Expanding Our Reach

Hi Chris and Adam-
   On a practical note, one concern I would have would be whether you were ready with the additional level of support on the website that an abrupt surge of visitors may require.  In particular, I'm thinking your moderators may be hard-pressed to keep up with the additional work-load that a sudden influx of a large number of newbies may generate, people who are not used to the higher-than-normal expectations for respectful interaction here.  I think it will be important to be sufficiently prepared to handle such a surge to keep the site from getting overwhelmed with inappropriate and distracting posts.   

   I imagine you've already thought of this -you probably had to deal with it after Chris's book came out- but figured  I'd throw it out there just in case you hadn't.

   As you have rightfully taught us, "trust your gut" in making your decision on how to proceed!

Chris, Adam,
Have you thought about doing this as a documentary and going live on Netflix?
If you’re looking to court a demographic, I think there is particular importance to be placed on students, and entering a bid into a media outlet that is a bit more easy to approach (a 1.5 hour documentary discussing the cause/effect matrix as it relates to the three E’s) would be a significant step towards making this message more approachable. This might help the message cross out of the blogosphere and into academia… Especially considering students are increasingly politically confused and apathetic to party politics.
Imagery, a narrative and a good score could take a presentation and make it an extremely easy and accessible message without speaking directly to or through a (perhaps) biased or political medium.

Don't try to expand, your message will be destroyed. Let the market come to you, own your own terms. You are selling information, and the value of that information is not determined by how many people are exposed to it, but rather by the perceived need for it.
You cannot create the need for your information without destroying the credibility of it. The market must create the need for your product, and it will if you can just hang in there long enough. You have positioned yourself perfectly, and your patience and endurance will be rewarded exponentially if you just wait for those seeking your message to come to you.

All the Best,
