Do We Really Want A War With Russia?

Speaks lucidly to the subject of War.
A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue along the path of annihilation. I cannot make it starker than that.

A model gets great credence from it ability to predict.
My model is that the Jews are at the center of the push for war to facilitate the conditions for the return of their Messiah. This includes Armageddon and the death of 5 million Jews.

So when I read up on Wolfowitz I was unsurprised to find that he is descended from Polish Jews.

All the Semitic religions are based on the rantings of Schizophrenics.  It is vitally (as in "your life depends on it"),  that we recognise the Semitic religions for what they are,  Death Cults. 

Abandon the three Semitic Death Cults. Return to the religion of your ancestors. 

A brief note from my iPhone.  The Saker asks if the habitual lying of the AngloZionist empire is becoming obvious to a critical number of people.   (Sorry, can't post a link).  Lying is only effective as long as it is believed.  Are enough not believing any more?  Well written.  Can someone kindly link this article and the 4 min video of Trump posted by The Saker as a sign of hopefulness.

[quote=sand_puppy]A brief note from my iPhone.  The Saker asks if the habitual lying of the AngloZionist empire is becoming obvious to a critical number of people.   (Sorry, can't post a link).  Lying is only effective as long as it is believed.  Are enough not believing any more?  Well written.  Can someone kindly link this article and the 4 min video of Trump posted by The Saker as a sign of hopefulness.

In this speech to the American Legion, HRC bluntly says that if/when she's president, she'll treat cyberattacks as an act of war and respond appropriately.
Listen in from 1:20 on for the goods:

She bluntly asserts that Russia was behind the DNC attacks, repeating her stance from the debates.  So she's considering this a done deal; Russia did it.

I will remind everyone that we've had zero evidence presented as to the veracity of this claim.  If any exists, it has not been shared in the public domain.

I would also remind everyone that faking, or false-flagging, a cyberattack is quite easily done.  All one has to do is suffer an attack and show that it came 'from over there.'   Of course, spoofing a location is easy, as is inserting damning evidence such as leaving some code fragments behind that are in Russian. or Mandarin, or whatever.

Regardless, the strong, war-like, angry demeanor that HRC has on display here is what has me worried and is the #1 (2 and 3) reason why I cannot vote for her.  I hope everybody who is will be comfortable with the idea of going to war with a major adversary like Russia or China because that's a very high possibility.  

The hyper aggressiveness of the US concerns me a lot, and I'm certain it will result in tears, but not just for 'other people' in distant lands but for the US itself at some point.  This is serious business and we'd do well to have a serious conversation.  In the absence of that on the national and global stage, then it's up to us individually to be aware and prepared.


An addendum to Chris' post:
Hillary Clinton in this video is quoting verbatim words of the Project For the New American Century, a founding document for the faction called "the Neocons." This is a militaristic group that wishes to dominate every aspect of the world ("land, sea, space and cyberspace") for control and to "ensure peace." It comes from the moral developmental level of seeking peace through military domination.

Thus, our nation, which spends more on military than all the other nations of the world combined, is exhorted to "step up its game" with better and more modern military equipment and better global quick reaction forces (again quoted directly from the PNAC founding document).

Domination by force.  This is the RED/BLUE moral developmental level of the Neocons.

Not mentioned pre-election, is the equal need to dominate the domestic population.  RED/BLUE seeks to dominate EVERYBODY!  It views safety, order and peace as coming from having an iron grip of control on the throat of everyone.  The domestic population is viewed as an enemy of the state ("terrorists.")   This includes the NSA and the alphabet agencies of the domestic-military infrastructure–check points, biometric identifiers, embedded trackers, surveillance cameras, social network analysis for threat assessment, and the computer network to integrate it for "total situational awareness."


T2H, let me just point out that Stefan Molyneux's video is VERY motivating.  If I were a buffalo, I'd happily go running right over to the nearest cliff. 
I am NOT convinced that Donald Trump is the answer.  That said, absolutely Hillary scares me.  But I suspect there is more to all these shenanigans than we understand. 

I shall write in the CEO of chick-Fil-A.  I would have also some respect for the 2009 CEO of McDonalds. 

I am sure my vote has no power to elect a president.  But it still may have the power to indicate what I would prefer, should the powerful care to listen.


apparently, the source of the "leak" is an nsa whistleblower, not russia:

sand_puppy wrote:

RED/BLUE seeks to dominate EVERYBODY!  ... and the computer network to integrate it for "total situational awareness."
To be God, in other words. Wow, now we have peak ambition, peak hubris, peak futility. Running out of peaks, surely.

There is a potted bio of Stephan on Wiki.

Here's David Gordon criticism of Moleneux. 

In 2012, libertarian philosopher David Gordon gave a critical examination of Molyneux's 2007 Universally Preferable Behaviour: A Rational Proof for Secular Ethics in The Mises Review, stating, "He fails, and fails miserably. His arguments are often preposterously bad."
I followed the link offered and found David Gordon's critique to be utterly unengaging.

It is all well and good offering up a source, but what is the strength of the argument in that reference? In this case the critique may have been the writings of a schoolboy on the significance of a flies kneecap.  A task that was offered as punishment for thinking for oneself at school. 

I hhink I know enough about the participants here (Robey, are you listening?) to have an idea which cliffs you fear.
Standard interpretation of Gog and Magog is that one of them is Russia. Look at Russia is doing. Compare it to the book of Daniel.
Now, do you want to be WITH Russia when they save Israel, then betray them, then get vaporized with the flesh rotting off their bones while the men stand on their feet? Or do you want to be AGAINST Russia, and vaporized early?
Because either is a valid interpretation.
For me, I want to HAVE NOT PARTICIPATED in my. vaporization.
I will vote for the CEO of Chik-Fil-A

There’s a piece in Esquire, of all places, that scooped the actual hacking data and pins it squarely on Russia.
How Esquire managed to beat out all the other news outlets is surely and excellent story in itself. Pay no mind to the fact that the author of the piece, Thomas Rid, used to work at the Rand Corporation and spent time in other usual haunts of the policy power elites.

But, as predicted, the “evidence” includes a strange mix of sophistication and then a host of amateur hour “mistakes” (as predicted including use of identifiable Russian machines and accidental use of identifiable language and emojis even) that point straight back to Russia:

A second mistake had to do with the computer that had been used to control the hacking operation. Researchers found that the malicious software, or malware, used to break into the DNC was controlled by a machine that had been involved in a 2015 hack of the German parliament. German intelligence later traced the Bundestag breach to the Russian GRU, aka Fancy Bear.

There were other errors, too, including a Russian smile emoji—")))"—and emails to journalists that explicitly associated Guccifer 2.0 with DC Leaks, as the cybersecurity firm ThreatConnect pointed out. But the hackers' gravest mistake involved the emails they'd used to initiate their attack. As part of a so-called spear-phishing campaign, Fancy Bear had emailed thousands of targets around the world. The emails were designed to trick their victims into clicking a link that would install malware or send them to a fake but familiar-looking login site to harvest their passwords. The malicious links were hidden behind short URLs of the sort often used on Twitter.

To manage so many short URLs, Fancy Bear had created an automated system that used a popular link-shortening service called Bitly. The spear-phishing emails worked well—one in seven victims revealed their passwords—but the hackers forgot to set two of their Bitly accounts to "private."

As a result, a cybersecurity company called SecureWorks was able to glean information about Fancy Bear's targets. Between October 2015 and May 2016, the hacking group used nine thousand links to attack about four thousand Gmail accounts, including targets in Ukraine, the Baltics, the United States, China, and Iran. Fancy Bear tried to gain access to defense ministries, embassies, and military attachés.

The largest group of targets, some 40 percent, were current and former military personnel. Among the group's recent breaches were the German parliament, the Italian military, the Saudi foreign ministry, the email accounts of Philip Breedlove, Colin Powell, and John Podesta—Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman—and, of course, the DNC.


And there you have it. Just enough data that it all seems very real and believable, but not a whiff anywhere from the security expert Thomas Rid to maybe indicate that spoofing and leaving fake trails is all very much par for the course it the worlds of cybercrime and state craft.

Instead we are to just accept all the “evidence” at face value. “Hey look! We found this stuff, trust us, and it means exactly what it seems to mean.”

Pardon me if I don’t trust it Thomas!

It seems blessedly easy for anyone of even limited intelligence to plant incriminating “evidence”  when committing such acts.  I assume that entire procedures, books, SOP manuals, and software packages exist for both covering one's tracks and leaving false trails.  

But even if it were the case that Russia had done all this, then we still have to ask why that’s even such a big deal given that the US and China and the UK and EVERYBODY is doing this sort of thing to each other all the time?

That is, we might say “Crap, we got hacked!” but also then go on to review the hacked stuff for what it tells us about the level of collusion and corruption in the US political machinery.

Instead the US press is going along with the idea that the “how” of the hacks is far more important than the “what” of the hacks.


Hillary Clinton’s Strategic Ambition In A Nutshell. “Regime Change” in Russia… Putin is an Obstacle (

[quote]She wants to achieve regime change in Russia.

She enjoys the support of most of the State Department and much of the Pentagon, and Congress is ready to go.

The method: a repeat of the 1979 Brezinski ploy, which consisted of luring Moscow into Afghanistan, in order to get the Russians bogged down in their “Vietnam”.  As the Russians are a much more peace-loving people, largely because of what they suffered in two World Wars, the Russian involvement in Afghanistan was very unpopular and can be seen as a cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

This led to the temporary reign of the drunken Boris Yeltsin who – as recounted in Strobe Talbott’s memoirs – was putty in the hands of Bill Clinton.  Hillary would like to renew that sort of relationship.  Putin is an obstacle.

The new version of this old strategy is to use Russia’s totally legal and justifiable efforts to save Syria from destruction in order to cause enough Russian casualties to incite anti-Putin reaction in Russia leading to his overthrow. (Note State Department spokesman John Kirby’s recent warning that Russia will soon be “sending troops home in body bags”.)[/quote]

I would change the last few lines of his speech. 

"Let us fight to free the world, to do away with the concept of money, to shun greed, hate and intolerance, all these prisons of the mind. 

Let us fight for a world of the heart. A world where love, kindness and the human spirit will guide us towards happiness - not despair."


It was by happenstance that I read my name in your mysterious missive.
I have identified to my satisfaction that the three desert religions are the product of florid Schizophrenia .It would be amusing to pass their books before a Psychiatrist.  

Has this schizophrenia abated in modern times? Of cause not, but we do not elevate the afflicted to the status of a Devine Prophet. We treat them them with Atypical Neuroleptics such as Olanzopine.

I often warn those who have ears to hear to 

Abandon the three Semitic Death Cults, return to the religion of your ancestors. 
Mine is Asatru. I am well content with the magnificent achievements of my ancestors . They have got me here against insurmountable odds. And hence my Hammer of Thor, Mjolir.

What is yours? The demands of sanity are upon you.

Given the range of potential consequences of armed conflict between the world's nuclear powers, listening to both sides of the story in this dispute would seem prudent.

NATO Continues to Prepare for War with Russia (

[quote] According to Heather Conley, the director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies' Europe Program, Northern Europe is now being viewed as a “theatre of operations”.

These steps are taken against the background of the already highlighted plans to boost NATO’s presence and intensify its military activities in the proximity of Russia’s borders.

The war preparations are taking place at the time Germany - the European economic giant – has announced it wants a more assertive role in European defense and plans to significantly boost its defense expenditure.

German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen noted that the German Finance Ministry has accepted to increase defense spending by to a total of 10 billion euros by 2020 for the procurement of equipment and personnel. “Germany is ready to engage … to take more responsibility…This is the right path, but it will require an enormous commitment of time and money", she stressed addressing a biennial gathering of 200 high-ranking military officials in Berlin on October 17.

The alliance is trying to whip up tensions in Europe to reinforce its relevance in the ever changing world. It needs a fictional enemy to keep it together. Without attracting much public attention, NATO is actively involved in military preparations in the proximity of Russia’s borders. Neither the plans for the military “Schengen zone”, nor the deployment of US Marines in Norway, nor Germany beefing up its combat potential have been on the radar screen of Western media.


One provocation follows another against the endless drumbeat of Western media reports about “Russian aggression”. The war preparations greatly reduce European security and the chances for revival of constructive dialogue between Russia and NATO – something Russia has been calling for so many years. Instead, the bloc is doing its best to provoke an arms race with unpredictable results.[/quote]


A Schengen Zone for NATO (Foreign Affairs)

[quote]NATO’s member states are willing to defend one another, and they have the troops and the equipment to do so. But quickly getting those troops and equipment to their destination is a different matter altogether. In some new NATO member states, bridges and railroads are simply not suitable for large troop movements. But one thing frustrates commanders even more: the arduous process of getting permission to move troops across borders.

“I was probably naïve,” admits Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, the commander of the U.S. Army in Europe. “I assumed that because these were NATO and EU countries we’d just be able to move troops. But ministries of defense are not responsible for borders.”

At their upcoming summit in Warsaw, NATO members will discuss joint responses to Russian aggression, and they are likely to agree to station four battalions—totaling about 4,000 troops—in the Baltic states and Poland. But with Russia forming two new divisions in its western military region, which borders the Baltic states, 4,000 forward-stationed troops may not be enough to deter a potential attack. (A division consists of 10,000 to 20,000 troops.)[/quote]