Don't Let The Coronavirus Infect Your Relationships

I’m a huger. I’m a man…I hug men and I hug women. I hug my wife every morning. I used to hug special friends at church. I used to hug my children and my grandchildren. Now I keep my distance. But I give “air hugs” to my special friends and kids and it always gets a smile. A smile is worth a lot these days.

I wore my gloves, my N95, and swim goggles. I caught one guy rolling his eyes at me. Then I got a lecture from HR about how I need to check the cdc guidelines because gloves don’t protect the wearer. And I have only been here for 45 minutes.

that moment passed, and the subject became moot when I outed ao’'s use of sock puppets. You were capable of spotting him 6 years ago, but now appear trapped in some incoherent mobius loop, plodding through a third extended explanation of Trump and Chinese racism, as though the forum has lost all ability to comprehend English.
Now, yet again, I ask - since you have the role of site monitor : -
can I remind you of a thread from 6 years ago called : –
Life Is What We Make Of It – Mastering Emotional Resilience
There was a post you wrote about the bullying tactics of a member who you proved without a shadow of a doubt was using a sock puppet. That person was ao, whose doppelganger was troof.
You can Ctrl F and read the post if I give you the opening of your post to him, which was : –

“troof-ao-I’m confused. I was responding to troof, but … is that the same as ao?”
What confuses me is that this man was outright banned for bullying and spitefulness, and he’s now back, still doing it, 6 years later!!! Also, I suggest studying the ip address of Captain Queeg, because, I assert, it’s one and the same!!! Fin

Absolutely one cannot force people to engage in discussions that do not interest them. A person can be disappointed in this and express that disappointment. And no, I do not expect Chris and Adam (who can speak for themselves by the way) to do the work for me or anyone else. They have in the past written articles inviting discussion on ‘soft side’ topics such as spirituality and emotional resilience. My observation was that there was underwhelming commentary participation, which to me signals a lack of interest. But it was not surprising given that this site is perceived to be dominated by men, something ao also spoke to in his comment. This is neither good nor bad. It just is. The issue lay with the acceptance of ‘what is’, which is at times much easier said than done.
What I find rich is the luxury of having a choice and getting to decide where to focus our interests and efforts. That could be viewed as yet another form of wealth; that we are lucky enough that our stations in life enable us to be unaffected by or choose to remain uniformed of things that are so devastating to so many others. We are so fortunate that we can be arguing about these things and (hopefully not) living them.
This discussion reminded me of a fabulous series of essays one of which was about the difference between morals and ethics. The author posits that morals are how you treat people you know, whereas ethics refers to how you treat people you do not know. I agree with his thinking. It is not just that society’s moral fabric has been torn apart, as ao is saying, but more importantly, the ethical foundation has completely crumpled, which is why we are seeing the individual and societal breakdowns and inabilities to cope, all of which result in endemic, systemic mental health and domestic violence issues.
The consequences of ethical failings must be laid squarely at the feet of the leaders’ managers. But we knew that already, didn’t we? But that does not mean that individuals get off scot free. If we truly are all in this together, and if we truly are on our own as Chris suggests, then we must ensure we maintain not just a strong moral compass, but an ethical one as well.
Jim, I have no idea what you are talking about – yelling at me a few days ago. There are so many threads and forums now it is next to impossible to keep track of my own comments never mind anyone else’s. In any event, I forgive you ? Thanks for sticking up for me, even though it is not necessary. And thank you for the beautiful captioned video! Wow, such simple, tranquil living. I can feel the steam coming out of my ears from all the chili peppers though! After watching this one can be led to think that there is still hope for humanity!
Stay well everyone!

thankyou so much for doing such an excellent job of breaking down ao’'s horrendous series of out-right lies. I have the greatest respect for your ability to quick study.
The disgusting way he tried to spin your objections, and avoid answering direct questioning are classic gaslighting tactics. They also give proof of a decidedly lacking ethical or moral fibre. His manipulative nature has left me room to pause.

“Also, I suggest studying the ip address of Captain Queeg, because, I assert, it’s one and the same!!!”
Thank you Fin,
I will be happy to engage in meaningful and intelligent conversation sans the IP addy investigation… Furthermore, my intention is not to bully or engage in spiteful behavior…after all, this isn’t ZeroHedge…
Rather, I was merely making an observation of your post & was not hurt and had no malicious intent. Your assertion is incorrect.

... and surely this forum has the means to do such checks with a moderator, Captain Queeg? Fin

Aren’t we all adults here, capable of making our own decisions? Why, then, would we feel it necessary to wait for permission to protect ourselves from viral assault? I’ve worn a mask during times of wildfire smoke, when my FD fought a house fire, sometimes even when campfires were too smoky. Central TX is known to be allergy central for the country–when my white car looks yellow because of pollen, you’d better believe I’ll protect myself.
Have I gotten strange, sidelong glances from others? Sure. They might have bothered me when I was younger, but certainly not since I’ve gotten old enough to wear a purple outfit with a red hat.
If you are afraid that the disapproval may become physically threatening–wear your other personal protection out in the open (where legal) or at least wear a belt holster with a can of bear spray. Bullies tend not to bother those who look ready to defend themselves.
But, most of all, take responsibility for your own health and safety. And to the devil with anyone who doesn’t like it.

I’ve only read the first couple of essays, but I can tell it is going to be well worth reading the whole thing (eventually). Thanks so much for posting this link; a great payoff for reading down this whole thread. (And, I have to say, the tenor of the last several posts – the last 24 hours – was much more constructive. Which is heartening.)

Good article. Most people don’t realize what impact has this virus on relationships. Here I’m also talking about me and my ex-girlfriend. We weren’t living together, but as soon as I proposed to her I had everything ready to move in with her. Unfortunately, life didn’t want us to go on the same path anymore because after just 3 months of quarantine we broke up… We had no idea what it meant to live together, not to mention the immense pressure from this virus, the boredom, everything. The first month has been Heaven, but slowly things degenerated and we became toxic for each other. It still broke my heart when I think about it, especially now that she has met someone else. How can you move that fast…? I don’t know how to get over jealousy and sadness. I need a new, fresh start…

I agree, everyone should not be afraid of Corona virus. It is curable and there are vaccines that can help us be immune to the disease. If your girl or boyfriend left you because you contacted Covid, try to use adult dating apps to find another love interest.

Why Not?

I really don’t know why women went for this cheating light. And who ever told them that female adultery is the same as male. The role of a woman in a family is different, emancipation or not. This is why I wanna find a date near me and spend some time with a girl before I propose. I wanna be sure she will not get involved into anything forbidden with my neighbors and dont disgrace me.

My brother said that he had nothing against dating women near him, but to be honest, he preferred foreign girls. He once read about the magic of long-distance relationships and he said that he would do his best to marry such a girl. 

Hi Robie,
your post is 4 yrs. old already but shows up when I put in LGD.
Can you tell me whether my recent post comes up that I’ve send in about our LGDs?
I can’t find it.

Thanks a lot