crisis can end with a God sent win of a lottery or an unexpected inheritence of an old forgotten uncle who just kicked the bucket, is there a providential hope of a sudden discovery of some rich natural resource such as an onland oil discovery, gold or other metal discovery (like the copper nuggets lying around in good old days), or even a technological innovation of cheap energy???

You can see, I am turning to God, as there is little hope in man!


This constitutes 30% of all law enforcement officers in Canada!  

As of May 2007, Canada had 64,134 police officers, or 195 per 100,000 people. Canadian police strength reached a peak in 1975, when there were 206 officers per 100,000 people. Although the current number reflects a significant rise in the total police strength in the country (the highest in twelve years after steady declines in the 1980s and 1990s), Canada still utilizes less police than the United States (230 per 100,000), Australia (222), and England and Wales (262).

Provincially, Saskatchewan had the highest number at 207 officers per 100,000, and the province has also held the national record for the highest crime rate since 1997. The lowest numbers were in Prince Edward IslandNewfoundland and Labrador andAlberta.[2] The three territories, while having far fewer police officers in absolute terms, have around twice as many police officers per capita as do the provinces.

I personally don't believe all of those officers were either, from Canada and/or not military personnel.  

Police State?  Think about it.


This is where developing your community comes into play.  I too have this anxiety as all I have is a wife and small children.  I live in an afluent area where the neighbors have plenty of $ in different forms but are not too educated on the issues of firearms, gardening, living off of what you have, etc…  And most are still living as they have for the past 20 yrs. as the economy really hasn’t effected them much.  But when it does, they’re screwed.

 But again, if my plan were to stay here when it all hits, I’d have an issue with hungry people needing to eat!  And we’re close enough to WV, where firearms are much more prevalent that keeping roaming groups out of my stash would be very tiresome if not impossible.  I have enough training, firearms, ammo, and other stuff to keep an army away (small one that’s doesn’t have the US full capabilities)…but I’m one person.  If I had a community I trusted, this neighborhood would become a compound and we’d protect each other.

Thank Goodness, I don’t plan to stay here!





That’s it Jeff you have done it.
All we have to do is end the fed (#5 to your list and issue our own money ).

This is the end of the forums nothing else to discuss. Over and out. NIce neat package. 






[/quote]  Why Educating the  Women ?  Men have more power .    Easier to fix the men … way cheaper too !  Sharp knife, quick cut … works for everything around the farm .   Or are we just going to teach them the word  No means NO  ?    Oh and Dr. Oz is telling them they have to have sex 4 times a week to stay healthy .       Lots of  Mixed  messages on the education .      What country are we going to start with ?   I am not making fun  I am really interested  in how you plan to go about  this .   



Usually education in this context is not education about reproduction but any that will enable increasing percentages of women to become and remain economically independent.  Traditional dependence is considered high vulnerability.

Not casting aspersions on folks who’ve posted, I often think it’s also a good-looking strategy to simultaneously keep jobs on the move and wages low.

Can you say if research into the Guernsey economy would show an example of a zero-growth economy? Is it a complete economy with no need for external links, or for businesses and individuals to earn money in other economies? Can it scale? The reason I ask is that an apparently zero-growth economy that is relying on other growth economies to operate is not a model for the whole world or for a stable sustainable economy.


  Thanks deggleton ,   
  Because there were a few teenage boys that kept sniffing around here  that I wanted to send   over .  Maybe I can just drag out the little rubber band machine ?   After a while they get tired of hearing “NO”  and move onto easier pickings .     I end up with  girls that have broken hearts  but   My husband  says "why buy the cow when you get the milk for free . "  JUST JOKING YOU ALL .  I do remember being young and beautiful in the ancient days  .  It is why I am one strict momma .  


 I understand that  dependence makes one very vulnerable and independence is empowering  .

 So  then ,  the  plan is to provide   free  or cheaper college education for  the women all over the world  ? It  might work  …   Maybe not .  All my friends that have more than two children  are college educated .      Raising the cost of living does not work  because they come from all income levels . .   Telling people we will run out of food will work as well as telling them we are running out of oil .

Pier pressure might be the only thing that will get the results you all are looking for  without  forcing the issue.



Education - absolute crock of statism!  At least in this Country, education is not the problem - it’s parenting.  The State cannot replace a Father.  They tried that - this is what we got.  Free condoms, almost Free abortions.  But why abort when you get a $775. (average) check for every baby? 
The answer is abstinence.  Then deciding to have children that you can afford to support.  We have a house full of kids. We will raise them to be producers - not parasites.  If they were born with special needs, we could afford to care for them the rest of their lives. 

Logans - I wish for the same things you do.  We have a plan b to run when riots hit Detroit.  But I pray every day that we can stay in our well stocked, and protected home.  We are alone in our preps also, only wealthy idiots around us who are clueless to anything wrong.  Biggest worry around here is whether or not the crisis might affect the golf club they belong to.  They can’t find good restaurants anymore 'cause they are shutting down one by one.  And worst is these are our friends!  They will be our biggest problem, the people who know about our prepping. 

Education comes in many forms and ideally helps inviduals think independently, not just do as they are told. If I had relied on my parents to lead the way, I would be in pretty poor shape right now. On a side note, abstinence does work and is probably equally inspiring as the “Just say no to Drugs” campaign.

 Real knowledge and understanding will always trump fear and ignorance in any practical sense. We have to be careful not to let Dogma creep into this discussion. My greatest conservation gift to the planet is choosing to have one child.


Like all the other problems and predicaments that need to be addressed as we approach peak oil, peak debt, and whatever environmental issues arise, there is no easy “fix” for overpopulation.  In fact, the western world is slowly dying off with a birth rate well below replacement level, with the resultant need for immigration and the multitude of problems that flow from it, e.g. cultural clashes in Europe and the USA .  Third world countries do have higher birth rates, for sure.  I wonder if what is reallly needed, rather than education, is economic development that respects the dignity of the poor and needy around the world as opposed the the kind that exploits them while benefitting the rich.

I think your dogma just crept.

I know for a fact that education reduces population growth. I happen to be part of a group dedicated to educating extremely poor children all over the world. It is a demonstrable fact that in societies with a high level of education especially among women that the birth rates are much lower. This discussion has taken place here before and I feel no need to dig back through the forums to pull statistics. If anyone is interested they can google it.

The really interesting thing to me in your reponse and one other below is the projection of belief systems on the world situation. It would appear to me that you and the other person have not traveled very much outside the US. i have spent extensive time in SE Asia. I at one time hired a family to work where I was living and it consisted of the parents and 6 children. They were all illiterate. The woman did not want to have more than 2 children.

She was forced to by her husband. A simple example of a woman who if she was educated would have had a choice. It is extremely difficult to not only get girls into schools in the developing world it is even harder to keep them there. This is not because they don’t want to be there it is because the parents want them at home to do work. I have seen the horrors of over population first hand. Those pictures of bodies lying in the street and people just walking around them are real. Parents mutilating their children out of love because they will make more money begging is real. These countries do not have social safety nets. When the price of food goes up people die. 2 billion people have inadequate water and sanitation. 1 billion are malnourished. The simple knowledge of how to read and do simple math can enable someone to get a decent job.

To be a participant in an intelligent conversation about education and its affects on population does not necessarily mean you have to travel to these places to see it first hand. It just means you have to put your socio- economic, cultural, religious prejudices and projections aside. Do some research and see the world as more than the US. Over population is a global predicament. The education of just one child in one family can have a profound effect  on the entire nuclear unit.

Your friends who are college educated have more than two children did so by choice. The women with six did not have that same choice. I am pro choice.


[quote=krohidas]Would be interesting to have your views.  Also, whilst the ‘prognosis’ for the current state of the disease is seemingly hopeless, is there any prescription you would recommend to improve the chances of a possible cure??
Like in an individual’s life, a hopeless financial crisis can end with a God sent win of a lottery or an unexpected inheritence of an old forgotten uncle who just kicked the bucket, is there a providential hope of a sudden discovery of some rich natural resource such as an onland oil discovery, gold or other metal discovery (like the copper nuggets lying around in good old days), or even a technological innovation of cheap energy???

You can see, I am turning to God, as there is little hope in man![/quote]

As Chris rightly says, we’re in a predicament. Predicaments don’t have cures. A chance discovery of even 5 Saudi Arabias of oil, will only allow a longer plateau. Discovery of more resources than we thought would be recoverable only delays the pain and can make the pain worse, by allowing the world economies and populations to get bigger.

Technology won’t provide a cure but some people think it can ease the decline. Even that is debatable.

  I think I may have come across wrong here .    I  really do not care if  people  choose to  have 0 kids   or 18  kids as long as they  provide for their own  .    It does irk me to pay taxes for  social security ,welfare ,and public schools but I do it for now   .  It would really  yank my chain if  I have to pay taxes for abortions or birth control .    If you want to spend your money to go to other  countries to  try to change their ways  and educate the women …  then knock yourself out .  It seems like there would be plenty of individuals to donate to the cause .  I am not trying to tell you not to do as you are convicted  , I was just curious about  what was the  plan  and where  the  money  was  coming from .  Making sure you were not asking for mine …  Or trying to tell me I had to kill my babies or my grandparents for using your resources .

  I do know people who have quit paying  income taxes  just because of these issues.


[quote=Full Moon]I was just curious about  what was the  plan  and where  the  money  was  coming from .  Making sure you were not asking for mine[/quote]We’re all responsible for the mess we’re in and we need to get real. Whatever tactic or strategy is useful in adapting to our predicament, isn’t it encumbent on us all to encourage that behaviour?

[quote=docbp]In fact, the western world is slowly dying off with a birth rate well below replacement level, with the resultant need for immigration and the multitude of problems that flow from[/quote]Immigration does bolster populations and is real. The US is a large block of “the western world” and doesn’t have a birth rate well below replacement level (2.06 being the current estimate), with my country, New Zealand, slightly higher. So, do you have a link to support your supposition? I’m not sure it’s as clear cut as you seem to think.

 Sofistek , 
  Greed and selfishness is what got us into this mess, not being good stewards has made it worse.      As I  said   before you may donate  all  the money that you want  to support  your convictions .   I will not go against mine  . I believe that is fair enough .