Europe's Energy Suicide

Brilliant Episode - Thank You For The Education

Really enjoyed this, and learned a lot of need-to-know info - the basic but nuanced knowledge we aren’t getting from the mainstream.

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I’m sure you’ve already looked into the possibility of pole shift causing this and debunked it perhaps but I’ve read multiple articles which say “climate change” is the result of north pole shift. The Intuits in Canada say this is what is happening. The sun doesn’t rise in the same spot for them any longer and gets hotter earlier in the day.

Article About Australian Energy Issues

I just found this article and it explains how current situation may/will affect Australia. Yes, it is MSM article but it was actually informing not indoctrinating.
I was interested how Australia will be affected by this crisis and this certainly helps.

Getting Energy To The Final User

In this incredible video you discuss a lot of the variables of types of oils and the refineries built to handle different types.
One of the other main issues is transporting oil and it’s derivatives to markets. Rail and trucks are the most flexible of our means, but oil and gas lines are not. Special ships and terminals are being built for compressed natural gas. That is the tip of the iceberg as I think about this. We like to think the whole world can be virtual and ‘online’
The problem of plugging an EU appliance into a USA socket is peanuts compared to this transportation issue. Are there any members out there who can explain these issues in more detail.

The germans don’t need an army. De facto they are still occupied by UK/USA.

FWIW I’m only suspecting that long term storage of gas has requirrements, stabilizer? Please research to protect your investment. Certainly rotate your storage through usage, replacement. Good luck.

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What’s A Hot Particle Like You Doing In A Place Like This?

What’s A Hot Particle Like You Doing In A Place Like This?
Spoiler alert: supported by a gift from Gates Ventures LLC to the Carnegie Institution for Science.

Shortage Of Neon

Chris, YouTube video about shortage of Neon and Russia’s control of the resource.

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Saudi Oil

How useful will Saudi oil actually be if they release more to please Biden? I presume refineries used to Russian oil will not be geared up to use it at present.

What About Hydrogen

I attended the Hannover Messe, Europe’s largest industrial trade show last week, and everything was about the hydrogen energy transition for industrial applications. Why was this energy source not discussed?