Economic Shockwaves

They seem to have done a remarkable job of stopping the spread of the corona virus. It’s particularly impressive given its population size and population density and the Diamond Princess incident.
Paging Mots?

I hesitate to give concrete examples b/c they might be taken as recommendations rather than suggestions. And the situation is so fluid that any suggestion acted on today could end up losing value in the next few months, regardless of its future prospects. In other words, “timing is everything”. For example, oil looks cheap at $20/barrel, but are the oil companies cheap? Will they be cheaper in 6 months? If I suggest oil and somebody buys it tomorrow, and gets their head handed to them by a steep decline… that’s not a situation I want to get into. It’s one of the limits of public discussions involving potential financial losses. Thank you all for understanding.

Hi Granny,
Good story. I agree with you that being overly judgmental is a bad way to live.
What I was trying to express…and obviously didn’t do it too well…was that Man pales in comparison to the creative forces behind the universe. What I got from Ision was a reverence toward man as being the supreme force …and I was trying to show the fallibility of man and the perfection of whoever or whatever created this universe.

The amount of misinformation that is being pedaled about the Coronavirus is abhorrent. I’ve posted my assumptions. They may in fact be conservative, but time will tell.
I won’t pay attention to anyone regarding this who doesn’t explain in detail their statements or projections.
Regarding Fortune 500, that doesn’t enhance credibility in this instance. Fortune 500 companies have a horse in this race. Their projections may be made to support their company, or profits, rather than disseminate unbiased information.
Dr. Albert Bartlett always advised not to take anything you read at face value, until you do the math.
That is what I did and my math is 100% accurate given the assumptions I specifically spelled out. You can dispute my assumptions specifically but not my math. If you want me disagree with my projection, tell me what input your guru disagrees with.

…and I was trying to show the fallibility of man and the perfection of whoever or whatever created this universe.
Ah beautiful! I agree completely.

Some ideas:

  • Stuff that you normally consume in the course of a year
  • Garden tools
  • Mechanic's tools*
  • Vehicles from 1980s and earlier*
  • Jars and lids
  • Pressure canner
  • Ammunition (right now, it's not generally available but might be in a few months)
  • Five-gallon food-grade buckets and gamma seal lids
  • Batteries
  • Chainsaw and chain
  • High-quality clothing
  • Water storage (also generally not available now)
  • Generator
  • Small solar panel and batteries

I understand the emotionally dominated intellect. I understand people, who believe their emotions to be the primary method of cognition, and not the secondary cognitive events they really are. I understand what emotions are…and what it is, which causes them.
If one is Rational, their emotions shall be rational, and they shall be able to express to you exactly why they are experiencing them.
If one is not rational, their emotions shall also be irrational, and they shall not be able to express why they feel as they do in comprehensible terms. Until one can understand the reason they feel as they do…about ANY issue…and can explain the reason to others…the emotion will remain irrational.
The key to understanding your emotions is to understand they are created by your mind, in reaction to a cognitive, or sensory, experience, and are all spawned by your adopted values, whether these values are consciously realized, or not.
If you do not understand why you feel as you do, you may be unaware of the value which created it, and upon your discovery of this value, you may find it to be repugnant.
Because a huge portion of the population defaults to their emotional flux as their method of cognition, propaganda is effective, and the manipulation, and injection, of desirable value sets, allow for easier control of the herd.
If we know how you are “wired” we can cause you to act as we wish, or prevent you from acting, by deliberately evoking the proper emotion.
The average person’s intellect is laced with all sorts of emotional triggers, they have no idea exist and no comprehension of how they are used by manipulators. Many of these ingrained emotional triggers have only one primary function, and that is to shut down your cognitive function…or to turn off your mind…and to shut you up.
As for out of body experience…
It seems our intellectual experience is not rigidly fixed in time, or space, (say two inches behind our eyes)…as we normally experience it.
But, if I start to try to explain this subject to everyone, it could take many pages to even begin to lay the foundations for comprehension. Most will not be emotionally able to grasp some key concepts, as the ramifications may be unsettling to them.
So, I shall just touch upon a few things, you might already be somewhat familiar with.
Each of us has more than one center of consciousness and out intellects function more as a collective of cooperating “minds,” which strive with the whole, but may have individual interests, not shared.
“Future Memory” takes place, where the intellect suddenly leaves the “now,” and finds itself experiencing a future sensory event, usually of great emotional impact. The experience is not out-of-body…as the body is still sensed in the “now,” but what one may see and hear…is an experience from a future event…which may be only a minute away. This future memory may last only ten seconds and when it ends, one returns to the normal sensory input of the “now.”
The person experiencing this, upon returning to the “now,” is emotionally convinced the experience they have just had is real…and the future event they have just witnessed is going to happen…again, but this time in the “now.”
Knowing this future is about to happen, exactly as you have already seen it happen, what does one do? Can one take advantage of this experience? Can one act to alter the future memory from what one experienced to something else? Can one change the future from what one witnessed?
The answer is, No. When the future arrives, which you have “remembered” a minute before…what transpires will be exactly the same as your future memory experience was, without flaw.
Remote Seeing.
I was an operative for the U.S.Government, working mostly for the NSA, when my controlling officer came into my office and handed me a small, black & white photograph. The picture was of a dark-haired man, dressed in a white shirt, with its long sleeves rolled up, and white cotton slacks. His hair was combed back, but still covered the top of his ears and he had a large mustache. He was standing in a dark, featureless room, with bare walls and not furniture. The floor looked like bare stone. He stood, arms folded, looking at the camera with an calm expression, and looked to be about 30 years old.
“Tell me where this picture was taken,” asked my Superior, as I stared at the picture, wondering why I have been given it.
Without thought, I dispassionately replied, in matter of fact tones. And told him exactly in what country, in what city, in what building, and it WHAT ROOM of that building, this picture had been taken in.
“How did you know this?” My boss asked, startled.
“I have no idea,” I said, which was the truth.
“Well,” My Superior said, “You are exactly right.”
The subject is difficult…especially in this form. It is best addressed with good wine and a comfortable place to converse…
We are all bits of Existence, seeking to fathom Existence, and to avoid the torments of stagnation.

Linda, it sounds like your library has a lot of overlap with mine! The main difference seems to be that you are waaaay better organized than I am! I have at least a thousand books (on many topics, some completely unrelated) – drives my wife crazy. Anyway, I do think books are valuable, and will be in the (not so distant?) future – one of the reasons I “hoard” them. The other reason, of course, is that you can learn something from a good book. Loved Sharon Astyk’s “Depletion and Abundance”.
So many books, so little time. I very much look forward to retiring in another year or so, and reading some of the books I own but haven’t had time to actually read yet! (Several Derrick Jensen books loom between some vintage bookends on my dad’s old desk…) In the meantime, I will make time for expanding my garden this year, and read more if/when I can.
Be well!

Math is a language which may deal with a factual description of some aspect of Existence, or detail a complete fantasy, without any actual identity whatsoever.
Math is capable of fiction, just plug in the wrong variables…
No matter how many verses one wishes to postulate, no matter how many dimensions, if Reason cannot be applied, knowledge cannot be gained, and ignorance reigns.
If one wishes to ignore the Laws of Identity, in order to embrace some irrationality, they leave the realm of Reason for a place of dire contradictions, non-concepts, and terms without any definition to provide them meaning.
“There are 50 Billion universes out there…and I just know…one of these unknown, undefined, universes is just filled to capacity with magical beings!”
Reject the arbitrary claim out of hand.

I didn't submit it for your approval. I was just passing along some information a friend gave me. And I never called him a guru. And why would a Fortune 500 company NOT make projections to support their company or profits. The last I heard, they weren't an independent news agency and this number was not put out by them for public consumption. And I never disputed your arithmetic. But you know what they say about assumptions.
I think you need to go out fishing and relax a little bit. Or do you no longer do that?

Thanks! I kept thinking over and over trying to think of some way to create some kind of organization, so I would know what I had when I was “shopping”. One moment there it was, so obvious, eureka!! I suddenly remembered the libraries before all of the computers, and watching the librarians going through the index card catalogs they had…
Completely agree about being able to learn from books, I have my favorites. “Gaia’s Garden” is one, the first book I read about Permaculture. Wow, it made so much sense to me. I also have some of Derrick’s books, even though he makes a lot of good points, at times he was a bit intense. I wonder how he feels now watching what’s happening in our world now. Out of curiousity I looked to see if he has a website he does, last article was Sept 2019 about the Amazon burning.
And there are some videos on YouTube. The most recent is “How to Listen”, to Nature especially, and how Nature gestures back once we open ourselves to waiting and listening. He talked about his experience of asking a stream “what’s it like to be you?” when he was stuck writing one of his books.
I also found another video with Derrick Jensen with “Collapse Chronicles” description was "In the final installment of the Coronavirus Chronicles, I have the pleasure and honor of speaking with Derrick Jensen, who needs no introduction here. Derrick said “it’s a very serious situation”. One of the comments below the title repeated something he talked about, “In summary, Derrick asked the question no one else thought to ask: Why are the elites suddenly so concerned with the peasants welfare? Why are they suddenly, being so ‘nice’? All over the world governments are nationalising industries and transport, working out pseudo-UBIs and are full of faux compassion. This is in complete contradiction to all the corporate elites’ behaviours. The two answers to his question he found: 1) taking “one on the chin” for the economy now is, they know, less worse than letting market forces carry on as normal, as there would then be an even bigger hit on the economy in 18 months from now. “It’s the economy stupid!” Thus it ever was. 2) The virus’ main victims seem to be men over 60 with poor health or generally just unfit. Guess what the demographic of most of the corporate elites is? Men over 60 who are generally unfit. QED they are scared shitless it’ll get them.” It’s 28 mins long, and I’m at 10 mins right now, so I’m going to post comment and finish listening to it.

I’d buy you dinner and a bottle of wine just to hear more. You remind me a lot of Pete Ralston, a consummately skilled martial artist and brilliant author and philosopher as well. What you posit has remarkable similarity to what posits in one of his books, The Book of Not Knowing: Exploring the True Nature of Self, Mind, and Consciousness. I may not agree with you about everything but that’s OK. I still enjoy indulging in intelligent conversation with someone I can learn from and, in turn, perhaps share a bit of what I know.
Might you have a disconfirmation bias though? Here’s a disconfirming question. What evidence would you have to be presented with to change your mind about the existence of transdimensional entities, a supradimensional realm, or a supreme being?

Well, I just hope you don’t have a melt down when things you call irrational suddenly present themselves to your consciousness. (One or the others of them.) I really have a feeling something is coming your way that may rock your world view. And I think you will handle it.

Call to US action this morning! Stores force dairy farmers to dump milk!
Uninformed grocery stores that limit milk purchases are forcing farmers to dump milk instead of processing it for people to use — this as jobless people are starving. Engage locally today. Check your local farmers and if they are OK, pressure the stores.
If local farmers need help, see if you can catalyze an effort to expand cheese factories and directly distribute their raw milk. You may end up seeing violation of their contracts and local laws about distributing unprocessed milk. Help them navigate that also.
Call every store in your neighborhood and tell them to stop limiting milk purchases. Write to all the major grocery chains to ask them to cut it out. No limits on milk purchases.
if your financial situation allows it, buy some milk for school lunch and food banks locally.
Tell all your friends to pressure the stores. If this continues dairy farmers will stop producing and both healthy food and the rural economy will suffer. This is not just factory farms. This is small family farms that have been holding on by their fingernail for 50 years. This will probably be their death blow.
Please help today

While I was checking the markets today… Nothing to worry here, time for that V-shaped recovery! (end sarcasm)

It seems like a lot of people genuinely believe this will be over by the end of April, although some are using the word months which most think / believe is two months.
We’re in for a collective shock when this isn’t really over until there is a proven vaccine available for mass consumption (18m?-24m?) or when we get herd immunity by accident because 75-80% of the population get infected before the vaccine is ready.
Folks planning their lives around getting back to normal in early May or at the worst early June, and it’s not likely to be that way. Just ugh.
Hopefully I’m mistaken…

“we could reach a point of cataclysmic failure abruptly“. I agree - very possible. Almost no one acknowledges this. What happens next? It’s brutal.

Recently, US and British government managers have complained that China’s CCP withheld vital public information during the honey badger disease onset. Chris correctly pointed out that this complaint is deceptive due to the existence of well-funded intelligence services. However, genuine responsibility exists because the CCP prohibited the sale of bush meat after the 2003 SARS outbreak, then subsequently relaxed those regulations knowing very well that novel diseases jump to humans via their wet markets. It has been noted that China has not been forthcoming with accurate disease information and it has apparently stopped reporting altogether according to the Woldometer Coronavirus Update site. Withholding disease information expresses a special kind of arrogance, particularly since a fair share of responsibility and liability lies with Chinese rulers. Actions speak louder than words, and these actions couldn’t be plainer. It may take a war to pull Western Economies out of the coming depression. It is deeply sad but fitting that the Chinese government is spoiling for this adversarial role.

Adam & Chrisd -
Please do tell us more about what you think is next!