Do We Really Want A War With Russia?

This report was initially written for our premium subscribers. But given the significance of the topic, we're making a rare exception and releasing it to the general public. 

I wish I could say things were improving between the US and Russia but they aren't. They're rapidly worsening.

There’s so much happening right now, I can only provide a summary of a few of the more interesting and worrying developments.

This report builds on those I've released over the past two years and begins with a chilling editorial put out by the NY Times on September 29th, 2016, which further demonized Putin specifically, Russia generally, and openly advocates for military confrontation.

Hey, we’ve been down this path before.  The deeply conflicted NY Times has never met a war in the Middle East it didn’t support, and has never had any trouble repeating war plan talking points (that always neatly align with those put out by neocon think tanks) or even printing obviously fake “intelligence” from unnamed sources such as that used to justify the illegal US attack and invasion of Iraq.

As a reminder for my US readers who many only have read US press sources on the matter, prior to being attacked Iraq had never threatened the US, had no role in 9/11, and had allowed extensive UN access to its country’s military bases none of which ever showed the slightest trace of manufacturing weapons of mass destruction. And, even if they had been producing these so-called weapons of mass destruction (weapons which are also owned and maintained in the US, for the record), there was still no legal case for an attack by the US because pre-emptive attacks are not justifiable, ever. 

What the NY Times has done, again, I fear, is served as a conduit for neocon talking points and therefore has become a propaganda arm readying the US population for another war, this one with Russia.  This is a very disturbing development.

Here’s the editorial, into which I have inserted comments where appropriate [in brackets].  Remember, propaganda is designed to elicit core emotional responses such as fear, anger, moral indignation, and a sense of threat to one’s very survival:

Vladimir Putin’s Outlaw State

Sept 29, 2016

President Vladimir Putin is fast turning Russia into an outlaw nation. As one of five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, his country shares a special responsibility to uphold international law. Yet, his behavior in Ukraine and Syria violates not only the rules intended to promote peace instead of conflict, but also common human decency.

[Which “rules intended to promote peace” is the NY Times referring to here?  The same sorts of rules that led NATO to bomb Libya back into the stone age?  Or are these the “rules” that allow a country to manufacture fake evidence on Iraq and then attack that country unleashing a decade of bitter sectarian violence?  Also, how does “common human decency fit into that schema?  I’m truly curious.]

This bitter truth was driven home twice on Wednesday. An investigative team led by the Netherlands concluded that the surface-to-air missile system that shot down a Malaysia Airlines plane over Ukraine in July 2014, killing 298 on board, was sent from Russia to Russian-backed separatists and returned to Russia the same night.

[The MH-17 disaster is anything but clear-cut and the JIT investigation was heavily compromised from the start.  Nothing like the claim being made here is supported by the actual investigation evidence presented.  This is pure, unsupported speculation at this stage.  More on this at a later date.]

Meanwhile, in Syria, Russian and Syrian warplanes knocked out two hospitals in the rebel-held sector of Aleppo as part of an assault that threatens the lives of 250,000 more people in a war that has already claimed some 500,000 Syrian lives.

[Meanwhile, in Afghanistan the US bombed a MSF hospital and has killed ~90% innocents with its drone program.  Also, not to pick nits, but the US and European interests funded and started the war in Syria.  It seems a bit short-sighted to now claim that Russia bears some special responsibility for the lives at stake.  You have to forget everything that happened prior to this moment.]

Russia has tried hard to pin the blame for the airline crash on Ukraine. But the new report, produced by prosecutors from the Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Malaysia and Ukraine, confirms earlier findings. It uses strict standards of evidence and meticulously documents not only the deployment of the Russian missile system that caused the disaster but also Moscow’s continuing cover-up.

[Nope.  Just nope.  I’ll detail why in a future report, but the MH-17 investigation was bogus from the get go.  Short version: there were only two suspects, the Ukrainian military and rebels.  The Ukrainian secret service (SBU) was inside the investigation from the beginning and supplied all of the ‘evidence’ against Russia and the rebels.  What investigation ever has one of the prime suspects supplying the evidence?  As I said, completely rigged and bogus.]

Some Western officials have accused Russia of war crimes, charges that could be pursued through international channels, even if Moscow blocks a formal referral to the International Criminal Court. New sanctions against Russia also should be considered. Mr. Putin will undoubtedly fight any such action, using his veto on the Security Council, but whatever his response, the United States should lend its support to Ukraine’s quest for accountability.

[“Some western officials?”  There the NYT goes again with the unnamed sources.  How about you name names this time NY Times?  Well, in truth, a whole host of named individuals and organizations have accused the US of war crimes, as well as Israel, which the US has routinely blocked.  Glass houses and all of that.]

Over recent days, Mr. Putin has again shown his true colors with air attacks that have included powerful bunker-busting bombs that can destroy underground hospitals and safety zones where civilians seek shelter.

[Note the slippery use of the word ‘can’ in this sentence.  Have they been used to target and destroy hospitals and civilian safety zones, or not?]

On Sept. 19, Russia bombed an aid convoy, which like hospitals and civilians are not supposed to be targeted under international law.

[Russia denies this, and has also released radar evidence showing that the only planes in the region at the time were two US drones, plus the sort of damage seen on the fire-destroyed trucks is consistent with the damage caused by the US drone based Hellfire missile.   If the US wants to release some radar data showing Russian planes in the area or other compelling evidence, then we can all be more confident in that claim.  For now the NY Times is repeating an unproven assertion made by the US State Department.]

President Obama has long refused to approve direct military intervention in Syria. And Mr. Putin may be assuming that Mr. Obama is unlikely to confront Russia in his final months and with an American election season in full swing. But with the rebel stronghold in Aleppo under threat of falling to the government, administration officials said that such a response is again under consideration.

[The “rebel stronghold in Aleppo under threat” is interesting use of evocative language.  However the nature of war is that the sides attempt to take key positions form each other.  The “rebels’ in question are some of the most dodgy humans to ever walk the planet.  The rebels backed by the US include nasty elements of Al-Nusra, Al-Qaida,  ISIS and a host of really vile outfits.  If you are not aware, these groups have executed thousands of civilians, taken sex slaves, and conducted other horrible crimes against the innocent. ]

Mr. Putin fancies himself a man on a mission to restore Russia to greatness. Russia could indeed be a great force for good. Yet his unconscionable behavior — butchering civilians in Syria and Ukraine, annexing Crimea, computer-hacking American government agencies, crushing dissent at home — suggests that the furthest thing from his mind is becoming a constructive partner in the search for peace.

[Pay close attention to that word “unconscionable.”  It really stood out for me here and I knew something was up when I heard it used again by a US official.  It will soon appear again in media quotes below.  For now, let’s just note that every act declared as 'unconscionable' has also recently been done by the US: civilians have been ‘butchered’ (again a strongly evocative word very different from the ‘collateral damage and targeting mistakes’ that the US reserves for its own actions), computers have been hacked (even Angela Merkel’s cell phone as you may recall), and peaceful protests have been crushed in the US, most recently a peaceful prayer circle of Native Americans at Standing Rock by heavily armed LEO’s who brought armored personnel carriers for the task)]


Okay, that editorial was yet another in a long line from the NY Times which has never met a neocon-proposed war it didn’t blindly support.  Supposedly the bastion of the east coast liberal elites, the NY Times is actually acting once again more like the personal propaganda arm of the US necons and Israeli likuds who have been dragging the US into one war after another.  

As I’ve written about extensively in the past, a war this time could mean anything from a shooting (kinetic) war, to a cyberwar, financial or trade war, or even a hacking attack that takes out the grid or other critical infrastructure.  If you want to go deeper into the details of what that might mean and how you should prepare, we have a more extensive Part 2 of this report prepared.

Now, lets continue on with our thesis that a propaganda effort is underway to drag the US into yet another useless war. This one with the potential to literally end the US as a going concern. 

I’m going to skip over a few events here so we can connect this propaganda dot.  Then we’ll get back to the other worrying events that show how the situation with Russia is deteriorating badly.

Fast forward just five days from that NY Times editorial and we read this:

White House Warns of 'Actions' If Russia Won't Negotiate

Oct 4, 2016

President Obama faces an increasingly stark choice in Syria — he can order American military action or watch thousands of women and children die as the rebel stronghold of Aleppo falls.

So far, he has shown no willingness to launch a U.S. military response, but White House officials told NBC News Monday they are now considering escalating the U.S. involvement in Syria's civil war, including unspecified "actions…that would further underscore the consequences of not coming back to the negotiating table."

American intelligence officials on Monday pointedly accused Russian and Syrian forces of mass atrocities during their advance on the city, describing a horrific bombing campaign in recent days that has killed women and children at an increasing rate.

"The regime and Russia's use of incendiary weapons have contributed to the unconscionable civilian deaths and suffering," a U.S. intelligence official said.


How much more obvious can all that be?  First there’s a NY Times editorial that literally lays to a series of talking points ranging from women and children being at risk to a rebel stronghold to unconscionable civilian deaths and suffering.

It’s all there in this second article and, just for a bonus, it’s all attributed to unnamed White House and intelligence “officials.”  Exactly the same pattern we saw in the run up to the Iraq war.  I would put a lot of money on the bet that these scripted talking points were developed by a small team of neocons operating in the shadows.  A lot of money.

As in the past, when these folks pull the levers to try and goad the US into a(nother) war, they never come out in the open. They always hide behind anonymity. Your tip-off is the number of times you read the words “US officials” or  “a highly placed source” or some other phrase that hides the individual while evoking authority.

If they weren't so secretive, we’d certainly see the pattern more easily for what it actually is – the same small cadre of people who are always agitating for the use of military force to “solve” whatever objectives they are seeking.

Now, of course it’s horrible when civilians get trapped or die in a war. But here we might note that if a nation truly cannot abide innocent deaths, then it also shouldn't go about starting wars, or supplying military armaments.

I mean, let’s wander a few miles south of Syria and take a peek at what’s happening in Yemen where the US is supplying both weapons and targeting data to the Saudis:

Civilian casualties in Yemen bring charges of U.S. responsibility for Saudi actions

Civilian casualties have spiked in Yemen since the collapse of peace talks in August, the United Nations reported recently, bringing the total number of civilians killed since March 2015, when a coalition led by Saudi Arabia launched its operation against Houthi rebels there, to more than 4,000.

Despite repeated strikes on schools and hospitals, officials see little choice for now but continued support, given the intense desire to shore up a bilateral relationship rocked by President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran and new legislation linked to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.


Where are the ‘unnamed officials’ wringing their hands at thousand of innocent deaths in Yemen?  Where’s our sense of responsibility for being the primary arms dealer to the Saudis, and direct supplying them with targeting data? These morals are nowhere to be found when it comes to Yemen.

In fact, according to ‘officials’ in the above article, when it comes to Yemen, the desire to make nice with the Saudis (after the Iran deal) is the driving US objective at the moment.

In other words, in Yemen, political realities are more important than innocent lives.  Ah, do you see it now?  Innocent deaths don’t matter as much as the political realities. 

How can it be a moral imperative in Syria but a political one when it comes to Yemen?

Would it be out of line for us to wonder if perhaps these same ‘officials’ are merely using the innocent deaths in Syria as cover for some deeper political purposes that are really the main drivers?

To me, morality is not conditional.  Either innocent deaths are always unconscionable, or they aren't.  They cannot be morally unacceptable in one place and subservient to political realities in another.  Obama cannot cry for the children of Sandy Hook one day, but continue the drone program (which kills lots of children) with steely determination the next. 

Which is why I am especially on alert when I read such things as the NY Times editorial above, which screams out a moral argument when a quick scan of the news reveals a profound lack of moral consistency.  As ever, that’s a red flag that propaganda is being deployed.  Morals are for the populace…when you need something from them, like their consent.

In psychological terms, what’s happening here is called projection.  This is what happens when an individual, or a nation, accuses an external party of the exact same traits that they secretly dislike about themselves.

An example being a parent who procrastinates at work but then yells harshly at their child for not doing their very best at school.  Or the explosive anger that an aggressive driver displays when someone cuts them off. 

This very human habit of projecting our shadows onto others is very, very dangerous when it gets to the explosive blame stage.

Deep, dark and highly emotional and irrational outbursts are what follows.  Insults are slung, sometimes objects are thrown, that forever change the relationship.  Real damage can be inflicted in such moments that sometimes cannot be undone. Do we really want that kind of breakdown with nuclear-armed Russia?

A No Fly Zone

So, when it comes to Russia, what are the military options that an angry US might pursue?

This too is easy to track because the neocons write about their plans openly and prolifically, and they are especially fond of imposing no-fly zones.  What this always means to them, however, is not the absence of aircraft from a given area, but rather that no planes besides US/NATO planes are flying over the area.  No-fly only applies to the other side, naturally.

A no-fly zone means you have air supremacy and therefore control over a country.

There are two ways to create this. The first is a low level no-fly zone where you supply shoulder-fired antiaircraft rockets (“manpads”) to the rebel forces.  These have limited range so they basically keep low-level aircraft out of the picture; helicopters, low and slow flying support/attack aircraft and the like. 

The second level is to bring your own aircraft into the theater to enforce a complete no-fly zone at all altitudes.

Unsurprisingly, I came across this from the Brookings Institution, a key neocon ‘think tank,’ in August. So I knew where all this was heading:

We must also be clever about employing various options for no-fly zones: We cannot shoot down an airplane without knowing if it’s Russian or Syrian, but we can identify those aircraft after the fact and destroy Syrian planes on the ground if they were found to have barrel-bombed a neighborhood, for example.

These kinds of operations are complicated, no doubt, and especially with Russian aircraft in the area—but I think we have made a mistake in tying ourselves in knots over the issue, since there are options we can pursue.

(Source – Brookings – O’Hanlon)

Yes, “these operations are complicated, no doubt…” is another breezy dismissal, similar to how all Iraqis were going to greet the American forces as "libertators" after Desert Sheild. As if engaging a major nuclear superpower with advanced hardware were no different from the complexities involved in taking out Gadhafi. 

The “various options” mentioned are code-speak for supplying manpads to the rebels. It might be helpful to recall that the Russians have not (yet) supplied similar hardware to any of the various forces the US and NATO are fighting in Libya, Iraq, or Afghanistan, and they’ve not yet decided to start shooting US and NATO planes out of the sky either.  One could see that as an act of restraint that could be lifted at some point, enormously complicating US ambitions in a variety of military theaters.

How these Brookings neocons have any voice left at all after the massive screwups in all the prior conflicts they cheered on an supported is beyond me.  Anybody making the case that it is simply “complicated” to take on Russia should lose their job, be laughed off the stage, and have to find other employment.

But they’d have lots of company in that unemployment line, including at least one US Senator.  Speaking about making life more difficult for the Russians, on September 30th, 2016 John McCain said:

MCCAIN: No, but I might do what we did in Afghanistan many years ago, to give those guys the ability to shoot down those planes. That equipment is available.

CAVUTO: Who would be shooting them down?

MCCAIN: The Free Syrian Army, just like the Afghans shot down the Russian...

CAVUTO: Not us?

MCCAIN: No. Just like the Russians -- the Afghans shot down Russian planes after Russia invaded Afghanistan.


McCain is calling for arming the rebels with manpads, again a dangerous escalation that really needs to be debated vigorously at the highest levels because anything that begins a hot (kinetic) war with Russia in Syria stands little chance of remaining safely contained there.    Further, it would greatly increase the risk of Russia returning the favor to the US elsewhere. 

It’s also worth remembering here that in mid-September the US, using two F16s and two A-10 “low and slow” attack aircraft bombed a Syrian government position killing anywhere from 60 to 100 government troops that where garrisoning a surrounded position whose borders were well known to all parties.

While the US pentagon dismissed the incident as a ‘targeting error’ implying a few bombs errantly fell in the wrong place, everybody in the business knows better.  Those bombs fell exactly where there were meant to fall, and Russia’s view is that the US did this on purpose, especially since a coordinated ISIS attack followed minutes later on the same position allowing ISIS to make a key advance. 

The fact the A-10’s were involved only hardens my view that this was not an accident on the part of the US.  Those aircraft are meant to fly low and be used for close in support.  Who got bombed and who advanced with close in support?  Answering those questions leads to the conclusion that the US has already militarily attacked the Syrian government, and by extension Russia and, once again, “inadvertently” provided military support to ISIS (done previously when “errant” drops of pallets loaded with military gear that landed on ISIS positions).

Russia Responds

So, what’s been Russia’s response to all this? 

Well, they terminated diplomatic communications on Oct 3rd:

Contacts between Russian and US military on Syria suspended 

MOSCOW, October 3./TASS/. Exchange of information between Russian and US military over Syria has stopped of late, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said on Monday.

"All contacts between the military have been stopped of late, there has been no exchange of information," he said.


That’s probably not a good sign.

As another reminder, we’d like to point out that Russia already has their S-400 anti-aircraft missile system in place, which has an enormous range and can take out US and NATO aircraft from a ridiculous distance:

This is one of the most, if not the most sophisticated anti-aircraft systems in the world.  Note to armchair warriors in the neocon central: this system is more than a ‘complication.’  It is a game changing system, which will end lives and destroy the hardware of any country that goes up against it.

This ‘complication’ is why this 4-star general visibly freezes when a dreadfully uninformed (or ignorant, or possibly unintelligent) Senator on the armed service committee asks why the US hasn't already enforced a no fly zone in Syria:

Now, such a system is vulnerable to being taken out, of course.  Not by a bombing run by aircraft, but by a missile attack, perhaps a cruise missile.

Which explains this next bit of news, also from Oct 4:

Russia deploys advanced anti-missile system to Syria for first time, US officials say

Oct 4, 2016

Russia has deployed an advanced anti-missile system to Syria for the first time, three US officials tell Fox News, the latest indication that Moscow continues to ramp up its military operations in Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad.

It comes after Russia's actions led to the collapse of a cease-fire and the cut-off of direct talks with the U.S.  

While Moscow’s motives are not certain, officials say the new weapon system could potentially counter any American cruise missile attack in Syria.

Components of the SA-23 Gladiator anti-missile and anti-aircraft system, which has a range of roughly 150 miles, arrived over the weekend “on the docks” of a Russian naval base along Syria’s Mediterranean coastal city of Tartus, two US officials said.

It is the first time Russia has deployed the SA-23 system outside its borders, according to one Western official citing a recent intelligence assessment. The missiles and associated components are still in their crates and are not yet operational, according to the officials.

The U.S. intelligence community has been observing the shipment of the SA-23 inside Russia in recent weeks, according to one official.

While the purpose is not clear, one US official asked sarcastically, “Nusra doesn’t have an air force do they?” speaking about the Al Qaeda-linked group in Syria.  The Islamic State also does not fly any manned aircraft or possess cruise missiles, in a sign that Russia is directing its actions to protect itself against any potential attack from the United States or its allies. 


Heh heh.  “While the purpose is not clear…”  That’s funny.  The purpose could note be any clearer if it were written in neon on a billboard outside the bedroom window of this “US official.”  The purpose is to protect its other military hardware from a US attack,.

It’s there because the US is ramping up its 'no fly' talk and preparing its citizens via propaganda pieces in the NY Times, et al., for a major conflict with Russia. 

It’s there because all trust is gone and the time for talking has come to a close.

It’s there because the US is pushing for a war with Russia that cannot be sold on its own merits and so its being sold as a humanitarian mission to prevent more unconscionable acts from being carried out (and pay no mind to similar such acts being carried out by Israel against Palestinians, or Saudis against Yemenis).

Prepping for War

Now, what would a responsible government do if hostilities were increasing between major superpowers and the possibility, if not the inevitability, of an armed conflict were on the horizon?

Well, they’d do more than prepare their citizens to accept the moves via propaganda, they get their citizens to physically prepare as well.

In Germany we see this sort of view:

German Politician to Sputnik: 'US Pulling Us Into Abyss of War in Middle East'

Oct 1, 2016

How has the situation on the ground in Syria changed after a year of Russian military involvement? Speaking to Sputnik, veteran German politician Willy Wimmer suggested that it has demonstrated that Russia is the only major power ready to seriously fight terrorism, and to call for an end to a war which risks spreading across the region.

The US and its allies, meanwhile, have only managed to throw a wrench in the peace process, and have been unable to reach any of their own goals due to the Russian intervention, the politician argues.

Wimmer is a veteran member of the Christian Democratic Union with over thirty years of experience in the Bundestag. The politician has served as State Secretary of the German Defense Ministry, and as a vice president of the OSCE; he is a close friend of former Chancellor Helmut Kohl.

Interviewed by Sputnik Deutschland and asked to comment on the evolution of the Syrian crisis, Wimmer began by noting that virtually from the beginning, that conflict was a product of foreign meddling. "What we are witnessing today is part of a longer development," the politician said. "The civil war which broke out five years ago resulted in a tragic struggle right at the moment when the Syrian-Israeli conflict over the Golan Heights seemed to have already been settled. All that was left to do was sign the agreement which could have resulted in peace in the Middle East. And if not for certain forces who were not interested in peace, this agreement would have been signed." "We know that at the very beginning of the Syrian tragedy, British, French and US special forces became involved, giving this war, at the moment looking more like a civil conflict, a global significance," the politician emphasized

Now, Wimmer suggested, the central question comes down to "whether we can put an end to this disaster and prevent the spread of the Syrian inferno to other countries, which would signify the start of a great war." 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thank you for the candid assessment of our situation. You are more compassionate towards these people than I am Chris; I believe grandiosity, entitlement and the after effects of too much praise and indulgence in childhood can create as big a monster as deprivation and wounding, but perhaps they are wounds all the same. I cannot summon sympathy for the people pushing for this war. You are saintly. 
I am preparing for 3 days of darkness which is a prediction of one aspect of my beliefs (I will leave it at that) beyond that it is probably curtains for dense population centers anyway. Chris You have been a real beacon in the midst of terrible times. Everyone I spoke to this week (maybe 40 people) said in one way or another that they felt things were off the rails. I have never seen that level of consistency in people's anxiety about the state of the nation. Amazing.


I began writing this Russia piece nearly a week ago.  It did not take long for some of my main conclusions to get put into play.
Here we go folks:

US Officially Accuses Russia Of Hacking Democratic Party, State Election Systems 

In a statement, the US "intelligence community" said that it is “confident” that the Russian government “directed the recent compromises of emails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organisations”, the Department of Homeland Security and Director of National Intelligence on Election Security said in a joint statement. The US added that “these thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process”.

(Source - ZH)

Here's what I wrote in a comment on another thread a few days ago:

All I know is that when I looked on the magazine rack here at the hotel this is what I saw staring back at me:

You see the choice presented?  You either believe in our election results or you have fallen for a Putin trap.

Never mind your investigations that show outside hacking is a near impossibility but inside hacking is a piece of cake.  And forget about the wildly and impossibly unbelievable election returns over the past four presidential elections.  

And don't ask why Putin seemed to care about deploying his hackers to install a Tea Party candidate Governor in KY in 2015, or managed to get Kerry to fold within hours of the statistically impossible win for Bush in Ohio.

None of that is relevant.  Either you are with us (the system) or you are with Putin.  Got it?

This is how they work.  How does one stand against this?

This is what Hillary represents to me…more of this.  And I am tired of this.

We have a multi-exojoule energy predicament before us and we cannot be spending our time fiddling around with ego-driven fantasies of total world power and domination.   Every minute we spend, and every BTU we waste going down the neocon path makes our eventual date with reality that much more difficult.

When is enough enough?  When is it finally time to say we don't have time for the sort of rubbish printed on the most recent cover of Time, or what the neocons have in store for us?  

If not now, when?  It's always a bad time to elect a buffoon, and every election is presented as if this one vote will either make or destroy us.  Ever since Nixon, always the same story.

Well, I'm done with the charade, and so are an astonishing number of young people I talk to.  They know this is all BS and and this is what has "them" (TPTB) so worried.

Hence the Time cover.

It's setting you up for anomalous election results that don't make any sense…unless we can blame it on Putin…then…ah…then…do you see?  The US will be completely justified in attacking someone who dares to mess with the very core of democracy itself; voting!  He will have desecrated our temple.  Bad juju that.

To which I say; Don't Fall For It!

(Same as the Time title, just an entirely different take).


This is all just as obvious and heavy-handed as the run up to the Iraq war.  The pace of the talking point media war brings with it a sense of inevitability.  That this is too big and too fast to turn aside.  That's its intent.

Russia isn't going to need many bullets to overthrow an over-stuffed, aggrandizing, hubris prone empire that relies more and more on its mendicant order of Neocon lobbyists for viability in an ever increasing, strategic, international, shell game.

No one is really working for peace unless he is working primarily for the restoration of wisdom. E.F. Schmacher

Well, things are certainty heating up here.
I am quite stumped as to how this news is not being carried on the front pages of every US newspaper given the seriousness of it all and the implications.  It’s like an 8.0 earthquake struck LA and you have to hunt the edges of the internet to read anything at all about it.

In this installment, the CIA and DoD are in agreement that Russia needs to be “punished” for failing to live up to the cease fire and to maybe knock some sense into Russia so she’ll come back to the bargaining table chastened and ready to accept the US’s position.

Russia Warns US Not to Intervene in Syria, Threatens to Shoot Down Any Airstrike Attempts

Oct 6, 2016

The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that the Pentagon was presenting the Obama administration with the option of strikes at meetings this week. The strikes, which the Joint Chief of Staffs and the CIA are now said to favor, according to the Post, would see missiles fired at Assad air force bases, intended to punish the regime for its failure to abide by the cease-fire, hamper attacks against civilians and pressure it and Moscow to begin negotiating again.

Comment:  First, any strike against “Assad air force bases” is a direct strike against Russian military hardware and personnel.  It will be considered an act of war against which Russia will both defend itself and strike back.  As would be the case if the situation were reversed and Russia lobbed a few cruise missiles at US forces lodged on Iraqi bases. 
Although, the strikes are now back on the table, President Obama is still very unlikely to approve them, according to administration officials speaking to the Post, as well as former State Department officials and outside analysts.
Comment:  Here again we see that Obama is not going along with the neocon war plans.  This is infuriating them.  The “accidental” strike by the US that killed more than 60 of Assad’s forces a few weeks ago was almost certainly not an accident but a covert attempt by the CIA/DoD to get this conflict with Russia bumped to a new level.  IT was an undeclared act of war by elements within the US intelligence and military structure.  You’d think such a thing would lead to some sort of consequences, but apparently not.
Moscow though has sought to head-off any U.S. intervention. Major-General Igor Konashenkov, the Russian defense ministry spokesman, directly addressed the reports in a briefing on Thursday, when he warned that Russia may shoot down any aircraft attacking Syrian government forces.

Although Konashenkov did not directly say Russia would shoot down American aircraft, his point was unambiguous.

“I would recommend our colleagues in Washington to thoroughly consider the possible consequences of the realization of such plans,” Konashenkov said, before listing the array of anti-air defences deployed in Syria and saying they would be used if Assad’s or Russian forces were attacked.

Comment:  Yes, Russia has just declared its own no fly zone over Syria and now we have to see how the neocons will react to that “provocation.”  My guess is that Russia finally setting a boundary will be perceived as an attack by these wounded neocon individuals.  They will then need to lash out to “teach Russia a lesson.” 
Konshenkov warned that Russia had deployed advanced S-300 and S-400 anti-aircraft missiles to its bases in Syria, noting that their range “can be a surprise for any unidentified flying objects.”

“It follows to really be conscious that there will hardly be time in the calculations of the Russian air-defense units to clarify on the “direct line” the precise flight-plan of missiles and who they belong to,” Konashenkov said, referring to the hotline already established by the U.S. and Russia to prevent clashes between their aircraft conducting strikes in Syria.

Comment:  This is a clarification by Russia which basically say, “Hey if you fly into Syrian airspace we won’t have time to work out your intentions before we have to act.  To protect our troops we’d have to fire our missiles in time to prevent your aircraft from dropping anything on them, and that doesn’t leave time to have a nice chat by radio first to sort things out.”
The strikes described by the Post would be launched from ships and aircraft belonging to the international anti-ISIS coalition assembled by the U.S., conducted covertly to avoid legal blocks as well as direct clashes with the Russians.
Comment:  WTF?  Seriously?   The way they plan to avoid a “direct clash with the Russians” will be to launch the cruise missiles covertly?  And this somehow dodges "legal blocks?"  What the hell does that even mean?  Like Russia will be confused about who launched them?  Like maybe Russia will have to consider that it might have been Argentina that hit them with a flurry of US Tomahawks that were tracked back to the same place a bunch of US warships are sitting?  The idea that such a move could be done covertly in such a way as to evade detection or legalities is so deeply out of bounds of rational thinking that I can hardly form the right words to confront it.
Konashenkov, however, suggested Russia would target any unidentified aircraft attacking Syrian government targets and warned "American strategists" not to assume a covert intervention would go unanswered. “The illusions of dilettantes about the existence of 'stealth' aircraft may encounter a disappointing reality,” he added. Konashenkov also warned that Russian troops were now widely deployed across Syria, implying any strikes could hit them, pulling the U.S. into conflict with Russia.
Comment:  Here Russia is hinting that US stealth plane technology may not be as stealthy as thought for the powerful Russian radar systems on the S300 and S400 missile batteries.  We’ll see, but it’s an interesting little tidbit being tossed out.  It’s also being put bluntly on the table that anything that happens in Syria may not stay in Syria.  A wider war with Russia could get ugly fast.  Real fast.
Konashenkov referred again to a strike on Sept. 17, when U.S. military aircraft killed dozens of Syrian government troops accidentally. The Pentagon has said the strike was a mistake, but Konashenkov said Russia was prepared to prevent “any similar ‘mistakes’” against Russian troops.

The White House has been examining more so-called “kinetic” options since the cease-fire deal brokered by Secretary of State, John Kerry with Russia collapsed at the end of September amid mutual recriminations and Russian and Syrian government aircraft launched a ferocious air assault on the besieged city of Aleppo.

Comment:  Yep.  No more “mistakes.”  Russia has effectively declared Syria a no-fly zone for US and NATO aircraft.  The necons must be absolutely livid with rage at being stymied like this.  They set the rules for others to follow!!  

Summary:  This has all now progressed to the point that unless there's a major shift in diplomacy we have to consider the relationship with Russia too damaged for any other outcome than some sort of kinetic conflict.  Both sides will get to see if their systems are as good as they thought against a real foe with real capabilities.  Both parties are likely to come away bruised and battered.  

Nobody in the US administration has taken the time to explain exactly what sort of legal or moral basis the US even has for being in Syria, let alone why Russia needs to be demonized and taught a lesson.  That's because there is no good explanation.

This is all deeply irrational as I explained in my conclusion to the above report.  This is about wounded and psychologically damaged individuals playing out their unconscious fears…but with a nuclear superpower this time.

How this is not on the front pages of every newspaper is beyond me.  How it is that both presidential candidates are not being asked every conceivable question about their stance on this says even more.

Something is very, very broken in the US right now.

Looks like the NY Times has become a modern Völkischer Beobachter.
Many, many people in this country (Australia) also feel that things are off the rails, going seriously wrong, and exponentially so.

I have Russian and Ukrainian friends. I am concerned for their safety and well-being. With Australia being a US vassal state, should hostilities break out between the US and Russia, my friends could find themselves on the wrong side of barbed wire. A replay of the Great War! When Britain declared war on Germany, Australia automatically joined in, and we treated our German citizens appallingly badly.

In Oz we have psychopathy in government at the highest levels which simply cannot be reasoned with. They hold all the keys to the future and we the people don't. Full stop.

When people can't see reason, reason is not the problem.

Chris wrote,

They are driven by demons
You are more correct there than you can imagine. I'll leave it there.

Time magazine, that is.
Déjà vu all over again.

Russia is bringing some strong hardware into the growing conflict.
I was wondering, briefly, what Russia might do if ship launched cruise missiles are sent its way from US warships.

The answer, it would seem, is to send a couple of ships equipped with anti-ship missiles.

3rd Russian Black Sea Fleet Missile Ship Heads to Syria

Oct 6, 2016

"The third Black Sea Fleet small missile ship, the Mirazh (Project 1234), has left Sevastopol for the Mediterranean Sea," a source in the Crimean security agencies told RIA Novosti.

The source noted that the vessel is equipped with the Malakhit anti-ship missile.

Russia's Black Sea Fleet confirmed that its third small missile ship has embarked on a voyage from Sevastopol, Crimea, to the Mediterranean.

"The Black Sea Fleet's small missile ship is planned to sail through the Black Sea strait and enter the Mediterranean Sea tomorrow, where it will join the Navy's permanent task force in accordance with the rotation plan," the fleet said.

A Russian navy spokesman said on Wednesday that two missile corvettes of Russia's Black Sea Fleet left their base in Sevastopol to reinforce Russia's group of warships in the Mediterranean.

The warships, The Serpukhov and The Zelyony Dol which are equipped with Kalibr long-range cruise missiles, left Sevastopol on Tuesday and are expected to reach the Mediterranean on Wednesday evening, Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet spokesman Nikolai Voskresensky said.

This is all heating up very quickly.  It won’t take much of a provocation to get a bunch of missile flying in all directions.  When the dust settles the only question will be if the genie can be put back in the bottle.

As a side note, I wonder if the ship really does still have the older Malakhit missile on board or if Russia has upgraded that launch tube to the SS-N-2 Sunburn?  

At any rate, by both bringing these ships into the region and then providing plenty of press about those movements, Russia seems to be signaling that it is serious about defending itself but also would rather not.  Otherwise we'd expect Russia to keep quiet about its military movements and say nothing.


Dear Mr. Masterson
I listen to you and cringe, not because of your analysis (which I agree with) but rather the narrow view that you are trapped in.

I’m watching your channel as I watch similar channels as part of my analysis of the psychosis of denial of reality.  

Normally I wouldn’t bother with contacting you or the other crowd of the semi intelligent community you are part of:

But it’s the last days of free internet and you have the potential to wake up to reality and wake up others: but your mind was never moved to the next stage of awareness with information that can supply the context for all the symptoms you recognize.

I think it will be very useful for you to read the following:

The purpose of this assay is to wake you up to reality and as many as possible other individuals who believe they are aware or even awake, but are actually stuck in a limbo of false reality and distorted awareness:

Part 1: essay premises:

1.1    You believe you are aware of reality but you are not.

The movie that you watched in the past decades was the usual suspect:

Directed by Keyser Soze

Produced by Kobayashi

And played by Verbal Knits

The sequel will be released very soon to home theaters very close to you:

Directed by Verbal Knits

Produced by the “George Brothers” (Orwell & Romero)

And played by Keyser Sozes

1.2      Your predictions and analyses of reality are no more than opinions and not a scientific observation.

Analysis and its resulting predictions are like prophesy: measured by the accuracy of the prediction’s timetable, magnitude and aftermath: the actualities of all of the measures of the prophesied occurrences are what validate or null prophesy and not the presented fundamentals which assuring the occurrence of such event (see Paul R. Ehrlich’s bet).

Prophecy is an unscientific way of guessing the future based on a gut feeling and so is any other prediction based on objective observation of human made phenomena’s.

1.3    Your educated perditions are as valid as the uneducated prophesies of religious prophets.

Any prediction can be categorized as prophecy: even scientific models representing a spectrum of conditional scenarios based on series of identified factors that if materialized will facilitate a tipping point representing a switch that will shift the scenarios in one way or another to predict a set of possibilities and probabilities; as the members of the Club of Rome did when they accurately identified spectrum of possible scenarios and their responsible positive and negative feedbacks and switches, back in 1972 with revisions fine tuning the scenarios every decade or so.

I will argue (and by that I mean I have an overwhelming amount of supporting models and references based only on empirical data from scientific disciplines and domains that are based solely on physical evidences, empirical laws and “Richard Feynman’s type” of research practices):

That the members of the Club of Rome and all of the other individuals who producing futuristic scenarios based on empirical models for analysis of any type of manmade phenomena are all wrong, their models may be based on real facts and their scenario’s spectrum may be plausible or even probable – but they are all wrong in their observations and predictions and most and worst of all: Their conclusions and discussions are wrong.

1.4    The differences between reality and documented observation of perceived reality

Any manmade model based analysis are missing the most important factor in modeling human’s based phenomena: whether these phenomena’s are affecting the natural world (changes in the climate, nuclear radiation in the Pacific and all other ecological and humanitarian disasters) or affecting the fabric of sociocultural systems (wars, terror, health, trade, energy etc.):

  • Any model intended to analyze human’s generated phenomena is null without the tendencies of the human mind as the context and human behaviors as the manifesting factors.
  • The human mind is the gateway of any observations where attention and perception fundamentally defines the quality of raw data captured and memorized, and where processing capabilities which are based on functional tendencies (inherit and acquired) will fundamentally determine the behavioral output in the form of communication and actions and thus defining the mindset of individuals.
  • There are different types of mindsets which have distinct methods of input, processing and output and thus mindsets which are made of a lump of brain tissue inside the skulls of individuals are the engine behind all human generated phenomena’s.
  • The human mind is the reason for all the human generated phenomena’s: without the apparatus of mindsets’ causality all models, analysis, predictions and conclusions are null.
Part 2: what you believe is reality is no more than out of context opinions

Economics, politics, education, sociocultural and all other manmade and man-named domains are fictional instruments meant for the sole purpose of facilitating and controlling massive scale operation of resources exploitation by many individuals organized in groups in order to transfer their intrinsic value to the hands of minuscule number of individuals.

Although many of you probably understand it on some level, what all of you are lacking is the context of human tendencies as the apparatuses for all human activities and human made phenomena’s.

2.1    Context is king

Context is king for any observation but attention for details and perception of context, are two contrasting traits in the vast majority of the population:

Without context the details no matter how many of them are perceived and memorized by an observer, will be floating in isolated biased theories without the order of larger context; identification of recurrent patterns is the toolkit of out of context “details’ collectors” for making sense of declared and imposed out of context disciplinary systems made of fabricated or distorted ideological domains that suit the interest of the system, context is the organizer of systems of details and not the other way around.

The obsessive identification, documentation and reporting of recurrent patterns via “market” , “political”, “sociocultural” and any other analyses of disciplinal domains are pathological compulsive obsessive behaviors which form COMFORTABLE DENIAL OF RESPONSIBILITY: Distracting the mind of the preachers and the minds of their choir from the real conservations on the fundamental questions you, the “aware” should ask yourself.

Part 3: You are missing the context of human tendencies in order for understanding what is really going on

3.1    The context of human tendencies is the upmost critical sets of rules and factors which are absolutely crucial for understanding the true nature of the system:

That govern ALL aspects of living at every passing moment of existence and the entire life histories of ALL the individual primates, collectively defined as “homo sapience” and;

All of the documented accumulation of all life histories of all primates throughout the generation defined as “History”:

Your life histories and your view of your predecessors history is all part of the system of organization that you were born into which is behind any lingual and abstract thought in your brain at every given moment orchestrating every emotional fluctuation you experiencing and any decision you are making and all action you are taking.

Without understanding the role of human tendencies in every interaction and any transaction between individuals and collectives you will never understand how the “system” really works and how it always ends, and most of all you will not be able recognize ahead of time the point of no return which marks the beginning of the swift endgame, long after the passing of the point in time when the gates of hopes for a different future are closed and locked.

3.2      You do not recognize the systematic symptoms of our main system of organization (“civilization”) by the true nature of its functions?

Civilization was created, organized and maintained by dynasties for the sole purpose of serving few individuals on behalf of and on the account of all others.

Civilization is the name of a system which enables a small hierarchal organization of few individuals to organize large number of individual in well classified groups and populous in order to coordinate an increasing scale of well classified activities that are not beneficial for the individuals performing it but are always beneficial for the dynasty. 

You do not acknowledge that civilization and all of its subsystems are always serving the fundamental autocratic purpose of specific group of individuals.

3.3    You address the complex systematic symptoms of human made phenomena and not their simple causes

  • The stewards (presidents, CEO’s, generals etc.) at the top of any pyramid of any disciplinary system of autocratic ideology are minions of one dynasty or another or a strategically organized alliance of dynasties.
  • Dynasties composed of owners and stakeholders in series of periodic alliances between few individuals under the lead of one individual intended to obtain, maintain and further the dominance ambitions of the leader and its alliance members.
  • The markets as any other sociocultural domain are not manipulated by their stewards: they are ideological systems that work exactly as intended.
  • The markets and all other sociocultural domains have been created and are operating to manipulate you by their founders, owners and sole beneficiaries: the dynasties and their minions.
  • The stewards are solely serving the interest of the dynasties: they are the facilitators of the dynasties’ policies intended to achieve short term tactical objectives as part of longer term plan containing a series of strategic goals representing step-ups in the dynasty’s level of dominance.
  • The ideological systems of the different sociocultural domains are the engine of civilizations which is the container for all human made phenomena and the manifestation of human tendencies.
  • All of the human made phenomena’s are the direct manifestation of the mindset of the creators and facilitator of civilization:
  • The creator of civilizations is a very specific mindset which holds the potential for the emergence and persistence of dynasties and their civilizations and is 100% responsible for the corresponding manifestations of all human made phenomena.
You do not recognize that the complex systematic symptoms are the result of a simple cause: a specific type of mindset.

3.4      You do not acknowledge that civilization and all of its subsystems are always serving the fundamental autocratic purpose of specific group of few individuals.

3.5     You do not recognize that the complex systematic symptoms are the result of a specific type of mindset:

Because you don’t know the real chain of events that led us to develop a mindset that produce such social organization that is fundamentally destructive to its participants and all life on planet earth.

Our true evolutionary story is the key to understand the currently dominating mindsets which produce civilizations.

Part 4: A brief description of the current system you are living in

4.1    The properties of the different engines of civilization in the context of functionality and purpose:

The autocratic systems of civilization have two main fronts under multiple euphemistically titled practices and disciplines:

4.1.1   Internal affairs:

Of intimidation, harassment and punishment as measures for controlling and coordinating individuals and groups by a dynasty, for the purpose of acquisition, stockpiling, managing and securing human resources (influence) and physical resources (wealth) in a geographical region declared by a dynasty as the dynasty territory in which influential activities are facilitated by the dynasty’s minions for the SOLE purpose of serving the goals of a dynasty.

4.1.2   Foreign affairs:

Of utilization and mobilization of individuals and groups controlled by a dynasty (via internal affairs) as measures for intimidation, harassment and punishment of individuals and groups in geographical regions that are not under the control of said dynasty or are controlled by another dynasty for the purpose of territory acquisition for the purpose of plundering, importing and stockpiling the resources in geographical regions controlled by the dynasty’s or by their minions for the SOLE use of a dynasty.

4.1.3   The dynasties only measures of success are the magnitude and success of their activities:

  • Wealth: the amount of the accumulated resources from the plunder.
  • Domination and influence:  the territorial reach and the size and effectiveness of the groups of subjects and subjugated they have managed to organize in classes and mobilize for their operations for the purpose of:
  • Resources acquisition and securing – by utilizing organized groups of aggressors to enforce obedience on all groups of subjects and subjugated in the controlled territory (police) and to acquire new territories and to inflict submission on the others inhabiting the regions outside the territory (armies)
  • Resources exploitation and accumulation – by utilizing organized groups of workforce to extract (mining and agriculture), produce (engineering and manufacturing), stockpile and transport (warehousing and shipping).
  • Resources management and distribution – by utilizing organized groups of aggressors to enforce the compliance of the subjects and subjugated to the regular confiscation of portions of their personal accumulated resources (taxing) and organized groups of bureaucrats for the unequal distribution of the confiscated resources (banking and trade):
    • A substantial portion of the confiscated resources goes to support the dynasty’s domination and influence operation
    • The minimal portion of the confiscated resources that is sufficient for sustaining or improving the different workforce operations and wellbeing
    • The rest of the portion goes to the possession of the dynasties and their minions
4.2    To summarize:
  • The dynasties wealth and domination are determined by the success of the methods and practices they utilized in order to produce and accumulate more wealth and dominance then other dynasties.
  • The dynasties wealth and domination is the only measure that determines their position and influence in the dynasties exclusive fight club.
  • Their position in the exclusive fight club is the sole premise for all of their activities.
4.3   To acknowledge:

The success of the competition for resources between regional and global dynasties is not measured by the collateral damage to the environment or by the level of physical, emotional, pathological and genetic damage they inflict to the populations of homo sapience that were unfortunate to live at the wrong place in the wrong time and to interact with them.

Part 5: what is really going on

5.1   The real essence of “humanity” and the predicaments of our current system of civilization

Economics, politics, indoctrinated scientific domains and all other ideologies are no more than symptoms of the true apocalypse that is unfolding in an exponential rate in the minds of the vast majority of individuals identified as homo sapience – a collateral madness:

A genetically inherit mindset contain a spectrum of pathological tendencies materializing in psychological conditions of all sorts that can be easily irritated into existence via psychological manipulations based on levels of intimidation and punishment to produce specific behavioral manifestations.

5.2    It was achieved incrementally overtime by first expanding the spectrum of socially accepted traits (norms) to include abnormal traits that are productive for the dynasty’s exploitation efforts.

And when the abnormal behaviors are normalized consequently improves the yield and EROEI of the dynasty’s hierarchal machine of exploitation and domination enabled them to achieve enough wealth and dominance to move to next step of ambition.  

5.3   If you have a breeding facility How you change the mindset of individuals

You control the sexual selection of your subjects to produce more “manageable” offspring’s.

5.4   What is your goal?

You need a specific mindset in order to be able to orchestrate collective organization and groups’ cooperation.

5.5    How you control the sexual selection?

By controlling the daily conversation between individuals and groups (narratives); for the purpose of shifting the standard pattern of behaviors that are considered normal in a community (norms); which conditioning the attention and focus of individual to falsely recognize an unfit partner for sexual reproduction by suppressing its conflicting normal instincts.

5.6   What are the behaviors that are “[ab]normalize” by the ones control the sexual selection?

5.6.1   All the normal tendencies that are manifested in behaviors that are: Counterproductive, unproductive or inefficient for the dynasty’s exploitation efforts and domination ambitions.

By slowly shifting the attention of generation into the abnormal spectrum they construct the current social organization and shifted the mindset of individuals and collective from the normal to the needed abnormal utilizing the following method repeatedly over the ages:

  • Normalizing abnormalities in behavioral traits by implementing rewords mechanisms for willing adopters (conformists) and super rewords for talented adopters with the most desirable traits, while rendering normal behavioral traits as abnormal by constant intimidation and “as needed” physical aggression
  • Implementing systems of intimidation and punishment and elimination for unwilling adopters (nonconformists).
  • Influencing the choices made in sexual selection utilizing evolving technologies from their talented conformists to support more complex indoctrination methods for increasing the capacity, efficiency and productivity of systems of exploitation and domination based on the principal of hierarchical organizations in classes of functionality and productivity.
  • Each periodic system of dominance was led by periodical dynasties which become more powerful than others by managing to increase their territorial reach and access to human and physical resources and/or improved the efficiency of resources acquisition and exploitation.
Welcome to the animal farm of bulls, dogs, cows, chicken and sheep: which one is your preferred pronounce?

Or maybe you are all of the species and breeds depending on the facility you are in?

Part 6: Denial

6.1   Original denial was the denial of one’s own horrible, eminent and imminent murder by its own kin

6.2   The original denial was not the fear of your knowing the range or causes of certain expiration in unknown point of time in the future, rather the denial of the your certain, imminent and known death, by your hunger driven cannibalistic kin.

It’s why we fall into a deep sleep stage so fast, we needed to sleep to suppress the Amygdala’s laud alarm and flashing red lights urging you to take the flight low road right now in order to save your life while preparing you for the flight via your exhausted adrenal glands. You needed the deep sleep to reduce the cortisol levels (stress) in our systems in order to sustain basic brain and bodily functionality such as focusing and digesting, we are the descendants of the most successful deniers of certain, imminent and well known for being horrible death.

The stage of deep short sleeping at nights led to the day dreaming where your mind is still semi sleeping to suppress the cortisol levels during wake times; by daydreaming away the same tariffing fears you denied last night in order for falling asleep: by painting flowers in the hands of cannibals holding butcher’s knives and by imagining yourself sleeping in the safety of a cave/cage sealed from the inside by you.

6.3   If you want to imagine how horrible and terrifying the death by cannibalism experience was watch the gang of male chimpanzees’ hunting down and devour one of their kin from their own group or a neighboring group.

If you want to understand how desperate the situation was imagine a group of chimpanzees in an enclosure with no access to food and watch the carnage starting as soon as one of the gang’s male is hungry eating each other one by one first the babies, then young males and the females and finally the gang members to the last one standing that was the most successful cannibals of all.  

6.4   The modern denial has two façades depending on your mindset group:

  • The first one inhabiting the mind[set] of the vast majority of the population is the denial of themselves killing their kin
  • The second one inhabiting the mind[set] of few (including yourself?), is the denial of the others killing yours and their kin
6.5   The modern denial is the denial of the original sin of cannibalism by the cannibals and by their victims

You denial the true nature of the people around you because you know who they are and what type of mindset they possess; you see it all around you in the destruction, death and misery inflicted on all life on earth by their mindset:

By denying the majority’s mindset responsibility for the global carnage you denial your own mindset AND YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO STOP THEM!

6.6    Blame the instruments and complain about their manifestation (even make some models and presentations about them) and not the mindset that is responsible for them: the instruments inventors, manufactures, distributors, consumers and users.

Denying responsibility from the mindset (with any excuse) is like blaming the gun (that shot the bullet that murdered someone) instead of prosecuting the mindset of the individuals that supplied the instrument and that aimed it at another individual (after loading it with ammo), intentionally pulling the trigger of the killing instrument, inevitably ending another individual experience of life with no sense of empathy.

6.7   The same mindset inhabits the skulls of the individuals who are responsible for the death toll and misery inflicted by their killing industrial instruments:

Poisoning life, changing the habitable climate of entire planed, redesigning and transforming the shared habitats render them inhabitable to all life but them, causing the annihilation of ecosystems on all of their living creatures, burning the land with wars and all other thousands, millions and billions of other mindset made atrocities occurring every moment for ages.

The same mindset supplying the mass instruments intended for mass killing; teaching them how to operate and load and transferring the responsibility of pulling the triggers to them, which inevitably ends the experience of living for many with no sense of empathy.

You are denying your role as accessory to mass murder preformed against your own kin, by your own kin, guided by the individuals of your own kin which happened to be on the top of a dominance hierarchy; a system based on the cannibalistic mindset of willing and unwilling participant accessory to ending their life and the life’s of all others with no sense of empathy.

Part 7: knowing our lineage actual evolution occurrences is knowing who you are, who are “they”, what type of mindset “they” possess and what you are facing

7.1  Who are you?

You are the accumulation of generations of sexual reproduction determined by the interaction of individual male and female of each generation in accordance to the factors and condition that governed their day to day activities during the time of their life.

7.2    You are the result of generations of sexual reproduction by natural selection (where females are willingly selecting their partners) and unnatural where males physically forced or mentally enforced sexual intercourses where females are unwillingly reproduced (raped).

The intimate reproduction choices of females and males were the determine factor for their offspring’s genotype and their consequential phenotype spectrum (wiki: The genotype–phenotype distinction is drawn in genetics. "Genotype" is an organism's full hereditary information. "Phenotype" is an organism's actual observed properties, such as morphology, development, or behavior. This distinction is fundamental in the study of inheritance of traits and their evolution.)

Part 8: A new mindset destined to rule it all

8.1   The truth is buried in the graveyard of logic

The current human condition and its consequential predicaments emerged long before civilization emerged and was the result of an evolutionary process that went wrong and took the wrong turn; and as a result unleashed new evolutionary forces (more accurately devolutionary forces) which determine our mindset and life histories millions of years later.

8.1.1  A Pandora box of chaotic fitness strategies based on opportunistic adoption and adaptation of random phenotype mutations that benefit few individuals today as the benefit a specific group of apes in Africa millions of years ago:

These individuals are non-kin males who form an alliance (gang) which enabled them to conquer by force and hold by violence the top of the social hierarchy of their clan: they are the masters of the clan and they are working together as dogs breeders that cultivate the beneficial phenotype of the members of their own kind, by controlling and enforcing the sexual selection of the entire clan.

8.2   The modern gang (dynasty) dominance methodology is breeding:

The ruling gang is a group of breeders who works together to manufacture population and populous (breeds) of a unique genotype of based on phenotype (skills and mindset) hence classes.

8.3  The modern gang (dynasty) breeding facility is civilization:

Utilizing the system of “civilization” they created human breeds with extreme manifestation of “needed” traits in their genotype based on selected and cultivated phenotype which creates over generations breeds of specialized fitness strategies similar to the extreme phenotype that can be observed in dog breeds: extreme sizes (Great Dane vs. Pomeranian), extreme body types (Dachshund vs. Pug) and extreme characters (Pit bull vs. Golden retriever).

8.4   When sexual selection is controlled by a certain mindset

8.4.1   Definition of the method of phenotype design (and consequently genotype) via orchestrated and imposed sexual selection (from wiki [mostly]):

“Dog [primate] breeding is the practice of mating selected dogs [primates] with the intent to maintain or produce specific qualities and characteristics. When dogs [primates] reproduce without such human [gang] intervention, their offsprings' characteristics are determined by natural selection, while "dog [primate] breeding" refers specifically to the artificial selection of dogs [primates], in which dogs [primates] are intentionally bred by their owners. A person who intentionally mates dogs [primates] to produce puppies [babies] is referred to as a dog [primate] breeder. Breeding relies on the science of genetics [eugenics], so the breeder with knowledge of canine [primates] genetics, health, and the intended use for the dogs attempts to breed suitable dogs [humans].”

8.4.2    I suggest you read the whole article at Wikipedia titled “Dog breeding” and figure by yourself what are the consequences of such breeding on individual’s wellbeing, here are some quotes:

"Some dogs [humans] have certain inheritable characteristics that can develop into a disability or disease. Canine hip dysplasia is one such condition. Some eye abnormalities, some heart conditions, and some cases of deafness have been proven to be inherited.

There have been extensive studies of these conditions, commonly sponsored by breed clubs [states] and dog [human] registries [governments], while specialised breed clubs [Universities] provide information of common genetic defects for their breeds. As well, special organizations, such as Orthopedic Foundation for Animals [health system], collect data and provide it to breeders.

Some registries, such as American Kennel [civilization] Club [USA], may include a record of the absence of certain genetic defects, known as a certification, in an individual dog’s [human’s] record. For example, the German Shepherd Dog [German human] national breed club in Germany [German government] is a registry that recognizes that hip dysplasia [cancer and other conditions] is a genetic defect for dogs [humans] of this breed. Accordingly, it requires all dogs [humans] to pass evaluation [medical assessment] for absence of hip dysplasia [cancer and other conditions] to register their progeny, and records the results in individual dog‘s [humans] pedigrees [governmental records].

Some scientific researchers [who are thorn between their obedience to their providers and their sympathy for the livestock] argue that advances in artificial reproduction technology for the purposes of dog [human] breeding can be helpful but also have "detrimental impacts" when overused instead of natural selection principles. These scientists [spineless conformists] call for a deeper understanding of natural selection, leading to a more naturalistic approach in dog [human] breeding [nicer kennels, bigger playgrounds and increased playtime].

On the basis of an analysis of data on 42,855 dachshund litters [7.5 billion humans], it was found that as the inbreeding coefficient increased, litter size decreased [less babies] and the percentage of stillborn [born with autistic disorder spectrum] puppies [babies] increased, thus indicating inbreeding depression. Inbreeding depression is a reduction in progeny fitness due largely to the homozygous expression of deleterious recessive mutations….”

8.5   The gang’s dog [human] breeds show: where you can watch “Along with breed judging and obedience, you'll discover agility dogs [humans] racing over obstacle courses, flyball teams hurdling to beat the clock, and four-footed [bipedal] athletes catching Frisbees and dancing to music”

The gang of “breeders” created extreme mindset (character) based on obedience to the masters accompanied with a spectrum of skills (jobs) and temperament (talent) that can be indoctrinated into existence (training) which plays role in the system of dominance: entertainment (Toy Poodle), entertainer (Jack Russell), free spirit (Siberian Husky), bureaucrats and marshaling (Border Collie), clown (Shih Tzu), enforcer and drover (Rottweiler), intraspecies aggressor (Pit bull), interspecies aggressor (Rhodesian Ridgeback) and more.

8.6  Human breeds like dog breeds are the manifestation of the extreme artificial breeding practices that manufactured skillsets that fits a wanted niche corresponding to the times and conditions:

Shepherding/herding dogs during the pre-industrial times, guard dogs during the middle ages, attack/work dogs during the conquests of the Roman Empire, entertainment dogs during the European renascence of autocracy etc.

All the dog breeds share the genotype with the wolf but they do not share the genotype between themselves, the wolf is their “outgroup” while they are sister groups hence breeds.

8.7    By controlling the sexual selection, the “breeders” have managed to artificially change the population’s body and mind: the dog breeds may vary in anatomy and morphology but they all share one common feature:

A mindset that is easily programmable by simple Pavlovian conditioning and submissive obedience to higher classes and instant conformation to the breeder’s authority.

The breeders of dogs in kennels and the breeders of humans in civilizations are the same in methods and mindset, they cultivated fitness strategies that are not representing the individuals and group’s interest and are not according to the golden rule and completely out of balance with the web of life.

We are all experiencing the resulting consequences and the concluding events of endless generations of males-made culture that supports abnormal phenotypes which produced a specific genotypes which created a social organization based on classes of breeds each representing and performing a set of roles, services and behaviors that fit the few kings who cultivated them.

8.8       If you can tell what were the determine factors and condition that governed the sexual selection of each generation at the time and in the place that their sexual reproduction consummated, you will be able to reconstruct a firm line for the evolutionary process of the genotype and phenotype that led us to who we are

Our true evolution story didn’t start with the fossil fragments of cuddly named ancestors like “Lucy”, “Ardi”, “Little foot”, “Selam” and other early primates (collectively named “hominids” to strike an imaginary border where evolution supposedly took a turn for the “good” for what is currently defined (by all entitled primates) as “more human”.

One thing is sure: ALL of the hominids were cannibals. How do I know it? because that was what the chain of events of our linage evolutionary process have determined and that was what their ancestors (like the cannibal cuddly named “Toumai”)

8.9    What I definitely know is that 2.5 million years ago cannibalism reached its second peak as the dominant mindset in our lineage

Part 8: the biggest scientific cover-up in history of an inconvenient truth: a solid case of continuous mass scale acts of cannibalism performed by males in our direct lineage

8.1  The H. Naledi (I named it the “Bergerous cannibalous” of the new church of Rupert Murdoch formally known as National Geographic) background:

8.2   Homo Naledi: from the voice of the consensus (wiki) with important details highlighted:

Homo naledi is an extinct species of hominin, which anthropologists first described in 2015 and have assigned to the genus Homo. In 2013, fossil skeletons were found in South Africa's Gauteng province, in the Rising Star Cave system, part of the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site. As of 10 September 2015, fossils of at least fifteen individuals, amounting to over 1550 specimens, have been excavated from the cave.

8.2.1   At September 9 2015 National Geographic officially becomes the property of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp for a $725,000,000 bribe to the entrusted scientific organization after 127 years of being staunchly non-profit magazine and scientific organization.

The takeover started 2 years earlier when the cannibalistic crime scene was found, I urge you to research “News Corp” and Australian media mogul and climate change denier Rupert Murdoch in order to understand the total “eyeballs” reach and the domination of thoughts that the Rupert Murdoch minion gang has.

8.2.2  September 10 2015 the “Naledi” propaganda charade starts with an article on the freshly conquered media outlet of NG headlined: “This Face Changes the Human Story. But How?”

8.2.3  The article address in the address bar was:

8.2.4   The only factual thing they did right in this propaganda piece was declaring the h naledi as being “human” like us: I totally agree that the h naledi, h Murdoch and h Berger represent the dominant “human” mindset quite accurately

8.2.5   In a following NG propaganda piece from September 15 2015 titled: “Mystery Lingers Over Ritual Behavior of New Human Ancestor”

The first thing under the headline is an expensive well painted reconstruction of the events according to the propaganda made by “JON FOSTER. SOURCE: LEE BERGER, WITS” this well-made classic style oil paint was also at the end of the Sep 10 NG propaganda piece:

In the paint you see a group of 3 grieving males standing on a ledge at the opening of the cave carrying the dead body of what seems to be an old female (gray fur), where underneath them at the bottom of the ledge inside the cave another male is stretching its arms toward them singling them to pass the body to him and at the front a fifth male is leading the way into the cave. While the males are willingly cooperating in the altruistic task of bringing the dead female to her last resting place, all the other clan members are watching the funeral ceremony like the curious crowd gather around traffic accidents.    

(The whole atmosphere and style of the paint is reminding me of the five-part series of paintings called “The Course of Empire” (created by Thomas Cole in the years 1833–36)).

8.2.6.  H. Murdoch via it’s minion h. Berger concluding that “there is no other explanation but burial       In the Sep 10 propaganda piece the caption under the image of the paint voice:

An H. naledi group disposes of one of their own in Rising Star cave in this artist’s depiction. Though such advanced behavior is unknown in other primitive hominins, “there appears to be no other option for why the bones are there,” says lead scientist Lee Berger.   In the Sep 15 propaganda piece follow-up the caption under the image of the paint say:

In this artist’s depiction, Homo naledi disposes of its dead in South Africa’s Rising Star cave. Though such advanced behavior is unknown in other early hominins, the scientists who discovered the fossils say no other explanation makes sense.

8.2.7   Propaganda at the roots of ideologies

It is very important to note that many taxonomical or popular lingual definitions (Steven Pinker?) who meant to glorify our current evolutionary state (so even the most ignorant of the sappiness will fill “good” about himself as he slaughter or poison its kin and others).

Nothing more is representing our collective hubris as loud and clear as the name we chose to call our “species”: Homo Sapience:

  • Homo: originated from the Greek prefix meaning "the same" (opposite of Greek prefix "hetero" meaning different)
  • Sapience: originated from the Latin word meaning “wise” (that is short from the earlier lingual meaning of “sapiō” “self-declaration of wisdom” or “I am wise”)
Homo Sapience = Identically-wise (self-declared wise primate (wiser then the “Great” Apes and “for sure” wiser then the “Lesser Apes”)).

8.3  The first documented prove of repeatable cannibalistic attacks

8.3.1   Homo naledi the cannibal – placing the evidence in the right context

I think the cave is a crime scene portraying repeated acts of hominid cannibalism utilizing members of their own species as livestock that resulted in the first evidence for repeated acts of organized cannibalistic attacks by the ruling gang of males.

8.3.2   A description of the scenery AS IT WAS DISCOVERED (context):

The cave is made of a wide main entrance on the surface of the ground going down in a wide passage for about 45 meters (~150’) in ~30 degree slope leading into the first narrow passages leading into a first chamber leading to second passage leading to a second and last chamber where the remains were found:   To enter the first chamber you have to crawl and squeeze through a horizontal ~5 meter (~16.5’) passage with an average width of 25 cm (~10”).

From the entrance of the chamber you have to cross about 15 meters (~50’) of horizontal surface and then to climb about 20 meters (~65’) in ~60 degree angle to reach the second passage leading to the last chamber   The only access to the last chamber is from the first chamber through a narrow, vertically oriented "chimney" or "chute" measuring 15 meters (~40’) with an average width of 20cm (7.9”).

The fossil-bearing chamber is ∼30 meters (~100’) below the surface and ∼100 meters (~330’) away from the present, nearest entrance to the cave.  Note 1: Limited amount of Oxygen and long CO2 replenishment period:

In the death chamber there is no air ventilation other than the two narrow shafts that leads to the chamber of death.   Note 2: Pitch-black journey:

Except for the first 10 meters that are near the cave entrance the rest of the rout is pitch-black.  

8.3.3   The crime scene (evidences):   Many “slender” victims mostly females and few youngsters, and even one “very slender” adult male.   The victims entered the cave at different occasions in different times.

8.3.4    The crime (circumstantial reconstruction)

The “slender” victims mostly females, and few youngsters and even one “very slender” adult male where all chased there by the males of their own kind which had the intention to eat them.   It was the last chamber that they could escape into when chased; one that the males could not enter with their wider shoulders.

Suggesting a smaller degree of dimorphism which suggest that a single male could not have attack a female alone with accordance to the second rule of the chimpanzee’s fight club:

You not attack unless you have numbers on your side!

Reduce chance of injury for individual attacker as factor of the total number of attacking cannibals e.g. 2 against one victim = 50% chance of injury (50% higher EROEI), 10 against one victim = 10% chance of injury (90% higher EROEI) which means the male gang system was well established in that primate.   The slender victims enter the chamber after at least a 100 meter chase in total darkness heavily breathing and died from CO2 poisoning within few hours

This explains why the remains of the individual were found side by side (like in a graveyard):

They preferred to lay down beside other corps (which arrived there for the same reason sometimes many years prior to their arrival and died of the same reason) that at the time due to the dry and sterile conditions of the cave the past attacks victim’s bodies were probably quite preserved.

This also explains why there was no evidence of cannibalism in the chamber:

Not enough time before they ran out of oxygen as they were slowly losing their conciseness and die.

It was much nicer death then being eaten alive by the males lingering outside their chamber.

8.3.5    Contemplating the chain of events that could have brought these individuals in to that challenging location, the scenarios that seem the most compatible are that the first chamber (not the last chamber of death) was either a shelter or a temporary livestock pantry.

Firstly, we can assume rather confidently that the option of a burial site is highly unlikely regarding h. naledi’s brain size and structure. And moreover, even if indeed they had had the sufficient mental complexity that would have enabled them to develop burial rituals, the immense challenges that this site imposed and principally the drastic size limitations (for males to reach while carrying a slender body to the vertical shaft of the death chamber) and the pitch-black darkness (no evidence of fire) revokes almost any probability that this theory might have had. It is just too far-fetched.

8.3.6    Leni Riefenstahl style propaganda

Along these Leni Riefenstahl style propaganda theories presented by h. Berger the minion of the cannibalistic dynasty of h. Murdoch, we are left with the simple scenario of escape. Something must have caused them to crawl alive into that chamber, and it must have been scarier than the dark, which means something that was threatening their lives.  Maybe Raymond Dart and Robert Ardrey were right?

Now, should we speculate on, what was it that had caused them to flee so deep into the cave and through such a narrow gap? So narrow that it was mostly females, elders and children who were able to pass through, along with what seems to be some exceptionally slender male hominid. The animal chasing them must have had the ability to follow them for a substantial distance into the cave, and perhaps even through the first narrow passageway (that is about 25 centimeters wide) which would have caused them to move all the way up the second chamber wall and down that second shaft (about 20 centimeters high) and into the chamber.

The threat, must have also lingered for a long enough time to keep them in their hopeless sanctuary, which may suggest that these homo naledi females, youngsters and week males were a primary food source of that predator. Of course, there is the chance that they have simply been unable to get out of the chamber, although the data show that they were adaptable climbers who still had strong and long “gibbon” arms, and even if they were in fact trapped in that chamber, the amount of findings suggests that the hominids did not all enter the chamber on a sole incident, but rather one or few at a time, and that would mean that over more than one occasion a h. naledi was chased into that same cave, by something that perhaps could pass through the first 25 centimeters width passage and follow it into the first chamber, but could not have fit through the smaller 20 centimeters gap leading to the last chamber.

8.3.7   A new perspective on “Paleo Diet” and the real roles of males and female in our lineage    And here enters a crucial subject: “what were they eating?” or to be more to the point, what was available to a longer legged 1 meter tall gibbons with weak jaws and teeth that could support their nutritional needs?

According to the dental specimens and jaw structure, it appears as though the H. naledi were not adaptable carnivores, although their morphology and its resemblance to that of modern Siamang seems like one that would require a rich diet.   So what can you “chew on” which you can’t cook (since you didn’t yet learned how to use fire) that have all the nutrition you need in times of nutritional deficits? 

The plausible answer is cannibalism: the soft meat of babies, youngsters and young females can be easily consumed even with frugivore teeth and jaws.   Using your own kin as livestock

We should also consider this as a case of storing livestock. Utilizing members of their species as livestock enabled them an easy transition from the tropical forests to open savannas (having your nutrition resources migrating with you, increases your fitness dramatically).

The halt in physical evolution since our last common ancestor with chimpanzees until around 2-3 Mya in the homo genus was in contrast to the obvious need to adapt physically in order to utilize the different types of available food sources and shelters, during the periods as the forests retreats or as they migrated to woodlands and latter savannas. This may also hold the key for the frequent amount of reproduction cycles in the human genus when comparing them to other primates.

Females in the human lineage have livestock features: The accelerated reproduction cycle like in chicken, the oversized milk tanks like in in cows, the excessive fat tissues as in farm pigs (although they didn’t live in the cold areas yet) and the cute face of a puppy in adult females as in adult dogs (to diffuse male aggression and maybe survive another day)

8.4   The so-called “Homo” Naledi charade

When I witness the charade (press release celebrations) of the latest discoveries in South Africa producing a show that have everything for everyone like cable TV and other abnormality shows such as the x factor: auditioning young females when the factor is being skinny and the x is being attractive enough to win a crawl into a hole in front of the drooling male judges (sex deprived slimy self-declared “scientists”).

8.4.1    The killer ape channel

It’s got its spirituality channel were the preachers/shamans/yogis of the excavation preach the “beautiful ape” narrative and how it went on several occasions into a cave crawling in pitch-black darkness through two narrow shafts and dark chambers 100 meter long while carrying a dead body to buried its slender female or youngster dead’s and mourn them as we are the modern “compassionate” ape do while we slaughter our brothers by the thousand every day, as we did from the down of our lineage:

If you have been a cannibal since before the split of your lineage from the chimpanzee and you still a cannibal 7 million years later how in the world can you think that a small brain ancestor had the traits which makes someone “human” that you and your kin are evidently lacking.

8.4.2     The irony of being cannibal and stupid

The last thing I saw before I contacted number two in the excavation John “no balls” hawk (which use to be a good scientist) was:

A picture of a dark skin leader (the president of SA) previously oppressed by light skin homo, kissing the skull of a prehistoric victim of his cannibalistic ancestors

It was all over the place and nothing more symbolizing the cynical outlook of the current dynasties (of the R. Murdoch and his minions at “News Corp” at this particular event) then this charade that looks more like an event that takes place in the Vatican or in the other preaching facilities/monuments of the equivalent monolithic organizations of cannibalism (religion).

8.4.3   Silenced by the PC (political cannibalism) mind control police which set the trap to oppress logic: everything you say against us will be used against you (you will be called a racist and lose everything)

Try to reverse the conclusion after such contribution to the foundation of the PC madness, try to rewind the narrative of the “kind” ape and replace it with the dark truth of a vicious cannibal after that image.   Patenting knowledge so the dynasties minions will be the only ones with access to the truth

Since when important evidence belongs to the whole humanity is being held from the public for two years, finds its way to someone’s lips and held by bare hands. When I watched the charade I learned more about these “new celebrities” (e.g. the H. Bergerous Cannibalous and his cheerleader’s team) than I knew about their finds:

But as soon as I saw that women crawled through a hole where adult males couldn’t pass, I knew what it is all about.

Maybe now some of us will come to term with our not so “PC” origin with the new discoveries in South Africa of the naledi dominant mindset evident by the repeated acts of cannibalism performed by the species ruling gang of males as well as recognizing the same forces of the same dominant mindset million years later try to cover its own origin and silence the statuesque shattering finds: Maybe now the few that do not share that kind of mindset will finally be able to do the same move that the bonobo did:

When they branched out and left behind the fear and the abuse to the chimpanzees and their cannibalistic hierarchies, persisting by its rotating members, males who are not necessarily kin, which are promoted according to their level of aggression and abuse and their level of contribution to wealth/wellbeing of the leaders of the gang, the same gang of males that we can find at the top of every abusive hierarchy (government, military, police, any corporation, business, religion, and worst of all the education system with the rotten apple of the universities).

Part 9: Before evil – heavens in the tropical rainforests canopy

9.1   Our evolutionary story started with a creature resembling the Siamang a close relative of Gibbons

We start with an animal resembling the Siamang (skipping the evolution process which created it) living in the vast tropical rainforests covering all of Africa during a long period of “extreme” global warming which saturated the atmosphere with water vapors at when forest covered almost the entire planet.

In this lush environment the Siamang/Gibbon-like ancestor of us developed a unique supper power – A unique brain with unique abilities – the source of a new type of TOM an intelligent that is based on collective collateral that is shared with the member of the group and with the ecosystem in which they live. Our Siamang like ancestor (as can be observed in the Siamang and Gibbons today) has been the master of equilibrium in a climax community:

An apex animal that is so agile and intelligent that unlike any other animal on earth before and after it had the ability to use its body and mind as the most advanced technology in the animal kingdom….

End of part 1

Wow. Was this written by a bot?
It's snowing where I live, but I've felt a cold wind blowing for some time now. Wood shed's full, larder full, and we're worried about Donald and Hillary?  There are bigger fish in the ocean to worry about!

Excellent article Chris! 
I can't help but think that the timing of the quickening of events and accelerated demonization of Putin is  integral to psy ops involved in the election of NEO CON Clinton.  

Regardless of the timing,  we are at this critical juncture as an inevitable outcome of  the  vector we've on been  since the 9'11 false flag/coup  ushered in the Oded Yinon/clean break/ PNAC agenda as US foreign policy to remake the Mideast  by fragmenting Israel's enemies and forever rebranding Palestinians and Arabs as terrorists and to simultaneously enrich the powerful players of the  military/security industrial complex as they play the 'Great Game' feasting on the spoils of the forever war

With regards to the origins of the ' spontaneous' civil war' in Syria, here is a revealing video clip from the former French Foreign Minister

It is not hard to connect the dots if one cares enough to look.  The agenda was very public, the players obvious.

And yet most of the public buys the illusion  the propaganda and enculturation of American exceptionalisim is so pervaisive.   The control in mainstream media is total, and it's ongoing in social media. Even alternative and independent media is under attack and co option perhaps the last bastion of truth telling out there with  potential to  reverse the tide.

We are truly living the twin nightmares of Aldous Huxley and George Orwell

Putin is now our  Emanual Goldstein,  the latest (and perhaps last)  in a succession of evil henchman held up for our collective hate to justify our illegal wars.  Castro, Noreiga, Sadamn Hussein, Bin Laden, Gaddafi, Assad the barrel bomber…

the difference is that unlike the others  Putin does possess weapons of Mass Destruction.

That is a big difference!




Some on Congress and the Senate are watching and saying openly what should be obvious; any attack on Assad/Russia could have serious consequences and that an declaration of war would be needed from Congress before such bombing could be undertaken.

Sen. Mike Lee is warning the White House that a push to increase the U.S. military's involvement in Syria would require congressional approval.

The Utah Republican said reports that the administration is considering using airstrikes to target the Assad regime … would represent "a major departure from our current strategy."

"[It] carries potentially cataclysmic consequences which the American people have never debated in Congress," he said in a statement. "If President Obama and his advisors want to increase the involvement of the United States in Syria in any manner – including attacks against the Assad regime – they have a constitutional responsibility to ask for a declaration of war from Congress."


With lawmakers out of Washington until after the November elections, Lee added that if Obama moves "ahead without authorization, then Congress must be called back into session to fulfill its obligation to debate and determine whether our nation should once again go to war."

Now that Senator Lee is speaking out, The Hill acknowledges that other Senators have said that the President needs an authorization for the use of military force from Congress to bomb Syrian government forces:

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) has repeatedly warned that while he thinks the administration currently has the authority it needs to fight ISIS, going on offense against the Syrian government would be a different conversation.

"If they decided to go against al-Assad, then they would need additional authorities. And we stand ready if that's something they wish to do, to debate that. But thus far, they haven't made that decision," the Foreign Relations chairman told the Military Times late last year.


I wonder what happened when such a declaration is not sought and a bombing happens anyway?

There should be rather dire legal consequences but such accountability has not been part of the US government’s MO for such a long time I rather doubt anybody would know how to proceed.

I agree with you mememonkey. I'm wondering if this is just a politically motivated stunt to discredit Trump (a hothead who can't be trusted with a "nuke" launch button) and make Hillary (sweet, passive, loving, Hillary who has actual experience as Sec. of State) look like the safer choice for the undecided voters. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Of course, big lies usually are far from the truth.
I'll make sure the preps are in order - just in case. I really expect this to appear to remain on the verge of imminent war until the election is over. Hopefully, after that, our prince of nobel peace will figure out a way to back away from a conflict that has no political gain for him (or us.)


Comment #9.

has been the web site I have read over the years for analysis of the geopolitical and military situation in the ME. It is run by Pat Lang and he knows of what he speaks.
And of what he speaks of confirms some of the more alarming concerns raised above. He closes this post of today with: "I am old.  I lived through the great days of the US.  I am ready for the cataclysm that may come soon."  pl

It makes my blood run cold.

SST is essential reading because that is what things have come to.


Carl Gershman, President of the National Endowment for Democracy, Calls on the US to Oust Putin

The neoconservative president of the U.S.-taxpayer-funded National Endowment for Democracy [NED] has called for the U.S. government to “summon the will” to engineer the overthrow of Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying that the 10-year-old murder case of a Russian journalist should be the inspiration.

Carl Gershman, who has headed NED since its founding in 1983, doesn’t cite any evidence that Putin was responsible for the death of Anna Politkovskaya but uses a full column in The Washington Post on Friday to create that impression.

That Gershman would so directly call for the ouster of Russia’s clearly popular president represents further proof that NED is a neocon-driven vehicle that seeks to create the political circumstances for “regime change” even when that means removing leaders who are elected by a country’s citizenry.

… In 1983, NED essentially took over the CIA’s role of influencing electoral outcomes and destabilizing governments that got in the way of U.S. interests, except that NED carried out those functions in a quasi-overt fashion while the CIA did them covertly.

That makes Gershman an influential neocon paymaster whose organization dispenses some $100 million a year in U.S. taxpayers’ money to activists, journalists and NGOs both in Washington and around the world. The money helps them undermine governments in Washington’s disfavor – or as Gershman would prefer to say, “build democratic institutions,” even when that requires overthrowing democratically elected leaders.

But you probably won't notice that when "building democratic institutions" involves "overthrowing democratically elected leaders" that this is profoundly inconsistent. 

Here is the hubris and contempt aspect. 

We are brilliant and superior elite and you are the lowly and stupid masses.  It is our place to guide you and shape your world to our liking.  We are the shepherd, you the sheep.  We will eat your kind for dinner tonight.

Did all of the humanitarian talk about democracy (GREEN Meme) hide the (RED Meme) power play from you?

Another summary of Gerschman.

Is there anything truly surprising about Homo naledi? (

Mercenaries do it for the money.
Soldiers do it for for their country.

Are your Generals mercenaries? One breach of the Constitution would have a Real Military haul the perpetrators away. That's their job, to protect the Constitution.  What are the Generals afraid of? Losing their pensions?

The Neocons dropped bombs on stubborn Syrians in Aleppo, so the Russians took out the clandestine Officers' HQ in Syria, killing Saudi, Israeli, American and British officers. SPLAT!  (Link lost.) Of cause the US could not whinge because these officers were not invited to the dance by Syria.

Some General was trotted out to bark at the Russians in response. How cringeworthy and  demeaning to his uniform! The Russians flipped him the bird.

I wonder what is being said to the parents of the killed officers? "We regret to inform you that your son/daughter was killed in a training accident. So sad."
Game theory put into practice. Got any…[transmission terminated]